Eyes in the Shadows - The Watchers: Part 2
Eyes in the Shadows
The Watchers: Part 2
“Thank you so much, you saved my hide.”
Elyse rambled as she quickly climbed off Cailu, who had plopped on the floor, tongue out in its whole length while trying to catch his breath. Aethone and Meline were right next to them, also barely standing up and hyperventilating thanks to the intense race. Elyse’s breathing rate was also elevated, but thanks to the adrenaline shot she experienced while hitching a ride on Cailu’s back.
“No problem.”
Cailu managed to jam these words between his breaths, after which he continued his recovery. Aethone raised her eyes to see where they ended up, to which Elyse also turned around to familiarize herself with the surroundings.
The first word this place brought up in their minds was ‘hive’. The spacious chamber was well-lit, boasting a handful of towering trees in the middle of it. The trees were used to build platforms and nests, which were all connected by woven ladders and bridges. The cavern walls were riddled with countless tunnel entrances, and what little rocky space was left was painted in murals. This was the heart of the Watchers clan, their little hidden safe spot to rest, relax by painting or exchange information.
“Welcome, we’ve been expecting you.”
A voice above them startled them all and as they instinctively turned to the source, they saw a dark colored fluffy Haedian, hanging upside down right above them. His pupilless eyes shimmered with curiosity as he descended to the ground, somehow keeping his head in position the whole time. This sent a very slight chill down Meline’s spine.
“I am Saikaam, leader of the Watchers. You managed to clear our race course without any severe injuries, that’s impressive.”
He moved around the bunch, examining them from different angles as he talked.
“Uhmm… thank you, we’re glad to be here. May I ask, why are you called the Watchers?”
Meline had recovered enough to speak, even though her throat was hoarse from the intense panting thanks to which her friendly voice crackled a few times. Elyse looked at Saikaam with happy puppy eyes, she didn’t know that the Haedians can also boast an Angora coat.
“We keep an eye on the whole Beneath. We’ve been observing your journey, and based on what we’ve seen, we’ve been waiting to meet you.”
Saikaam finished his examination tour, returning to the spot in front of them, eyes on Aethone as he processed her size. Cailu managed to stand up but it was clear he was still wobbly on his feet, poor thing was exhausted.
“Before I can tell you more, I have a task for you.”
Saikaam sat down, still looking at the topsiders. It was now that Meline realized she didn’t see Saikaam blink for once the whole time.
“As long as it’s not another race through the maze, we’re listening.”
Aethone responded in all her casual seriousness, but Meline, Elyse and Cailu couldn’t help but to snort at her sense of humor.
“Quite the opposite - two of ours managed to injure themselves today in the race, so their watchpoint needs substitutes for tonight. I’d like you to take it over.”
This piqued everyone’s interest. Meline and Elyse already imagined the scenic views they’ll see while Aethone hoped the watchpoint could carry her weight. Cailu also agreed to keep them company, and having given Saikaam the confirmation, he cocked his head to the side, then stood up and asked everyone to follow him.
Saikaam took them through one of the tunnels that lead back towards the territory of the Druids. Fortunately, Aethone managed to squeeze herself through some of the tightest spots so they all made it to the ledge where the tunnel ended. In front of them were the treetops of the Druids’ grove, and at this level, only now could they see how there were small connected platforms hidden in the canopy. Saikaam headed to the end of the ledge, the other four in tow. That corner had just the right opening between the trees to reveal the gorgeous landscape of the Druids territory. Saikaam instructed them to keep watch in there, and if they felt like it, they could quietly move to one of the platforms in the nearby tree (bar Aethone as the structures probably can’t handle her jumping on them). Wishing them luck, he vanished from sight.
“He didn’t mention what we need to look out for, did he?”
Elyse turned to her companions, to which Meline’s eyes widened.
“He didn’t indeed… I hope it’s nothing serious. Cailu, are there any monsters down here?”
Cailu had already curled up in a comfortable spot. He mumbled something incoherent in response, then his body relaxed and breathing went deep and heavy. Looks like carrying Elyse through the race took a serious toll on him, and without an answer, Meline started to overthink.
“Oh sweet Holy, what if there are monsters down here? Saikaam didn’t mention this either, what if that’s our next trial?”
“Meline, chill, we can handle it together. Saikaam said they just keep an eye on the Beneath, not fight the monsters.”
Aethone attempted to comfort the Empyrian with her common sense while she was already scanning the perimeter together with Elyse. This reminded something to Elyse as her ears perked up and she looked at Meline.
“Oh, Meline. That’s such a lovely name. I’ve heard it spoken in Vitalus, are you the Shaman, by chance?”
“Y-yes, that’s how I’m also called.”
Meline definitely didn’t expect a random Vayron she ran into in the Beneath, of all places, to recognize her. This conversation helped her to take her mind off the anxious thoughts, so she also joined the other two at the watchpoint, leaving Cailu to softly snore by himself. Elyse smiled at Meline, to which she responded with the same.
“It’s very nice to meet you in person, I hope you don’t mind if I later on ask you for some healing-related advice?”
“Not at all, I’m glad to share my knowledge.”
Then Elyse turned to look at Aethone, who still kept her attention on the task but still had one ear turned towards the conversation.
“And sadly I haven’t heard anyone speak your name, what may I call you?”
A very brief answer from Aethone and her attention still being away, Elyse realized that she isn’t that into having a conversation. At least not now.
“Oh, you’re injured. Please allow me to fix that.”
Before Aethone could protest, Elyse placed her small soft paw on Aethone’s right forelimb. The Puller could feel a warm sensation crawl into her body, which took a tour all around her before disappearing, leaving her feeling so much better and refreshed. Meline watched with curiosity and mildly cursed mentally for not noticing it herself. Instead, she focused on her bruised wings and eased the soreness with her own magic. Aethone looked at Elyse and extended her heartfelt gratitude, even smiling very slightly.
“Thank you. I feel so much better now.”
Elyse chuckled in return. At least there was a way to get the big girl’s attention, but she understood perfectly well that right now they need to keep their focus on the task Saikaam entrusted to them. After exchanging a few more words with Meline and Aethone, Elyse sat down between them and started scanning the perimeter, now the only noises being a slight breeze playing with the treetops and Cailu’s calm snoring behind them.
Hours passed, but the Reoseans couldn’t tell the passage of time anyway without the Sun. The crystals illuminating their surroundings dimmed down, indicating the so-called nighttime of the Beneath. All of them yawned from time to time, but took the job at hand seriously enough not to nod off. Elyse occasionally made some comments in a hushed voice, to what Meline often answered with a tiny conversation. This helped them to stay awake and not to join Cailu in his sweet slumber.
The Egress Unveiled entry for The Watchers (1322 words)
Option 2: The race was difficult, but you made it through. Your initiation isn't over yet though. The clan maintains a network of lookout posts in high vantage points throughout their territory, offering panoramic views of the underground realm and alerting them to any potential threats. Your task now is to spend a night at one of these positions, serving as a watch. Draw or write your Reosean at the vantage point. Are they careful about their job, or more careless? Do they have trouble staying awake?
Meline, Aethone and Elyse stand guard while Cailu is having a beauty nap.
Submitted By Trinanigans
for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago