It’s Not So Bad Down Here - The Tranquil: Part 1

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It’s Not So Bad Down Here
The Tranquil: Part 1


“Nonono, we’ll rest when we get to the next clan, the Tranquil. Chop-chop now, it won’t be far, and I’m sure you’ll like it much better than the last two!”

   Cailu energetically trotted in the front, having roughed-up Meline and Aethone in tow. The trials with the Brutes had left mixed feelings in Meline, while Aethone had enjoyed some rougher games with an opponent who was able to stand up to her. Still, the Brutes didn’t seem to be very welcoming towards Meline for her “cheating” in the games, so they decided to move on as quickly as possible. Wardac felt too much guilt for having put Meline in such a situation, so he broke off from the group and started to seek his way back to the surface.

   Not too far away from the entrance to the Tranquil clan’s territory, Cailu suddenly stopped, looked forward with perked up ears and seemed slightly surprised.

“Oh, another top sider. Hello! Are you alright?”

   Meline peeked out behind Cailu while Aethone could just see over their heads. Further in the tunnel was a Puller, and when he turned around the silver spectacles glistened in the soft light of the underground crystals. The new face seemed to be relieved having found someone, especially another Vayron down here, and even smiled as he trotted closer to the group.

“Oh heavens, thank you! I’m alright, perhaps just a bit lost. Silly me shouldn’t have let my group out of the sight. Say, mind if I join you for a little while? Till I’m reunited with my companions, that is.”

“Yes, you may join! We’re on our way to the Tranquil, Cailu can explain more.”

   Meline perked up as she was always happy to help a fellow soul in trouble. The stranger made a slight bow as thanks, but then gasped.

“My, where are my manners? I’m Caelan, a scholar from Vitalus. It’s very nice to meet you.”

   Having exchanged names and spent some time chatting, the group moved on. As usual, Cailu lead the way while listening the others talk, Aethone kept quiet and just looked around, trying to memorize the path they had taken while Meline was busy chattering with Caelan, exchanging knowledge they’ve gained on this new world and just talking about some good educational books.

   The tunnel grew wider and taller, till it opened up to a spacious cave chamber. It was big enough to host a small forest of strange trees in it, and given how the tree roots were wrapped around the glowing crystal formations it was safe to say that’s what they used as an energy source to flourish. The Tranquil had made home here as various tents, hammocks and nests decorated the forest and the members of the clan took care of their everyday business. Meline, Aethone and Caelan were looking around with curiosity while Cailu confidently trotted before them towards the heat of the clan. The atmosphere here was so much cleaner, quieter and pleasant compared to the first two clans. As a matter of fact, the Haedians here didnät seem to talk at all as they exchanged gestures and expressions instead. The Reoseans couldn’t help but feel relaxed by just being here.

   The clearing in the center had many Haedians fuss around but they did so without a hurry. Cailu indicated for the three to wait here for a bit while he himself slipped away towards a larger tent in the distance. The Tranquil seemed very peaceful, as they curiously peeked at the newcomers, some of them even approached to initiate a friendly conversation and several Haedian pups started weaving braids into Aethone’s tail and Meline’s fluffy neck.

   Cailu soon returned with another Haedian following him, and after having exchanged names and heartfelt greetings, the Hae now known to our Pullers and Empyrian as the clan’s leader Pyrri spoke up with a pleasant friendly voice.

“We’re very glad to have you here. You arrived just in time - would you mind helping us out with preparing some food for the Forgotten clan? Looks like they’ve been actively on the move again, which means they must be hungry.”

   Meline and Aethone decided to keep their tongues regarding how they also had already paid a secret visit to the Tranquil a day or so ago, thanks to which they both nodded their heads a bit too enthusiastically.

“We definitely don’t mind helping out. As a matter of fact, would the kind leader allow us to try out some of the feast as well? Even though I’m already confident the local cuisine must be wonderful.”

   Thanks to Caelan’s question, Aethone and Meline felt a hunger pinch at their stomachs. To their luck, Pyrri was more than glad to share food with them afterwards. Pyrri turned to other Haedians, introduced the new critters and explained with the silent gesture language that they’re here to help with the meal preparations, to which the clan members’ faces beamed up with warm smiles as they guided Meline, Aethone, Caelan and even Cailu to tasks that could use more pawpower.

   Meline found herself useful at chopping up local vegetables together with Cailu. One of the Tranquil explained how to prepare them for boiling, so Meline eagerly got to it. She didn’t even notice how her claws were soon stained with deep purple liquid from the work, as she found it quite relaxing to do a simple repetitive task after the adventures she already had been through. Since Aethone and Caelan didn’t possess toes long enough to hold Haedian tools, they found themselves useful by feeding the fire under the cauldrons and stirring the soup in one cauldron and a delicious-smelling stew in another. Caelan managed to drown the spoon in the soup a couple of times, so Aethone took that task for herself while Caelan was bringing firewood and adjusted the embers to heat the cauldrons more evenly.

   The Haedians seemed pleased with the work the three top siders were doing, hitting them up with warm smiles as they came by to add more vegetables or seasoning. One of them tried to chat with Meline in the gesture language, which she sadly couldn’t understand so Cailu gestured this info back at them. The Hae seemed sad for a brief moment, but then came closer and talked to Meline in a quiet voice, which made her happy. They helped Meline and Cailu to clean up when they were finished with their task, while Aethone was fighting herself not to impolitely take a mouthful out of the mouthwatering stew. Fortunately, Caelan was on the other side of the cauldron and kept an eye on the food himself, which prevented hungry Aethone from surrendering to her intrusive thoughts.

   When Meline and Cailu managed to scrub off the purple stains from their claws and fingers in a nearby stream, they joined the Tranquils carrying bowls, pillows and blankets to the clearing. When the already cozy field was made even cozier, it was time to invite the guests. Meline and Cailu joined the group of Tranquil who headed to the territory of the Forgotten while Aethone and Caelan stayed behind to pour out first portions for the upcoming underground feast.

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It’s Not So Bad Down Here - The Tranquil: Part 1
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In Storyline Events ・ By Trinanigans

The Egress Unveiled entry for The Tranquil (1200 words)

Prompt 1 - Draw or write about your Reosean partaking in peaceful measures such as gifting aid to other clans, helping mend injured Reoseans, or negotiating peaceful terms around a rising conflict between two clans.

Featuring  MelineAethone and Caelan following Cailu to new friends.

Submitted By Trinanigans
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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