Druids 3 (Wassail)
The meeting with the Oracle had gone splendidly, in the eyes of Aruis, who watched the red and green winged runner take care of the ancient tree. He was looking between the golden words as they shone through the bark. Wassail realized before too long that he was able to read most of the words that appeared. He was reading them quietly to himself when he felt Auris brush his shoulder with the fuzzy brown tail of his. He looked over his shoulder, letting his wings droop to meet the others' gaze.
“You’ve done extremely well reading through the Oracle's messages. Not often do they allow an outsider so close to read them, and even smaller do they allow one to understand them.” Auris spoke softly, looking from the red and green backed runner back towards the ancient tree.
“Oh? Thank you, Auris, hearing you speak of this from your perspective is truly something.” Wassail hummed as he turned his head back towards the tree in question.
“Of course, little one. Whenever you are ready, please do follow me back to the main room, as we have something to show you.” The green and brown fluffy Haedian smiled to himself, looking at the vayron out of the corner of his eye.
The duo sat by the ancient tree for an extended length after those words were spoken, before standing to head back to the main gathering location of the Druids. The walk back seemed to last thrice as long as the trip to the ancient forest’s heart. Quiet steps on the dirt covered stone turned into crunching gravel as they passed through the smooth carved stone corridors. The walls were littered with crystal holders carved deeper in to the stone than some, allowing the light of it to shine throughout the halls. Shadows danced around them, stretching and shrinking. They passed by different sized rooms that held within, different sized and colored haedians. Each were doing different tasks that had to do with the preservation of plant life down in the underground depths.
“We are not far off now.” Auris hummed, his tail moving in sweeping lengths with every step he took.
His stride was twice that of the runners and Wassail realized he had fallen behind the leader. He picked up his pace in to a trot, internally cursing his shorter stature comparatively to the lankier being. He caught up soon though and was met with a much larger cavern, similar to where he and Deidra had planted the seeds when he first met the clan.
“Welcome to the heart of our clan territory, we wish to welcome you in to the clan.” Auris smiled as he turned to look at the runner who stared at the walls in awe.
“Thank you again, Auris, your territory is absolutely stunning.” Wassail grinned as he looked around the room in awe.
The room they had come in to was extensive comparatively speaking then to rest they had passed by, but not in respect to the clearing the ancient forest was in. Wassail hummed as he paced the room while Auris went to greet a gathering group of elders who were whispering and murmuring to one another while glancing towards the used to be outsider.
“Young Wassail, please, come over this way.” One of the elder haedians spoke, their voice gravelly, but soft.
Looking up from the small hydroponic set up one of the younger clan members wanted to show him, Wassail thanked the youngling and padded off in the direction of the collection of older haedians.
“Hello, elders, I thank you for allowing me to view your amazing clan. I have learned many amazing topics that can also be applied to the farms and groweries above ground.” The scarlet and sea teal vayron smiled, lowering his head in a bow of respect.
“Of course, young one, Auris speaks highly of you, and has mentioned that you were able to decipher and talk to the Oracle this last cycle, a feat most impressive.” A second elder hummed, their voice was softer compared to the first, much less gravelly too.
“Indeed, dear elder. The Oracle had much to talk about, excited to teach and to learn.” Wassail sat near the group as Auris made his way towards a hidden alcove grabbing something from it.
“Wassail, to honor the wishes of the Oracle, and to prove that you have gained our trust as well, I wish to bestow upon you, a gift from the Oracle. One of the long dormant seeds that was gifted to us from them.” Auris' voice was melodic in tone, as he walked back to the sitting group.
The green and brown haedian sat, wrapping his fuzzy tail around his back paws. Holding his paw out, he showed the vayron a relatively big seed, compared to the ones Wassail was used to seeing. He took it within his own paws, cradling it gently.
“With that in your possession, it signifies the trust we have put with you, and we will allow you to meet with the Oracle at any time you wish to. Simply let us know you will be, just so we know where you will be.” Auris continued while Wassail looked at the seed with wonder.
“Any time? That’s wonderful… Thank you Auris, this means a great deal. I will cherish it forever.” Wassai smiled at the leader, his tail swishing slowly in joy.
Submitted By MountainDewTheDutch
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago