Revere and The Keepers Part 2
Revere follows Khaldor quietly, taking in the breath-taking beauty of the heart of the keepers carefully taking note of points of intrest to look at later and prompts neutrally "So I hear you are the historians and clan most involved with the safe keeping of knowledge correct?" Khaldor nodsand answers- "Correct, The Keepers sacred duty is to engrave all knowledge gained onto crystals for the next generation and take care of the knowledge entrusted to us by the previous generations, all the way back to the founders of our clan. We keep everything within the Great Hall for all to enjoy. We have historical accounts, magic formula and scholarly lectures, beastiaries and encyclopedias and even the most comprehensive collection of folktales and stories. All kinds of knowledge have value here, to earn entrance to the halls you yourself must contribute your own knowledge to the great collection."
Revere cocks her head and pushes further, questioning "I'm honored to further expand your clans libraries, is there any requirements to do so? Must I stick to historical and factual accounts or share my own people's folktales? Is there anything I need to do to prepare?" Seemingly impressed by the thought that went into her questions he nods "Anything you see fit to share would be a great Boon. We have scant few direct accounts of the surface most of which are though tales that have passes from one haedian to another" Khaldor pauses for a moment before turning to Revere with an amused smile "Although given the audience you'll likely have tomorrow I would recommend some skills of your people, I hear you use a kind of magic quote simolar yet diffrent to our own, I myself am quite curious" he pauses for a brief second, analyzing Revere and coming to a decision on something he asks "May I make a small request? About the manuscript you're compiling about our people- once youre finish could i perhaps look over it? And if possible may i ask some information stays out of it? For the sake of my people, knowledge afterall can be dangerous if the wrong hands land upon it" he stops outside of a small cavern, the opening draped in hide with small glowing stones beaded through, amd guides her into what must be where honored guests and diplomats stay when visiting the clan, going by the quality and finery decorating the space with a suble elegance. Cooking her head and agrees readily to his request, reasonable in her mind as she's seen what damage important Information in the wrong hands has wrought "Of course. Its no hardship to me, besides I'm not much of a wordsmith so having a second pair of eyes would be acceptable, and I know all to well of that sort of thing, as you have graciously opened your homes and space to share with me I would do my best to prevent any hardships caused on my and my people's acount."
Visibly relaxing He assents giving Revere space to unload and get comfortable "Very well then, we have an accord. If it pleases I will gather you after First Meal and bring you to the Great Hall" already settling down Revere nods and Khaldor continues "If you so wish you may take the time between then and now to explore and gather more knowledge, I know several clansmen who are very curious about you and would love to share knowledge with you I myself am quite excited for what tomorrow will bring" after a bit more idle chatter the pair Splits, Khaldor leaving to take care of further things for tomorrow (and to read the book Revere gave to him) and Revere settling in and jotting down notes on an idea, based upon her unused offering- The Beastiary.
Although she isn't much of a magician she knows enough to hold her own against the threats of the beasts and creatures that reside on the surface, but these haedians know very little of such things so it would be the most useful to them in the future she supposes. Then makes a mental note to offer the beastiery to Khaldor before she parts ways with the Keepers, the book likely to become a great Boon when haedians start brav8ng the surface. Before Revere even notices it becomes later and later as she prepares notes and spells and other information likely to be practical. Eventually Khaldor stops by with Dinner- a hearty and filling soup of some kind, she supposes she'll also gave to look into gathering a haedian cookbook of sorts too, each meal she's been offered had been strange but overwhelmingly enjoyable to her. They share another brief conversation before he bids her a good rest amd she finishes up her draft, supposing it'll be good for now. Setting in for what passes as evening underground, Revere drifts off and excitedly waits for what tomorrow brings
All too soon for Reveres taste said tomorrow comes she leaves her lodging to find a meal and inhale it as quick as possible, bemoaning the fact that unfortunately- the underground enviorment not ideal for producing the caffinated beverage of her choice. Once finished she quickly os grabbed by Khaldor and brought into the great hall and off to a smaller room, reminiscent of a school room, Even moreso when a handful of haedian pups and youngsters pile in. Becoming a teacher was never on Revere's list of career choices but she decides to fill the role best she can, teaching the youngsters about the dangers and treasures of the surface: Basilisks, Unicorns, larger predatory felines and their smaller domestic cousins- the youngsters excited to hear of the owlcat specifically unrelated to either of the former despite the namesake and instead in awe as she tells them of the distant wild relatives, the OwlBears and followed by traditional bears (also unrelated). Finally she ends the lesson with a bang- teaching the youngsters who've unlocked the ability to do magic some helpful spells, a slightly edited down version of her previous ones, first going through and teaching specifically Flashbang and taking care to guide them through on its uses on blinding and disorienting others so you could escape, then a (greatly toned down) fire spell for lighting campfires and self defense most commonly termed as 'Spark'. Finally ending with a more calm spell she teaches them a basic shield- its simplicity leading to its use being limited only by how much magic you put into it. As her lesson winds down she can see some if the youngsters start yawning, tired from the magic practice despite their best efforts to show otherwise- Boos and awwws echoing as she finishes the lesson
Submitted By LoneUndead
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago