[2913] [13757] Numerous Orbs of Information [Keepers p1]

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The glow of the Depthstriders’ waters still lingered withn Pyrrah-Vos as he and Theneras stepped into the Keepers’ domain. It was vastly different, for sure—where the Depthstriders’ cavern was fluid and alive, this place felt dense and still, as if time itself slowed within the walls. The air was thick with the hum of magic and knowledge, the glowing crystals embedded into the rock flickering softly with the unknown history of the Beneath.

Pyrrah had heard of the Keepers from the other clans; their obsession with knowledge, their meticulous records etched not in scrolls or books, but in enchanted stone. Now, standing in their realm, he couldn’t help but feel small under the weight of all that they knew.

The two chasers had just come from the Depthstriders clan, full of life and playfulness, but this was different. The Keepers were all about precision and preservation, and their hunger for information about the topside was no secret. It was why they were here, after all—to offer what they knew in exchange for knowledge of their own.

As they moved deeper into the cavern, the low murmur of unseen Keepers surrounded them, watching from the shadows. It was unnerving, knowing how closely their movements were being observed. Pyrrah wasn’t sure how they would react to what he had to offer.

Theneras wasn’t the brightest tool in the shed, so honestly, he was pretty scared they were going to kick him out of the clan and leave Pyrrah behind if whatever he showed wasn’t up to par with the knowledge the Keepers collected. He could tell them about the world above, sure- but would that be suitable enough? Perhaps he could tell them about the clan he hailed from, or of the Empyrians that now roamed the sky. Maybe the machinations of carriages would be news to them, since Theneras doubted that those constructions would even fit within the cave of the Beneath. There were many simplistic things that he knew of, and that he could share, at least.

As they approached the centre of their territory they were greeted by one of the Haedians that looked as if he had golden ink flowing over his body. Theneras was too absorbed by that comparison that he completely missed the question he had asked him. 

Theneras- “Oh. Uhm… what?”

Khaldor- “I am Khaldor. What wisdom can you provide that will be weighed against your visit and stay?”

Oh. So- straightforward, Theneras thought. He bit his lip a little nervously, looking to Pyrrah beside him and hoping that the other Reosean might go first.

Pyrrah-Vos~ "Pick something easy,"

Pyrrah whispered, nudging Theneras gently with his hip. He flashed a reassuring grin, though deep down, Pyrrah was just as nervous. The Keepers weren’t known for their patience with outsiders. They craved knowledge, sure, but only the kind they considered valuable. And that’s where the pressure kicked in.

Stepping up –a little more confidently than he felt– Pyrrah tried to think of something simple. Something basic, but also something these cave-dwelling Haedians might not know. His mind flickered through life on the surface, and then it hit him.

Pyrrah-Vos~ "Well, uh... You probably already know a lot about the world beneath, but topside? There’s this thing called the sun."

He paused, trying to gauge Khaldor’s reaction, but trying to pitch it like it was enchanting all the same. The Haedian remained still, his golden-glowing form staring intently, waiting.

Pyrrah-Vos~ “It’s this massive, burning orb that rises in the sky every morning. It gives off warmth and light. Without it, nothing can grow. It controls everything The seasons, the weather, even how we tell time. Plants up top actually bend toward it as they grow. It’s kind of like... The life source of the world.”

Khaldor’s eyes narrowed slightly, his expression unreadable, but Pyrrah pressed on, hoping the concept would land.

Pyrrah-Vos~ "Since, down here, you might have your own way of growing things– but without the sun, we’d be in a bad place. It’s like.. If you lose it, you lose everything. That’s why a lot of mages learn to harness sunlight with magic. To grow food, cure sickness, or even light the way in darkness.”

He glanced at Theneras, who still looked slightly uncomfortable. Pyrrah couldn’t blame him—the air in the Keepers' realm was thick with judgement.

Theneras- “And– And we also… we also have moons!”

The chaser followed up, nodding numerous times as he spoke.

Theneras- “They are like the sun- huge balls in the sky! We have two of them- one big one, and one small. They are in balance with the sun, for when the sun goes down, the moons come up!”

Khaldor- “But you do not see the moons, then. If you cannot survive without the sun.”

Theneras- “Oh. Uh… we should probably explain that, too… So.. the sun isn’t up there permanently. I mean– I guess it is permanently? But we’re not facing the sun permanently.”

Khaldor- “So you turn your backs on the sun.”

Theneras- “No. We– all of us, every single creature in this world, reside on an orb! During certain times of the day, that orb faces towards the sun. The other side of that orb- the ones on that side face the moons! And the orb rotates, so we all get our turn seeing the sun and moons.”

The Haedians were whispering amongst one another at that news. Giant balls in the sky that never left- they weren’t exactly inspiring much security to the ones living down below where those orbs could never reach.

Theneras- “When the sun is out, it is warm. It doesn’t burn us- well… unless you stay in it for too long when it’s really hot– but it’s more like being given a warm blanket. Or a nice hug. And the moons make it colder!”

Khaldor raised his head, digesting the information that was given. They all lived on an orb… and around that orb were more orbs. How strange.

Khaldor- “The information about these sun and moons will be recorded. We thank you for your contribution.”

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[2913] [13757] Numerous Orbs of Information [Keepers p1]
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In Storyline Events ・ By Aldarch, Kelyias

Theneras and Pyrrah in their quest to prevent the Haedians from believing the flat-earth theory


Draw or Write your Reosean bringing information of the Topside to the leader of the Crystal Mind. This can be anything from illustratively describing the process of a water cycle, creating a system for transport across Vitalus’s island, or even using a display of magic to explain what you may think the Keepers would like to store into their libraries.​

Submitted By Kelyias for STORY EVENT: Prompt Submission
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

Aldarch: Pyrrah-Vos
Kelyias: Theneras
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