[2913] [13757] Those Wounded Fawns [Druids p1]

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The underground caverns beneath Vitalus were a sight to behold for Pyrrah-Vos. It was hard to imagine that such a lush, thriving forest could exist hidden away in this vast, subterranean expanse even this far into their journey. The cavern was bathed in the soft, otherworldly glow of bioluminescent plants and fungi, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The air was rich with the earthy scent of damp soil, and the distant sounds of rustling leaves and hidden creatures gave the place a vibrant, mysterious feel.

Pyrrah and Theneras were drawn by tales of a unique and reclusive Haedian clan that lived in this hidden grove, so the chasers agreed they ought to investigate. The Druids were known for their deep connection to nature and their isolation from the outside world. Pyrrah, though intrigued, was cautious, knowing that earning their trust would likely be challenging. This sort of world was nothing new to Theneras, hailing from a clan in the forest that was attuned to the nature, gods and magics surrounding them,, though he was immensely curious to seek out just how much different it was from his own status quo. 

As they made their way through the cavern, a figure emerged from the shadows—a Haedian with fur that blended seamlessly with the forest, their eyes glowing with a gentle green light that mirrored the bioluminescence around them.

Druid - “So - you’ve entered our Grove. What brings you here?”

Pyrrah took a moment to take in the scene– the ancient and mystical atmosphere of the forest. He knew that gaining the Druids’ trust would require more than just words. Those gifted with the ability to commune with nature were known to value actions and respect for their sacred space.

Pyrrah-Vos- “We’re exploring and learning about the Haedians. We mean no harm and are just curious about your ways..”

The Druid’s gaze was steady, clearly assessing Pyrrah’s sincerity. To make a positive impression, Pyrrah realised he would need to show respect through his actions. He noticed a few plants that looked like they could use some care and heard the faint sounds of a small creature in distress. Helping out seemed like the best way to prove their intentions were genuine.

Druid - “Curiosity is welcome, but respect must be earned through actions. Show us your respect for the Grove.”

Pyrrah nodded, determined to make a good impression, giving a look to Theneras to gauge if he understood the assignment. Luckily, he did. He wasn’t as good with the flora of this biome, so the chaser was hardly eager to help with those. What if he poisoned himself? Or poisoned someone else? Or plucked some random, really important holy flower? He wasn’t risking it.

But fauna, however. No matter the creature, no matter its nature, they were all composed of the same formula. He nodded to the druid Haedian and his ears perked up in the direction of the distressed animals, looking to Pyrrah after.

Theneras- “I’m better with animals than I am plants, especially since I don’t know the ecology down here.”

He explained briefly, looking up to the druid after, hoping to see some kind of reassurance there but grimacing to himself when he probably wasn’t going to get any at this time. So, time to head off then. The sounds were his main concern, so he moved into the direction of their location. Naturally, the Druid followed- judging and assessing their interaction with the environment. 

For what felt like forever, Theneras stepped around bushes and plants, his head low. The scent of a strange creature was trapped within his nose and as he sniffed he quickly found the body of a small black fawn, small bioluminescent spots on its rump, nestled on the ground. When it noticed Theneras, it turned its head low to the ground, curled in on itself and stayed quiet. That was a good sign! But the fact that it was making noises in the first place wasn’t. 

The chaser nudged his nose against the small creature, and it bleated quietly. Another bad sign. If they were anything alike to the deer above ground, it shouldn’t be drawing attention to itself. But the fact that it had curled in meant it was still aware, so it was likely a physical injury of some kind.

Theneras- “Do you see any wounds on the little thing?”

Pyrrah seemed apprehensive to try but moved on closer to the wounded critter nonetheless, his face lowered as he studied it.

Pyrrah- “There, on the inside of its leg.”

He pointed out, his paw moving to do so. The small fawn seemed to flinch, but Theneras’ calm guidance prevented it from escaping their aid just yet. The chaser felt a little out of place in this scenario, and sat himself down to watch and be ready in case Theneras needed any help. Within no time, with some aid from himself but most of it done by the white and pink chaser, the small fawn had felt so relaxed it had fallen asleep- ready to be picked up by its mother once it awoke. The wound had been treated to the best of their ability, and the Druid Haedian tore them from their duty.

Druid- “You have proven yourselves aligned with the forest. You are welcome within our clan.”

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[2913] [13757] Those Wounded Fawns [Druids p1]
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In Storyline Events ・ By Aldarch, Kelyias

Together, Pyrrha and Theneras find themselves amidst the groves of the Druids.


Draw or write your Reosean attempting to make peace with the Druids by connecting with like interests. You could tend to plants, maybe assist an injured animal, or keep away any pest that might try and harm the innocent life that grows amongst the Druid.

Submitted By Kelyias for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 4 days agoLast Updated: 4 days ago

Aldarch: Pyrrah-Vos
Kelyias: Theneras
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