Sympathy for the Outcast - The Forgotten: Part 2

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Sympathy for the Outcast
The Forgotten: Part 2


   Having once again crossed the claustrophobia-inducing tunnel, the three top-siders, Cailu and scar-faced Haedian, found themselves back at the tattered campsite of the Forgotten clan. A couple of members trotted to greet them, after which they both gasped at the logs Aethone had placed on the ground. They picked them up, thanked her for the loot and scurried away between towering boulders to take the precious materials for safe keeping. Aethone watched them go, then turned her gaze back at giggling Meline and heartily grinning Eshin, as they finally could explain to Cailu and Scarface what they achieved. Scarface seemed to approve it as he nodded, now definitely being less grumpy than he was upon meeting the guests.

“I see you have got a little taste of our way of life. Are you two pranksters up for more?”

   He didn’t have to ask twice as both Empyrians were nodding so vigorously that some black fur from their heads and necks were shaken loose in the process. Aethone took a couple steps forward to remind the Haedian of her presence, which worked perfectly as his attention moved to her, his body language slightly betraying how he was still intimidated by her sheer massiveness. Cailu seemed more accepting of the Puller’s appearance as the joy beaming off his face remained unchanged.

“And… uhh… you’re also welcome to join, you seem to have a good nose for valuables.”

“I’d prefer to go search for some food, it looks like your people could use it.”

   She wasn’t wrong, the vast majority of the clan members seemed underweight. She glanced towards a handful of scrawny young Haedians, assumingly born to this clan, who observed the commotion from a safe distance with their dull eyes. One very small one was hiding itself under another haedian, assumingly its parent, and peeked out from there. Scarface’s expression softened, agreeing to Aethone’s plan with a slight nod.

“Mmm, yes, you’re right indeed. However, such a raid requires proper preparations and planning, it’s too risky without it.”

   He then shouted out a few names, to which a handful of Haedians gathered closer, keeping their distance from the Empyrians and the Puller, but still observing them with great interest. Eshin even tried to playfully boop noses with a seemingly young one, but the other wasn’t that enthusiastic of the idea and backed away, leaving Eshin with a slightly disappointed glint in his eyes. Instead, Cailu managed to slip right next to him and gave him the boop instead, to which Eshin cheered up again.

“Listen up, everyone. We have some new… umm, people, to aid us with our next mission. Let’s see if they have any new ideas to present to us that the other clans couldn’t expect to happen, thus increasing our chances. Once we’ve agreed on it, we’ll present it to Troall for final approval.”

   Meline, Aethone and Eshin perked their ears up after hearing a new name. However, whimsical ideas started to rush into Meline’s mind so she decided to inquire about it later. She gestured to everyone to gather closer and started brainstorming on ideas, while the Haedians weighed in their opinions based on previous experiences. Eshin either nodded vigorously or shook his head to participate in the conversation, Aethone made a couple of comments here and there but otherwise just listened. Cailu had also found a comfortable spot for himself a little higher up the ground, somewhere in close proximity, just to keep an eye and ear on the discussion but mostly just to see how the topsiders communicate with his kind. The members of the Forgotten clan warmed up to them as the discussions progressed, as Meline had quite a few good ideas and Aethone had valuable input based on her own past adventures and outcomes. Eshin’s attention shifted between listening or trying to approach a distracted Haedian so he could study them a bit closer. A couple of times there were surprised yelps as the Haes discovered the sneaky Eshin, but that only convinced them that the strange new creature was capable of undetectable movement, which won support for Meline’s final plan. Aethone found the whole idea slightly childish, but it was necessary so she could fulfill her initial idea of pilfering something edible.

  Having convinced the Haedians, now it was time to check if they had the resources to pull this off. Firstly, they had to check if they had enough dark tattered fabric. They found a tent that was made from just the right amount and color, and fortunately for them, the owner of the tent was a party member and agreed to lend it to Meline, but only after she had Troall’s blessings to her scheme. Meline found it reasonable, and at that moment came Eshin around the corner, dragging another large dusty rugged fabric with him while a couple of Haedians were escorting him, both emanating sincere excitement over the upcoming raid. A crafty clan member had managed to wrap Aethone in a dull cloak that covered her bright markings, helping her to blend into the surroundings. The same Hae also fitted several empty bags and sacks under Aethone’s disguise, where she could gather all the loot. In this gear, Aethone looked even more intimidating but at the same time, for the Haedians she now looked more like one of them.

“Quite impressive.”

   A feminine voice commented on the ledge above them, to which everyone’s attention was immediately shifted up there. A black and orange-marked Haedian had appeared, a slight smirk on her face as she gave everyone a moment to process her presence before she pushed off to glide and descended right in the middle of the circle made of Haedians and the topsiders. She folded her wings and looked around with yellow glowing eyes, her Quill tail swishing from side to side a couple of times.

“I noticed you gathering things and preparing for something, would someone mind filling me in who are those and what’s going on?”

   Given the stances and respectful behavior from other Haedians, the three newcomers assumed that this must be Troall, who had the final say in whether it’s a go or a no-go. Scarface stepped forward, introduced them and explained everything, while Meline and Aethone added a few comments here and there. Eshin was busy fitting the torn piece of cloth on himself, and just in time to display Troall what they had in mind. She listened calmly, and when she was filled in on what happened and what they planned next, Troall’s lips stretched into a devious grin.

“Sounds like you’re well prepared. You have my approval, this is something I need to see for myself.”

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Sympathy for the Outcast - The Forgotten: Part 2
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In Storyline Events ・ By Trinanigans

The Egress Unveiled entry for The Forgotten (1115 words)

Option 2: You have successfully achieved your goal alongside the Forgotten Haedians. You laugh as you get away, realizing how much fun you’re having… Draw or write your Reosean preparing to target another clan. Are they donning dark paint to slip out undetected, loading a bag with stink-bugs, or something else? Preparation is key to a successful prank!

Featuring  MelineAethone and Eshin with Cailu  stepping back a bit and Troall appearing in the end.

Submitted By Trinanigans for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions
Submitted: 5 days agoLast Updated: 5 days ago

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