Tranquil Prompt 2

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As Katholes, Varos and Maple continued their advance into Tranquil territory with Cailu following after them now- not leading the way as they wanted the group of friends to take in the sights the tranquil clan had to offer on their own. And it sure was a sight to behold, everything seemed so well planned, carefully considered and beautifully built that it was a sight to see, the small subterranian gardens and parks that littered the tranquil clan housed tons of plants the friends had never seen before, as well as a bunch of glowing fauna such as mushrooms, algae but even the odd orchid looking plant that had glowing plant stems. 

"Its so pretty." cooed Maple, her eyes the size of the moon as she observed everything with childlike wonder. One thing was very noticable when it had come to the Tranquil clan and that was the quiet, it however did not feel unsettling but rather intentional, the gentle trickling of the streams of water that snaked their way through the intricate paths carved into the stone floor below was one of the only signs they heard.

"Ah a pair of newcomers I see." spoke a voice that seemed to be right inside of each of the friends ears which put Katholes on edge, and had that same effect on Varos who immediately spun around and tried to figure out where the sound came from.

Maple however immediately spoke out loud "Oh hello, where are you? and whats your name? I'm Maple." the tyrian giggled, sitting down to glance around the place hoping to make a new friend in this Tranquil clan member who had reached out to them, and indeed a Haedian with a predominantly white pelt and green speckled markings adorning their back and hinds came out of one of the surrounding stone huts, a smile on their face like that of a proud grandmother looking at their grandchild. a clawed hand came up to hold the tapestry that doubled as their doorframe out of the way as they walked out of their hut.

"My name is Emjik." spoke the Haedian, the last bit of their name ending in something aking to a birds chirp, it was hard to pronounce for the friends, with Varos immediately, quietly and stealthily (in his mind) trying to practice how to replicate the name they had just heard come from the Haedians lips.

"Katholes." said the redcoated puller, their frown only turning into a slight smile for a split second.

"and I'm Varos!" said the small chaser- only momentarily stopping their name pronouncing training session.

After the trio had given introductions they would spend the next hour simply walking around the Tranquil Clans Territory, taking in the sights and expressions, it all was as the clans name implied, tranquil and serene, a deep sense of relaxation permiating the entirety of the Tranquil's living quarters. Emjik had just gotten to finish their tour through the clans territory as the Haedian extended a hand to point at a formation of floating crystals in the plazas centre.

These of course hadnt escaped Maples keen eyes on their first round through here, but they had restrained themself to ask questions about it as she had been keen on learning of the clans traditions, Katholes had finished the round with his friends too but it had all as he had already surmised deeply bored him, or mayhaps unbeknownst even to Katholes themself, they were so quick to write off meditation and relaxation as they felt like they didnt deserve to rest and feel at peace.

"You've told me that youve travelled far and wide and have met a few clans already, however there is something we Tranquil only know how to do."  the claws reached out to the crystals, performed a quick circular motion and had them fly closer to Emjik in response.

With movements as fluid as water the Haedian commanded them to take on different formations, floating around all according to their will.

The Haedian glanced at the visitors making sure that they had the 3 Reoseans attention before continuing to talk.

"You see- the Keeper clan too knows how to manipulate crystals to their will, they use it to keep record of things like others would use books or scrolls, we however-" the haedian clasped their hand into a fist in the air, commanding the crystals to halt in the air.

"Have honed a different kind of magic- as you know we strife for peaceful measures, yet sometimes others might lash out at us in their rage, sometimes others simply get hurt due to accidents and we well." the Haedian concentrated and whilst there was nothing visible to the naked eye there, the three friends could feel it, it felt like a warm static that came in bursts from the Haedian, making each of their pelts stay on end.

Maple was awestruck, same for Varos whilst Katholes took a step back, not associating such strong magic auras with anything good.

"We use it to mend broken bones and heal even the deepest of wounds." concluded Emjik with a smile, causing the crystals to glow a bright white as they closed their eyes. the light from the crystals felt purifying and soothing as if it could melt all of their problems away by just basking in its glow.

"Wow." said Varos, Maple nodding to show that she shared that same opinion.

"You must be great doctors!" added the tyrian with a beaming smile to which the Haedian grinned back, mirroring her excitement. 

"It actually takes a lot out of us to heal severe injuries but its important for us to keep the peace, so we do what we must." they responded earnestly.

Katholes rolled their eyes lightly, thinking back to a doctor he had known in his past life, which immediately sent a jab straight through their heart. They preferred more traditional methods of healing, salves, gauze, stitches and bandages. The tranquils approach to mending injuries seemed so far removed from reality to Katholes that they felt like it was wishful thinking from the Haedian, yet they also couldnt deny that they had felt that magic aura radiate out from the haedian.

"That is so cool!" said Varos, showing off his paws that had a few cut scars on them from the beginning of their cooking journey. "Do you think these would have scarred if you lot had treated them?" asked the chaser, entirely enthralled in all that Emjik had told them, Maple herself couldnt help but think back on their run-in with Marigold and how they were unable to mend their wounds without Katholes help. She decided one thing then and there.

"Please teach me how to heal someone with the help of crystals!" said the tyrian, immediately bowing down to Emjik in respect who right away told her to stop the formalities with a chuckle. "No need for all that- of course. Let's see how quickly you can learn this." said the Haedian, taking it as a fun challenge. Surely the pups in their clan had to train hard to form a connection with the crystals as they only responded when they had brought their magic to a total equilibrium and that could take years, but even then Emjik was happy to spend more time with these strangers if nothing else.

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Tranquil Prompt 2
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In Storyline Events ・ By Xe-Li

WC = 1229 words

Prompt chosen:

"Draw or write your reosean being tutored by one of the Tranquil clan members. They could be showing your reosean how to harness the power of crystals to heal, meditating to predict the future, or simply partaking in some of the clan's culture."

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Submitted By Xe-Li for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions
Submitted: 6 days agoLast Updated: 6 days ago

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