Depthstriders Clan Prompt 1

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Maple had a visibly hard time containing her excitement, there was a certain bounce in her step, that caused her wings to flap about more animatedly than they normally did, a big smile was stretched across her face as the Tyrian continued on, humming an upbeat tune for her and her friends. The tapping of claws on hard rock added to Maples tune as the group of friends further descended into the cave, the darkness only illuminated by the gentle glow of luminescent crystals. Yet as the group continued on this wasnt the only thing gently shooing the darkness away underground, just as the friends noses were filled with the smell of water they noticed that more and more bioluminescent fauna joined the crystals and competed with its glow. It made the unfamiliar surroundings feel cozy and inviting allowing even the normally on edge Katholes to enjoy the scenery, their usual tense posture just the tiniest bit relaxed. It seemed that the further the group travelled down into this system of caves and met all these new faces the more Katholes was actually convinced that their efforts to leave their past behind wasnt just a distant dream, but something slowly becoming a reality, step by step. They felt, happy. An appreciative glance directed at Maple and Varos who had stuck with them so far.

Varos trotting next to the red coated Puller mirrored Maples joy, enjoying the tune she was humming greatly, his head swaying left and right in beat to the tyrians song. Soon as the trio continued on the air was getting noticibly colder, the gentle sound of water lapping against stone finally reaching the groups ears. Maple rushed ahead, being the first to enter the vast cavern, finding the source of the sounds of lapping water, with glowing crystals of all shapes and sizes scattered across all walls and the caverns ceiling, making for a truly whimsical atmosphere. Within the water that reflected the light in its surroundings across its rippling surface grew plants that the tyrian had never seen anywhere in her life before, which was the same for the chaser and puller in her party as they joined her by the waters edge.

Just then, they saw something approaching the shore from deep within the waters, whilst Katholes was vary, moving up further to stand between whatever it was and his friends, their alarm was unnecessary. Breaking through the waters surface was the blue scaled face of a Haedian, a gentle infectious smile rested on their face with them waisting little time to introduce themself. "Hi!! You are new here!" said the Haedian. Katholes gaze had been harsh but when the Haedian made it clear they didnt mean harm, their eyes softened.

The puller was the first to speak up, taking their friends by surprise as Katholes liked to usually hang back in conversation and observe rather than interact with others. "We are travellers, seeking an audience with the Matriach about a pressing matter above ground, but before that we want to meet the different Haedian Clan leaders. My name is Katholes, these are my friends Maple and Varos." Maple waved at the Haedian as her name was said whilst Varos proudly puffed out his little chest.

"Well you all are in luck," retorted the Haedian their voice warm and reassuring, still swimming in the water as they talked, "I happen to be Ornaax the leader of the depthstriders clan." The trio exchanged looks, with Maple happily stating "Im so glad that we've run into you! We'd like to learn more about your way of life and your culture. Exploring the below has been such an awesome experience. Ive learnt so much and seen so many new things." she explained.

Ornaax nodded, and waved the trio over. "I'd be more than happy to, please come into the water. Let me show you our home." said the Haedian, diving under water only to break through the waters surface again like a dolphin would with a playful woop.

Maple, dipped her toes in, never really having to swim in the past, yet she was willing to give it a try. She took a breath and then went fully into the water, her furred body surpringly buoyant, air getting trapped under her wings and then bubbling to the surface as air bubbles felt odd at first to the tyrian, but with the beautiful surroundings, bioluminescent crystals also growing underwater her focus was elsewhere. Varos jumped into the water close to Maple to splash her with water, which caused the both of them to have a quick waterfight, the small chaser paddling in the water like a dog would to stay afloat. Katholes quietly entered the waters, their strokes determined and powerful with which it was evident to the rest of the group that this wasnt the first time the puller had swam.

"After me." said Ornaax, making sure to add a "take a deep breath, then hold it, we will be diving for a bit."

Following the Haedians instructions the friends dove underwater, being greeted with a beautiful underwater scenery that was so perfect, it felt unreal. Ornaax lead the group through this enchanting underwater world, schools of fish darting about them, the kelp and other fauna gently swaying with the current. Coral reefs were busy with marine life with the glowing crystals being scattered throughout.

The water was clear and cool, but not uncomfortably so, as they swam two young haedians came across them who were currently involved in a game of tag. As the group continued, only stopping to allow the trio of friends to catch a breath when needed Ornaax started to point out different things under water, using the stops for oxygen to tell the friends about whatever he had pointed at.

"We depthstriders have a tradition." he started, "We fish for crystals that grow at the bottom of our habitat, seeing as we celebrate the Luminal Currents Festival, where we release luminescent crystals into underwater currents, every proud member of the depthstrider clan likes to be prepared and have the shiniest, prettiest crystal already fished for the festival long before it takes place." Varos was fascinated by this and wondered what it would look like as already the underwater scenery looked breathtaking. having these glowing crystals move underwater through these currents must be an absolutely stunning display.

Maple's eyes widened with excitement as the description of this event reached her ears. "That sounds wonderful! I love to see it someday! Maybe then I'll also have a crystal picked out, that i can contribute to the Luminal Currents Festival- Oh if I am allowed to of course." her cheeks flushed, feeling a bit ashamed by her enthusiasm, yet her worry was unsubstantiated. "Sure." responded Ornaax with a nod. "You are welcome to." this excited the tyrian even more, she squealed happily which caused both of her friends to smile at her enthusiasm.

As the group continued on Ornaax with grace and care gathered a few items from the passages floor, fiddling with them as he continued on to lead the way.

This time the group resurfaced in an even larger underwater chamber. The ceiling here was so densely overgrown with luminous crystals that it looked like stained glass. With an elegant leap Ornaax jumped out of the water and onto land, shaking off any excess water. The trio of friends followed at their own pace as Ornaax said "Welcome to the heart of the Depthstriders' Territory." looking around the group noted the intricately and thoughtfully built homes of the depthstriders that allowed water to freely flow through the different chambers as well as the presence of deliberately placed air pockets making it easy for the depthstriders to traverse these two starkly different environments.

Glancing around Katholes saw many Depthstriders, their coats darker hues, reflecting the glow of the crystals around only lightly which made it easy for them to blend in. He noted that they stayed within water, only few wandering through spaces with air pockets in them when they needed to. Ornaax turned around and revealed what he had been fiddling with, in his hands were three beautiful shells each of them having a piece of a glowing gem stuck to them. "A gift." said the Haedian, extending his hand to the group, who all accepted the token of appreciation the clanleader had made for them. When maple received hers she immediately thought about how she would wear it as she was very proud to have been given something from a Haedian clan leader.

"Come- let me show you our living spaces and with it our crafting loving clan members. There is much to see, so lets not dally." spoke the Haedian with a hearty laugh following his sentence as he continued to walk off. Maple and Varos followed, whilst Katholes stayed behind for a moment.

As they watched the surroundings, their friends, the token in their hands, for the first time in a long time, Katholes simply smiled. The shadows of their past seemed distant, insignificant even as if it had been a bad dream, now finally forgotten. In the heart of the Depthstriders domain, Katholes felt a sense of peace they had never thought possible.

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Depthstriders Clan Prompt 1
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In Storyline Events ・ By Xe-Li

WC = 1544 words

Prompt chosen:

Draw or write your Reosean entering the water, with Ornaax as he assists you to the heart of their home. You could be swimming through a plentiful coral reef or perhaps see other Depthstriders playing tag throughout the flora.

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Submitted By Xe-Li for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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