Keepers Clan Prompt 1

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Maple Katholes and Varos had met so many different clans down in the depths of Vitalus but the Keepers was a sight to behold.

Cailu had told them about the clans hunger for knowledge, the way they store new information in crystals to catalogue and collect and how they have tired out things they could document down below. With a frown their guide haedian had told them that the Matriarch hadn‘t been the most fond of the topside so information of the world above was hard to come by- especially in an unbiased form.

Maple was immediately captivated by Cailus retelling of the clan and had proudly puffed out her chest, knowing full well that that meant that the group had something of value to offer the Keepers clan.

Katholes however frowned slightly. „People who are after information rarely do so just to satiate their need for new knowledge, oftentime more things are at play there like power over others or about the way in which this information is used. I suggest we continue on- but be cautious. Our knowledge is indeed valueable down here, but they might try to squeeze anything we know about the topside out of us and i dont like that i dont know what they‘d use the information for.“ Katholes mistrust was clear and not something they tried to hide, even if Cailu did their best to try and reassure the puller they wouldnt budge on what they had deduced.

Varos gently nudged Maples side, to show her that it would be okay- they knew by now how to behave when Katholes saw things in the shadows move that weren‘t there, they knew that they had to remain calm, keep an eye on katholes and just let any interaction they were going to have unfold naturally so that Katholes themself could notice that the Keepers weren‘t so bad.

As the trio plus guide ventured further into the keepers territory the atmosphere drastically changed, whereas other clans habitats had featured large open caverns as their living space the keepers territory had much more architectural ingenuitey poured into it, tall buildings hewn from stone rimmed the cavern that stretched on before them, with high walls, small windows and buildings that seemed to want to stretch through the roof of the cavern all the way to the topside one thing was immediately clear. this all felt more like a fortress. uninviting and skeptical of outsiders and with the buildings here- well it was easy to see that they had been here for a while.

Small glowing crystal lanterns rimmed the stone path ahead of them- everything felt orderly almost too much so, no plants were in sight, only stone as far as the eye could see, hewn in all manner of geometric shapes to make up the buildings and roads leading to said places. Runic carvings decorated the buildings walls with some of them rimmed in silver paint.

Varos squinted up at the building before them. „This doesn‘t look like they are thrilled by the idea of visitors does it?“ remarked the small chaser glancing to his friends for guidance.

„Im sure once we actually get to introduce ourselves they‘ll realise that we are actually quite nice.“ said the tyrian in her typical optimism.

Katholes looked between his two friends and simply elected to nod, merely hoping that his warning from earlier still rang in their skulls.

Cailu took matters into their own hands for a while to alert the keepers to their arrival and to ask them to open their gates to the group of travellers. It took a while but Cailu was able to convince the Keeper to allow them entry, using the fact that they were surface dweller to pique the Keepers interest.

Katholes groaned in response to Cailu needing to use that bit of information to try and get them all incide, but they immediately relented, it was silly to get upset over that after all, one glance from a haedian directed at them and theyd know immediately that they werent native to this environment. and Katholes doubted that tyrians, chasers and pullers simply sprung into existence down here.

He glanced at his friends, mistrust still holding a tight grip on his thoughts and feelings, yet he wasn‘t intending to rain on Maples parade as she seemed to be the only one of the three friends to truly be excited by the elusive keepers having allowed them access to their territory.

The three friends entered the facility, something that can best be described as a giant library with pieces on display one would expect to be in a museum. Fossils as well as stone slates depicting haedian figures handling stones as well as crystals were only a few things on display here. 

The Haedian that allowed them entrance made sure that none of the things on display as well as any stone slates were touched by the outsiders- even if none of them even intended to do such a thing, it was very clear that these things were insanely precious to the Keepers .

„Khaldor will want to see you- it doesn‘t happen every day that we get the priviledge to converse with outsiders from the topside you see?“ said their haedian guide leading them deeper into the comlex to a large chamber. the three friends followed cautiously, comforted by each others as well as cailus presence.

As they continued to walk after the Haedian leading the way they all collectively noticed one thing, this place went deeper than they first anticipated and the pathways to navigate this place seemed like a maze- stuffed full of artifacts, stones slates, scrolls and books.

As they were asked to wait in front of an imposing set of doors with the Keeper Haedian slipping in before them, Maple was also starting to feel a twinge of uncertainty.

„Maybe it was a bad idea to actually go down here after all.“ she muttered to herself, with Varos ears picking up said doubt forming in their tyrian friends mind.

„It will be fine.“ they said placing a paw on Maples‘ as they smiled up at their friend. „We are here, and if things are too awkward we can always leave.“ said the chaser, Katholes glanced between the two of them before shooting Maple a small smile, yet they decided not to comment on what the chaser had said.

„Lets get this over with- though do you all have any idea yet what you are going to tell this Khaldor?“ asked Katholes, glancing to their friends pensively.

„Anything about cooking!“ responded Varos with glee. „Differnt Cultures have different dishes so I‘m sure I know how to prepare a lot of dishes they have never heard of!“ declared the hobby chef with excitement.

Maple found it hard to settle on a concrete idea at first but finally surmised something that she too could offer that would be interesting to the Keepers.

„I can tell them about how Vitalus looks like from high above the ground, as you fly overhead! Everything feels so small when you soar high above and vitalus is no exception, though visiting the small floating islands that idly drift by can also be quite fun! Same for those neverending waterfalls from said islands!“ Katholes nodded, a smile once again creeping onto their face as they appreciated their friends honesty and excitement quietly.

„I- dont have much to share myself- but I can tell them about some gossip Ive heard in the tavern that I run. Or even how to open a business on the topside… do Haedians even know what a tavern is?“ asked Katholes, moreso themself than anyone else.

„Alright lets do this!“ said Maple, having found her trademark optimism once again.the two imposing doors opened with a green and brown colored haedian sitting in the middle at a large desk, currently reading a stone slate, their gaze was barely able to be pryed away from their reading material and only momentarily placed onto the strangers to beckon them inside.

What followed was Katholes, Varos as well as Maple introducing themselves before they went into gret details about the topics they had handpicked to talk about.

Khaldor listened intently, sifting through stone slates, scrolls and engraved crystals at times- no doubt collections of past information gathered on the topside.

He was enthralled with they knowledge they could provide them and whilst most things the travellers were presenting Khaldor with were of little interest to the Haedian normally, as they werent interests the haedian shared with the group, they knew these accounts would make a fine addition to their everexpanding collection of knowledge. After all- knowledge is power so any meaningful addition was always welcome.

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Keepers Clan Prompt 1
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In Storyline Events ・ By Xe-Li

WC = 1456 words

Prompt chosen: 

Draw or Write your Reosean bringing information of the Topside to the leader of the Crystal Mind. This can be anything from illustratively describing the process of a water cycle, creating a system for transport across Vitalus’s island, or even using a display of magic to explain what you may think the Keepers would like to store into their libraries.

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Submitted By Xe-Li for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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