EU || The Inner Trial
Feeling exhausted from fighting in the Order, Karyss shudders when Cailu returns to their group with a sheepish smile. Her eyes narrow in suspicion despite knowing that Cailu was one of the least likely to become violent at the slightest turn. The clan he came from only furthered that claim from what he had explained when first leading them to the Forgotten's clan.
“What brings you here, Cailu?” Prophet inquires distractedly, looking over Karyss and taking care of any injuries she acquired during her fight with the Order Clan leader.
The Haedian cringes slightly, gesturing towards a group of Caregivers that had arrived shortly before them with calm smiles on their faces. Only one had a wrinkled snout, focusing their gaze on Karyss as Prophet moved away and turned towards the group. “We are to lead you towards a pool of ours before we can allow you entrance to our clan. It is important enough that without it, you pose a risk to our most precious.”
Damocles bows his head in acquiescence, understanding how important the security was in some clans. An example would be with the Order, and their question regarding the God of Chaos that they worship and follow. “I understand. Is there something that we should expect from this pool? I am aware that it would be something more to the likes of the Depthstriders if it was limited to a normal pool.”
Karyss’s head shoots up at the prospect of the pool having a sort of magical means, her body weary and exhausted from the traveling they've had. From the Forgotten clan to the Caregivers, she's had experiences she's never going to forget, never going to relax from. If anything, the most violent of the clans has only shown her she has more to grow. She is young after all, and will remain so for the years to come. She didn't have the knowledge that Prophet and Damocles possessed.
A chuckle interrupts her thoughts, making her focus once again on Cailu as the Haedian nods in agreement. “There is a test in the pools. You will each have a separate pool to wade through, although it will be the same test. You must accept your inner self, embrace your strengths and acknowledge your faults as a part of you.
“This includes your fears, your trauma, and the mistakes you've made. You must accept this part of yourself or you will be unable to enter our clan. Because of what we protect, we have one of the best and worst protections. Not many gain entrance.”
Damocles and Prophet both turn their heads towards Karyss, who's mood changed and fluctuated their entire journey, but always—always—returned to being cold and distant. A protection that kept others at a distance. A way to not hurt.
As if sensing the others looking at her, Karyss snarls at them with raised hackles. “What.” She barks, ears flattened back against her head while the Haedians gathered near her shake their heads. Already they could tell she was not one with herself.
“You'll go together, although each one will finish in a different room. Follow the group, they will guide you to your pools.” Cailu commanded gently, nodding his head as he disappeared through an entrance that had been previously hidden.
The trio follow the Caregiver Haedians, following the same tunnel before it opens up to a giant room filled with more tunnels enveloped in a warm blue glow. The pools, Karyss realized. Now, she was beginning to understand just what she was getting herself into. Had she no fur on her body, she was sure she would be paling much like the humans that came as companions.
As Damocles and Prophet separate from her towards different tunnels, she finds herself growing more and more hesitant to wade to the pool down her own tunnel. She's shoved through anyway, a magic wall shutting behind her and ensuring that she can't leave until she's accepted who she is, or she fails and is deemed unwelcome.
Taking a deep, shaking breath, she slips further into the tunnel until she finds herself faced with a pool filled with glowing crystals in order to keep the room lit. The water's reflection creates ripples along the walls, drawing Karyss in almost like hypnosis. She shakes her head to clear the thought, eyeing the pool with trepidation.
“I'm going mad, aren't I? Fearing a pool? What's it gonna do, drown me?” She snorts derisively to herself, sneering at the imagery of successfully drowning. As if. She felt a bit better knowing she'd be fine as she stepped haltingly into the pool. It couldn't drown her very well, not when she could swim to safety if needed.
She's hardly given a warning when herself appears before her with wide, frightened eyes.
Damocles entered his pool with little hesitation. It was a test, very alike to one he had passed in his youth. He has witnessed power and he has felt weakness; his will has been tested time and time again, but he remained true to himself and his cause. The water felt cool and soothing as he let his body float on the surface. Resting his head on the surface, the water lapped at his muzzle as he sighed. There was a sensation of energy, magic, in the water. Maybe it was the crystals and the water was the conduit, he could guess all manner of reasons, but it mattered not in the end. The silence of the chamber blanketed him to a sensation of floating, weightlessness.
Opening his eyes, Damocles found himself standing at the peak of Mount Hjaalfing, where the snows were melted at the center, giving way to grass and iridescent sand. Before him was his younger self. Exhausted and confused, his younger mirage looked back at him with uncertainty.
"Was it all worth it? In the end?" The mirage spoke. Wind blew softly across the peak, carrying voices Damocles could not decipher. "To leave it all behind?" There was grief in the young mirage's voice. He'd been triumphant in his tasks- done everything he was reqired, and here he stood as the victor to a game he did not sign up for.
"It will be," Damocles spoke, but his voice was not that of his own. "You have surpassed every challenge before you, your strength, your will, never wavering. You do not yet realize who you will grow up to be."
"Will I regret this?" The young mirage asked.
"Someday, you will face a challenge that will test your body, mind, and soul. Your body will become weak, your mind doubtful. You may regret many things in your mind, but your heart will show the answer to that." Damocles recited words he had heard ina voice familiar from days gone past. His younger self was just as unassured as he remembered. But each word spoke true then, as he came to learn in his older days. He was tested, but he had already learned the truth by then; "It will all be worth it."
Prophet looked rather hesitant, unsure of what would befall her should she step in. She’d seen so much- too much-
But she pushed that aside. Damocles and Karyss… Well, Damocles at least seemed to be having a nice time. Karyss- she wasn’t sure what she was doing. But when was she ever? The Caregivers didn’t seem like a clan full of tricks or malicious intent. Cailu had made themselves available to them whenever they’d needed him, unlike the aggression of Shira, or the mighty force of Zarod. Still, one could never truly know. She brushed off the thought as she waded in, letting the cool waters flow over her, taking a deep breath as she braces herself for the unknown.
She let it sink in, allowing the pool to relax her sore muscles. Gods, she didn’t realize how tense she’d been these last few- weeks? Prophet tilted her head, letting the water just take over. With each breath, she tries to let go of her composure. Let go of the walls that keep her from herself. Knowing herself.
Prophet wasn’t sure how easy that would be. After a while of keeping her eyes closed, she opened them, disappointed. Much to her surprise, she was back in Roenden, in the lush summertime fields. And there she was, a younger version staring back at her.
“Hey, you,” the young one laughed, “Getting old yet?”
“You already are,” Prophet grumbled, rather goodnaturedly, “Don’t take it for granted.”
“But there’s so much out there! So much to look forward to!” she chirped, looking out on the horizon, “I want to see it all, be where you’re at, right now.”
The older vay looked over the lush plains, to the mountains beyond, “Take it one day at a time. You’ll get there. But take it slow.”
The younger Prophet flicked an ear, “Sure, grandma.”
Land Bonus + 1 || Personal work + 3 || Collab work + 2 || Added Reos + 2 || Ingin Present + 2 || Group Event + 3 || 1178 words + 11
Total = 24
Karyss: 24
Damocles: 23
Prophet: 23
Prompt: Draw or write your character beginning this soul-searching journey—a profound exploration of your virtues and empathy. You can merely depict them in the crystal laden cavern, or perhaps entering or floating in the pool. Get comfortable, you'll be here for a while.
Submitted By Helios_Undergrove
Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago