[Trade] First steps on a magical adventure

In Journey Trial ・ By Xe-Li
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Mori nervously shifted from one paw to the other as she waited at the gates of the Silver Province, where she had agreed on meeting up with Rosealyn and Kaiko, two travelers she had run into when she had intended to stock up on equipment for the impending journey. Whilst the friese runner still felt nervous, there was also a quiet determination at the back of her mind as she was looking forward to finally setting out on the purity trials, something she had been avoiding for a while now. She watched tyrians fly overhead as waterfalls plunged downwards from floating islands overhead, a constant reminder of the strong magical energy saturating Vitalus as a whole.
Mori observed the scene in front of her- not being able to help herself from frowning a little. Accessing magic felt so easy, yet-

As she was contemplating, lost in thought she heard the familiar voice of Rosealyn reach her ears, which startled her out of her thoughts, right- it had been around the time the three of them had agreed to meet up at, she spun around to face the runner and puller duo.

"Heya Mori! Sorry to keep you waiting." The friese runner shook her head in response indicating she didn't mind, a quick nod toward the road followed as if to ask if they should start their journey. "Walk and talk?" she inquired- blinking in confusion as she noticed Kaiko being gone from her view, spinning around on the soft grass below her feet, she caught a glimpse of him again- having walked ahead to inspect some crystal formations growing alongside the road the trio intended to trek up to Nepte's Caverns.

Rosealyn shook her head, playfully chuckling. "Better get used to this- Kaiko is fascinated by anything and has the bad habit to wander off without saying a word." Mori eyes flicked over to the puller whichs’ pelt was adorned by intricate, decorative swirls of white, Cyan and navy blue, she squinted- stared even as if to force her brain to burn these markings into her mind, hoping it would aid her in relocating Kaiko when he wandered off again.

With Kaiko already having stepped onto the trail the two female runners followed, and once they stood next to Kaiko, he couldn't help but show off the cool gem formation he had found.

"Look, they grew in a perfect circle! You don't see this any day!" The enthusiasm in his voice was hard to miss and his upbeat positive personality was contagious, with both Mori and Rosealyn smiling as they looked over the crystals Kaiko showed them.

The puller after having shared his findings with the other two sat there contently, observing the gems before something else in the distance caught his eyes.

"Oh! look!! a glowing butterfly!" he exclaimed running off, which funnily enough still coincided with the path the trio had intended to follow along to get to Nepte's Caverns.

As the runners set into motion, walking behind Kaiko to keep an eye on him whenever he dashed off to a new thing that caught his attention Rosealyn turned her attention to Mori who had chosen to quietly follow along the two for now.

"So Mori- are you excited to be able to visit the white city of Hoius?" she cocked her head slightly at the runner, her inquisitive nature shining through.

"Ah well- yes. I am but, I'm also to admit, a bit terrified." A nervous chuckle followed as Mori averted her eyes from Rosealyns gaze, glancing over to Kaiko in the distance who had discovered flying fish living in a small stream of water that ran alongside a portion of their trail. "This is quite a long journey and- I'm happy I can travel alongside you two, it makes it more enjoyable but- I just- hope that we can find something that we are both looking for." She glanced briefly at Rosealyn to smile tentatively at her, whilst Mori tried to remain hopeful; she had to admit that continuously seeing how others mastered magic so easily whilst she was struggling upset her.

Rosealyn listened intently nudging Mori in response. "Don't worry, this 10 day trek is going to be a breeze. And-" she tapped her trusty bag secured to her hip which held her traveling supplies as well as her leatherbound journal in which she kept notes about Kaiko who she discovered was a magical anomaly. "That means we got plenty of time to look around and see what we can find." Mori smiled, appreciating Rosealyns’ positive outlook on things to come.

The journey continued for a while without interruption, Kaiko still leading in front, stopping only to show off other cool things he had spotted during his lead which included a cluster of floating berries that when touched popped like a balloon,  a lizard with fur growing on its neck in such a manner that it was reminiscent of a lions mane and a gem formation growing out of the ground that crackled with magical energy- causing purple lightning to shoot across its surface.

Rosealyn stopped to study the last thing Kaiko had pointed out to write down notes in detail as it had piqued her interest, Kaiko, wanting to help Rosealyn on her notes and see what it would mean to touch this crystal, did so without warning or telling the others of his plan first. The resulting zap made Kaiko yelp with both Mori and Rosealyn looking shocked, startling over to check on Kaiko.

The cyan and blue puller hadn't gotten hurt, mostly just startled but it was enough to upset the tight hold he had to keep on his inner well of magic. When he had things under control, his emotions sorted and wasn't in danger he could still feel the unpredictable power surge within him- yet it was more akin to a lake with still water. When all was calm he had it under control even if his emotions, thoughts and feelings were like pebbles always just hanging above the pond, threatening to break the surface if they dropped, causing the lake to ripple, waves to form and for the lake to become unrest.

Kaikos eyes that glowed due to the intense magical energy surging through his body, locked eyes with those of Rosealyn, an urgency in his gaze alongside an intensity that warned the runner to not get closer before the first flickers of blue flame sparked around Kaikos paws, quickly spreading and intensifying in ferocity.

Moris eyes widened, stunned by what was transpiring in front of her eyes. Rosealyn stepped forwards calling out to the Puller "Kaiko! Calm down! Breathe with me!" Mori nervously watched as Rosealyn guided Kaiko through breathing exercises to try and help him to get his surge of magic under control.

As time passed the blue flames that had started to burn the ground around Kaiko slowly retreated, leaving behind only scorched earth, burnt blades of grass and the scent of smoke that filled the trios nostrils. Rosealyn audibly exhaled, happy that Kaiko had gotten a grasp on his magic again, knowing that it could have gotten out of hand if the puller hadn't managed to will his own magic to listen to him.

Mori felt conflicted, glancing between Kaiko and Rosealyn who after checking in on the puller started to write down notes about the incident in her journal, Mori on the other hand stood there, glancing to the burnt grass, to Kaiko and Rosealyn feeling uneasy about the fact that Kaiko was not in control of such magic- yet.... This stood in stark contrast to her inability to utilize her magic at all- and a thought formed in her mind.

Maybe- just maybe what she was looking for wasn't that far away- maybe, it was right here. By observing Kaiko, she could learn what he possessed that she obviously lacked, perhaps she’d finally have answers then. 

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[Trade] First steps on a magical adventure
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In Journey Trial ・ By Xe-Li

Journey trial for RubyEyerie!!


Prompt chosen: Traditional Journey Trial, Vitalus

Wordcount: 1323 words!

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Submitted By Xe-Li
Submitted: 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 weeks ago

RubyEyerie: Trade With
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