The Order - Vanadis/Samphawesi
Reosean Featured: Vanadis , Samphawesi
Art by: notlazeon Characters), ALTERED-ZER0 ((BG)
Draw or write your Reosean reacting to this Elder's question. Do they worship this god? Do they scoff? You could depict the actual reaction, or a scene that shows it (them worshiping, for example).
Option 2: Draw or write your Reosean's reaction as Shira, the leader of the Order, descends upon you. She's massive, and somehow even angrier looking than the elder you just faced. Do you launch right into battle? Perhaps you will try to hide?
Option 2: Draw or Write your Reosean supporting another Reosean in the test of mettle. They could be cheering either party on, bringing them healing potions, or the like.
Submitted By ALTERED-ZER0
Submitted: 5 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago
Prompt Submissions
#21190 for STORY EVENT: Prompt Submission by notlazeon
#23539 for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions by ALTERED-ZER0
#23540 for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions by notlazeon
#23707 for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions by ALTERED-ZER0
#23784 for HAEDIAN EVENT: Grace Period Submissions by notlazeon