The order | prompt 1

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Catalyst was a very proud Tyrian, even though he was an assassin, and his job was mostly, him working hidden in the shadows, he was an attention seeking being. Living to speak about himself and his worries and small problems, that were not really problems at all…

He was a bit of a diva and on all occasion acts theatrical. He was addicted on long monologue about his recent exploits. Before going on the adventure his fill his bag with tons of stuff.

- Such as - but not only - health potion, bandages -in case he ends up wounded- and many other useful things like fruity snack and cookies, he loves cookies.

He lost sight of his friend at some point, but did not worry about her, she was resourceful and very strong. His mind wandered thinking about other things, like what should he do when going back home. He went on this journey because he was asked to, but he prefers by far staying at home and do small contracts business. His favorite moment when he was laying in the herb all day, under the rays of sunshine or to sleep inside his cozy home while listening to the rain- best sound in the world in his opinion- and he was always very found of earthy odours. One of the main reasons which on why you could find various kind of plants inside his burrow, but also a very big field of crops outside that was taking a vast majority of his pasture.

In his free time, you could find him taking care of his many vegetables and many plants.

His journey took him to a cave that houses an underground city. Where a specie that was once forgotten about in the reos history. Beautiful crystals were covering the surfaces of the immense labyrinth that was the cavern. He was starting to think that he wasn’t at the right place, when he heard metal clashing together. His sixth sense was tingling, and the air became filled with hostility. A pungent, metallic smell was also filling the air.

Suddenly, creatures were gathered around the shimmering tyrian with glowing turquoises eyes, surrounding him, letting him no plan of escape. They were haedians, the forgotten specie. The ones he was looking for. His excitement was bursting, but he stays on guard, not knowing how they would react.

The old haedian, with greyish patches of advanced age, moves forward and look into his soul.

> "Do you walk in the shadow of Oris?" one asks you, his eyes sunken and watery as he references one of the old gods.​

Forgetting to keep a neutral tone, his excited voice deceived him when he blurted out.

Cat snort and open his mouth — I have no knowledge of this “Osiris” you speak of, are they an assassin like me? After all, assassins are far superior, that is only the truth, he said very proudly puffing out his chest.

He was abruptly interrupt by the sound of the chains clashing with each other again. Cat’s glowing eyes was able to perceive an abrupt movement in the dark - His shimmering coat illuminating a fraction of the cavern. He turns his head looking at the shadow forms of the order gathered around him. He pauses mid-sentence, — is there a problem? pondering if he said anything wrong, but only the silence answered him.

Did he mispronounce the god’s name? oh, whatever it is surely not that serious.


He frowns a little trying to remember something, he closes his eyes in hope to remember.

He had something with him before entering the cave, wasn’t it? What was it again… hmmm.

He blinks…


The codex! He remembers.


He forgot to read the explorer note. Thinking it wasn’t a big issue and totally let it slip from his mind and crumpled the sheet of paper at the bottom of his bag, specially designed for Tyrians. Was it too late to look at it? -he wonders, but with the silence, which was getting longer by the minutes, panic was starting to rise.

Were they ready to attack him or were they a peaceful clan? Perhaps, a bad clan? Or something even worst? He didn’t remember what his friend told him, but doubt was starting to build up in his mind. Maybe coming here was not a good idea after all.

A growl burst from the ancient one that asked the question, sensing his fury increase, Cat couldn’t help but feel a bit of sweat on his temple.

He was in trouble wasn’t it…

he stammered — Wait… I lied…I-I walk that path…trying to remember the God’s name, but failing to, he adds, the one you said!

The haedian facing him snarls, showing his teeth —  Do not insult us or there will be consequences…

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The order | prompt 1
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In Storyline Events ・ By Ikalye

Draw or write your Reosean reacting to this Elder's question. Do they worship this god? Do they scoff? You could depict the actual reaction, or a scene that shows it (them worshiping, for example).

Submitted By Ikalye for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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