In Danger [Order] -Sitka/Osaka/Nasale

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“Fantastic!” Khaldor would exclaim to the three vayrons. Soon leading them in the direction of the next claim. “But I must warn you before you go any further… Your next test will not be easy. Use anything to your advantage and don’t be afraid to run. Good luck.”

Khaldor would leave their side quite quickly, seeming to not want to risk being in the orders territory long.

“Don't be afraid to run?” Osaka would question to his brother and sister-in-law.

“That doesn't sound good in the slightest.” Nasale would chip in. 

“Well the three of us came this far, we may as well see it through. Hopefully the limited supplies we have will be enough.” The eldest that was Sitka would add in.

It was clear that none of them were pleased about this warning. It had clearly come from a place of fear. Fear from someone who was fond of knowledge and knowing every angle of every situation. They knew they would soon find out what this fear was about. But for now they hesitantly continued on the path forward, treading as lightly as they could. 

The three would notice the very plants along the walls and floors seeming more withered as they continued on. As though the very life was abruptly sucked from them. Very few animals seemed to be in this section of caves. Seeming as though they too knew something had been amiss.

They would soon enough hear the sounds of clashing metal and growls. The three vayrons growing more tense as they reluctantly padded towards the sounds. A pair of haedians would come into their view, one wearing a divine set of armour and the other something akin to the crystals around them. 

Basale, Sitka and Osaka would crouch down out of the pair’s view to watch them for a few moments. Was this a friendly spar? Or a death match? The three would witness as though this crystalline armour seemed to reflect the blows back towards the other. Harming the divine armoured haedian in turn. This was something they would take note of.

When the divine armoured haedian seemed to yield to the other it would appear to be over. The crystalline armoured one seeming to tower over them, “Hah! That's what you get for defying Oris!”

Oris? This name hadn’t set well with Osaka in particular, seeming more uneasy than his brother and sister-in-law. But the three wouldn't have time to turn back as this crystalline armoured haedian would take notice of them. Approaching them with his held high, but his features sunken in and showing signs of aging. “You there! Step out!”

Nasale, Sitka and Osaka would reluctantly step out. Even they knew it would be foolish to run now. Haedians could easily catch up to them, but besides that- their exit was soon blocked by others! Haedians seeming to surround them as the crystal armoured one would come closer.

“Do you follow Oris?” His voice strong and deep as he spoke these simple words.

Osaka would cast a glance to the other two at his side before speaking up, “No.” His tuft tail swishing a bit, “And I shall never do so.”

Nasale would seem uneasy about them being surrounded, “I do not follow any gods.” Her voice more weak than the blue male's.

“I do not follow Oris either.” The eldest would state, knowing quite well he himself wouldn't be able to even lie his way out of this. Sitka knew quite well that his and Osaka’s brother was hurt by Oris followers. But they both also knew that they were outnumbered by far.

The male that stood in front of them seemed quite displeased by the three’s answers. Seeming to take a moment before speaking to those that gathered around the newcomers. “They are blind followers of light! May Oris punish these light-seekers!”

Angry sounds would emerge from the haedians that gathered around. Among a lot of insults cast at these vayrons. The anger soon turned into chanting, a name they couldn't make out at first. But they soon would understand it as ‘Shira’. The group felt even more uneasy and in danger at that point. Who was this Shira? Was she also going to be wearing this opalescent armour too? That was a terrifying thought for all three of them.

They would soon be guided further into the territory, more forcefully so. Closer to what seemed like a battle ground. Blood stains clearly visible upon the rocky ground at their feet, and crystals would line the edge. Soon enough each getting shoved into the circular area to await their demise and who would cause it. A shadow of a giant haedian would soon appear along the wall in their view. A set of antlers lining the head of the shadow. The vayrons already felt doomed. 

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In Danger [Order] -Sitka/Osaka/Nasale
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In Storyline Events ・ By NamesisWolf

Characters (all owned by NamesisWolf ): Nasale 16582 / Sitka 16580 / Osaka 15251

Prompt: Draw or write your Reosean reacting to this Elder's question. Do they worship this god? Do they scoff? You could depict the actual reaction, or a scene that shows it (them worshiping, for example). 

Update: Linked the wrong imports like a fool

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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[In Danger [Order] -Sitka/Osaka/Nasale by NamesisWolf (Literature)](
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