The Order - 1

In Events ・ By LumosElm
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"... I have a bad feeling about this." Xayah murmured to Cislunar as the pair was escorted to the territory of The Order. The weight of unease was unpleasant, even the handful of Keepers with them seeming to be on edge as they descended further into the chasm. The only true sounds were footsteps, the clinking of Xayah's jewelry and the sound of Cislunar's plate armor. Not even the Forgotten held this oppressive air. It was as if they were being crushed by the weight of it all, like they were being watched. Which was rather ironic, given how the Watchers didn't even hold this type of menacing, predatory observance that one could feel.

"It would be wise to remain on guard, Xayah." Cislunar rumbled, the guard always on alert with not a hair out of place at any given moment. Even he was on edge, especially when the haedians guiding them took their leave. Left them to the harsh looking members of the Order with simply the scattering of stones indicating where they were as they hurried away and back to the safety of their own territory. Another bad sign for what awaited him and his charge.

The speed in which the new haedians descended upon them from the darkness had both vayrons tensing even further, Xayah's eyes widening as she shifted back a step closer to Cislunar. She wasn't meant for physical combat, and she had the bone deep instinct that she was in danger. Though, the clear raise in Lune's hackles was the only indication he felt the same threat she did. The older male was resolute, however. Remaining steadfast as he observed the haedians before him, much how they were observing them.

"Do you walk in the shadow of Oris?"

Xayah and Lune both looked to the one who asked the question, his voice and question chilling them both. His stare alone would've chilled them. It was almost as if he were staring through them as well as looking at them. Like the question was rigged, and would determine their fates right here and now. Never in her life had Xayah felt so unsafe from just a question alone. There was conflict, yes. But… never a fear for her life itself like she felt right in this moment. Xayah had never once donned armor in her life, but she wished she was wearing some now.

A deep breath should've been grounding, should've been relieving in a way. Instead, her nose and lungs burned with the acrid scent that seemed to blanket them now that the new haedians were there. Carried by their dark, heavy chains.



The sickening sinking of her stomach made Xayah want to find a hole somewhere to hide in, her eyes blown wide as she stared up at Cislunar in complete and utter horror. Was he insane?! These haedians were clearly insane! Agreeing for now to keep their heads would be their best option, not refusing! But Cislunar was unshaken, if not confused based on the scowl of sorts he shot down at her when he processed her words as well. It was for only a moment that they shared a look before he was returning his focus to the elder who'd asked such a weighted, loaded question.

"No. We do not walk in the shadow of Osiris. My charge and I, however, are simply here to learn and aid your clan in whatever way possible." Cislunar continued, ignoring Xayah's growing fear and horror over the fact that he kept talking.

Unlike Xayah, he would not shrink at the sight of danger. While yes, he was chilled by the threat of it, he would not be cowed by it. Not feeling some form of apprehension over potential threats to your life? One may as well not be alive. He and Xayah had a job to do, and they weren't going to be stopped now due to some potential religious extremists. Though, Xayah did possess many traits that could be attributed to Osiris. Not that he could see that now, however. The brighter vayron was all but shaking, her tail tucked and eyes wide. Her mettle was untested, and she was clearly out of her element with this clan.

No matter. That's why he was here after all. He was no bright eyed cub, still wet behind the ears. His duty was to shoulder the threats and physical altercations for her so she could focus on learning everything she could about this new area. Despite how some tried to be more difficult to win over.

This clan would be no different. Even if he had to bear his fangs and claws, had to spill their blood and his own to win their respect, he'd do it without issue or protest. What were a few more scars to what he already has? 

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The Order - 1
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In Events ・ By LumosElm

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Word Count: 808

Submitted By LumosElm
Submitted: 6 months agoLast Updated: 6 months ago

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