Defying Oris [Order]

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Paris, Cairn and Hiroshima would head in the direction they were told to. At first nothing really seemed much different than the previous clans. Crystals here and there, stone walls, some plants dotted the landscape. 

As they walked the path, more and more opalescent crystals would replace the more solid colors. Not only that, but the scent of blood would also become more apparent. They would glance between each other, already becoming more on edge. Then the sounds of fighting would start to come in as they approached.

Clashing metal, and the sounds of something else clashing that they couldn't quite identify. As they padded towards the sounds with hesitation they would start to see the figures of haedians. Some wearing leather armour, others wearing divine and iron, but that wasn’t the armour that they fixated on, no. There were haedians wearing what appeared to be opalescent crystalline armour. Perhaps these were the higher ranking among them.

But it wouldn't be long before a group of armour wearing haedians would approach them. Their eyes sunken in, grey streaks in their manes and pelts. Aged beyond what their armour seemed to be. Not that the armour wasn't scratched and stained with blood, cause it in fact was. Even the weapons they carried at their sides had some fresher blood dripping down off them. Not a welcoming sight in the slightest.

The group of vayrons were soon realizing that everything to this point had been easy in comparison. These haedians clearly wanted blood, this was no mere game to them. Based upon the warnings they received before stepping into this territory, they should have already been prepared. But they were foolishly under the belief that it couldn't have been that bad.

But then one of the assumed higher ranking haedians stepped forward. Canyons lining his facial feathers.

“Do you follow Oris?”

This simple question may not seem like much to an average reosean or human. But to Hiroshima this struck a nerve. A flash of a memory would enter the males mind, of his traumatic past. Those that harmed him were followers of Oris. Those that tried to break him and use them as a pawn in their schemes. Oris only ever demanded one thing, power.

He would snap out of it with his teeth bared, “You can shove Oris up your arse! He is a false God! He has no place here!” 

Hiroshima knew this would become a fight. He didn't care, he wanted revenge. He wanted Oris worshippers to pay the price of all the pain they inflicted on others. Oris followers needed to pay for their crimes, one way or another.

Cairn and Paris knew full well upon hearing the name it was no use pretending. They also distasted the idea of following a god of chaos and void. Sure what was good without evil. But they weren't about to let this clan suck them into a life of darkness and decay.

“I do not follow Oris.” 

“Neither do I.”

The girls would each chime in more calmly. Though Cairn knew more first hand the pain they created in their wake. Sure she was very young at the time, but the echo was still there. It was something she couldn't ever fully shake away. Paris luckily never faced them directly, but she heard the stories of them. It didn't interest her in the slightest to follow a God that drained their followers to satisfy their own hunger over power.

Hiroshima felt glad that his sister and daughter were standing with him for this clan. This wasn't something he could ever face alone, he knew that well. The fire in his soul would grow, already wanting to see these hostile haedians burn to ashes. Cairn’s purple magic would start to glow around her, already prepping for the inevitable. Least there were crystals still even here that they could try to pull magic from. Though they were still very much outnumbered. Paris herself would have her green mist at her paws, threatening to use what little plants there were to their advantage. Maybe create a distraction so that they could run. 

They each denounced Oris in the face of this crystalline armoured elder. A statement that seemed to cause disdain in the elderly male. 

“Blind followers of light! Oris demands your blood!”

This would create more angry hisses and demands for blood umoung the Order. Chanting would start to rumble from the crowd that gathered around them.

The vayrons would tense in anticipation of the chaos that would soon come down upon them. Though they would stand their ground side by side. Already knowing they weren't going to leave this clan unscathed. But at least they knew they had another clan ahead of them, one that at least sounded peaceful. Perhaps making a break for it would end up being the wisest choice. Time would tell. 

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Defying Oris [Order]
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In Storyline Events ・ By NamesisWolf

Characters owned by me: Paris 16323 / Hiroshima 15173 / Cairn 16068

WC: 815 

Prompt: Draw or write your Reosean reacting to this Elder's question. Do they worship this god? Do they scoff? You could depict the actual reaction, or a scene that shows it (them worshiping, for example). 

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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