Wings Bound

In Journey Trial ・ By Xe-Li
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It was an ordinary day in Warrenfall, the sun stood high in the sky gently breaking through the lush green foliage of the forest. Yet today was not a day like any other, for Katholes, Varos and Maple who had made each others acquantaince earlier in spring, as Varos and Maple had found Katholes in the beginning stages of setting up a tavern on their own and met up today to undertake their purity trials together.
Maple, being the large tyrian that they were had to lower their head to Katholes and Varos, the latter being a small chaser to ensure the vayrons would hear them and that their head wouldnt collide with the tree trunks up top.
"I know the two of you dont know what its like to fly- but I must say being stuck on the ground like this-" their head turns to longingly look at the sky through the leaves of the trees that tower above the tyrian.
"It makes me feel quite uneasy." Varos interjects almost immediately as they see the tyrians face droop.
"Oh dont worry, I know I might not look like much but I can assure you my bite is way worse than my bark. Nothing will happen to you on this journey." Katholes chooses to remain quiet and simply nod as they know that they are still waiting on their guide Ninshu who has travelled from Thedale all the way to Warrenfall to aid the three Reoseans in the long journey trial.

After waiting just a bit longer Ninshu does actually arrive, Varos being the first to notice her approaching, Maple however is not so lucky and startles as Ninshu breaks a twig behind the tyrian, causing the latter to jolt upright, flap their wings and hit their head on a branch.
"Owww." they say, rubbing the spot on their head carefully with tears forming in their eyes. Ninshu having done basic training in medicine immediately checks up on maple and suggests "Oh dear, im so terribly sorry. Maybe we should tie those wings of yours, theres plenty of lowhanging branches out here and I cant guarantee that wed walk into something that might spook you again." Katholes nods at Ninshu and vanishes into the surrounding bushes for a moment, as the rest doesnt know what the red coated puller is planning they decide to wait, which does actually help with Maples light head injury.
Once Katholes returns they hold a vine in their maw thats a bit dry but by the looks of it might do to help the tyrian not injure themself again. Said and done and soon Maples wings are bound, Ninshu clears their throat.
"So sorry again for the awkward meeting, im happy to be here and lend a helping paw to the three of you, theres a lot of things i have learnt over my time and on the countless adventures Ive been on." they nod toward the direction of where Azrester lies beyond the tree line.

"Why dont we get a move on and talk more on the way?" says Katholes, finally speaking up for the first time, claws digging over the forest floor once as if to prove a point as to how impatient they were. Ninshu does look a bit surprised but ultimately relents walking with Varos, Maple and Katholes to Azrester.

Maple is feeling a good bit awkward having to semi crawl their way through the forest and snake their long and aerodynamic body through trees, underbrushes and vines. Seeing the foliage break up as they make it to Azrester they let out a sigh of relief, netting a giggle from Varos.

"Oh shut it you anklebiter." they say playfully directed at the chaser before adding, "If my wings werent bound right now id pick you up and carry you into the air for laughing at me." it was obvious to the reoseans who had known each other for a while that Maple was being playful and not in the least bit serious. 

"Well... Who here has been to Bullmar before?" asks Ninshu, a soft smile on her face as she tries to get a read on her companions, Varos looks away and Katholes just simply shake their head, seemingly having found quite the enjoyment in not giving Ninshu much to work with, perhaps they had always been this quiet? maybe it was nervousness that expressed itself like that- but Ninshu was not going to ask Katholes about it, for they felt like theyd overstep tremendously.

"Nobody I take it then?" they ask again to which Varos and Maple respond. "Yeah I have only really been around the area i call my home, i haven't really traveresed Warrenfall in its entirety. Its a huge continent after all." "Yeah", is what the chaser chimes in with. "Travelling alone can be dangerous so Im happy that we get to explore Warrenfall a bit in a group." Ninshu nods.
"I see- well why dont we split up here for just a moment so that everyone can do their last minute preparations before we set off to Bullmar? The trip takes 8 to 10 days and we can only refill our ressources in Fullcaster so its good to make sure we have enough food, water, but also a few bandages, torches and what else you might need to feel comfortable out in the wild."
Katholes scoffs at the latter. "Im a seasoned adventurer, Ive slept out in the cold dark forest floor in the middle of a downpour on a multitude of occassions. Comfort is the least of my concerns." Ninshu raises an eyebrow atthat.
"Huh- seems like I can learn a few things from you still, yet you really shouldnt leave comfort to the wayside! A sore back really wont help you out there!!" they say with enthusiasm to which Katholes now is the one to be taken aback. Their face sinks, pensive and considering what Ninshu told them before nodding.

"Alright. I had not considered it from that angle. Varos. Maple" the two reoseans perk up. "Follow me, we got some things to buy." the two adressed reoseans nod and walk to Katholes side, the latter turns to Ninshu to look them in the eye.
"Please follow us and wait outside the store. I promise we wont be long." Ninshu nods having noticed the small smile on Katholes face, happy that they are now finally seeming to get out of their shell.

Said and done, the three head inside the general goods store with Ninshu waiting outside, after a short while they return, with Varos proudly showing off the oil lantern he had just purchased alongside with the dried meat rations, waterskin and bedroll that are now piled onto the chaser.
Maple who hadnt fully fit into the store due to their size has the human storeclerk and his two employees tie a load of equipment to their back. Theres oil flasks, an entire tent, soap, ropes, a variety of bags containing rations, a warm winter pelt, a pillow and blanket alongside with a axe and pickaxe. the tyrian looks more akin to a pack mule than the majestic flying creature maple usually is. As they move a pot and pan that have been secured around their hip clank loudly against one another.
Katholes steps out of the store after Maple has removed their body from the entrance of the shop. They are wearing a long cloak obscuring their features thats colored in a way to camouflage the usually bright crimson pelt of the puller within the foliage by my easily blending in. Ninshu squints, noticing a bedroll on their back but also a belt of daggers hidden under their cloak.

The runner from Thedale sighs. "Well travelling with you lot will certainly not get boring." Katholes raises an eyebrow and shoots her a puzzled look whilst Maple blushes realising they might have perhaps bought a bit too much as they look at what Varos bought.

"Ah well- what can i say the clerk was very nice and kept recommending things to me to make the journey smooth." Ninshu sighs once again at what Maple had just said, hoping that if a situation would call for it that the loud clinking and clanking of the tyrian would not alert unwanted attention out there in the wild.

"Its fine- lets go." says Ninshu shaking off the irritation and starting a conversation with Varos about his cool new oil lamp he bought.

The four set out on their journey to Bullmar- hoping that things go without a hitch and that theyll get enough time to really enjoy the scenery. This sentiment however would not hold up.

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Wings Bound
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In Journey Trial ・ By Xe-Li



Prompt chosen:
Journey Trial - Expedition

Warrenfall: Your Reosean and their company must travel from Azrester to Bullmar. The only stop to re-fill their bags is in Fullcaster, so they must be careful with their resources. The trip takes 8-10 days. The trip itself will be mostly through thick forests, meadows and rocky mountains as the pair nears Bullmar.

Submitted By Xe-Li
Submitted: 10 months agoLast Updated: 10 months ago

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