Hot Summer's Day
It was a particularly hot summer day in Warenfall, the hot summer sun made life on the grassy plains just about unbearable. So hot in fact London and Lyon couldn’t even work in the veggie garden without needing a break every ten or so minutes. After they finished their chours they would find eachother under a giant oak tree on the farm.
“We should head down to the beach today.” Lyon would suggest to his beloved mate.
“That sounds like a good idea, the water would feel good right about now.”
“Then let's pack lunch and head out.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
The pair would get back to their feet to pack themselves a lunch containing some sandwiches and fruit. Heading out once they had it together. Heading through the grasslands, past the forest and all the way to the nearest beach. Making sure to find a spot shaded by a tree before placing down the blanket they brought with them.
London and Lyon settled down on the blanket soon enough to rest from the long walk. Being close enough to the water to feel a breeze coming off of it. They were by no means the only Reoseans on the beach, as others were also trying to avoid the heat by being near or within the water. Some even had a booth set up selling cold drinks, food and icecream to help combat the weather.
They could only wonder how their children were fairing within the depths of the underground caves. Would they have it cooler or would it be just as hot and unbearable? It was hard to know what these deep cave systems were like from above. They could have their own weather patterns for all they knew. London and Lyon just hoped that all their children would return home safely.
The pair would soon enough dig into the food that they brought with them as they stared out into the water. Watching as some young Reoseans would splash about and play. When they finished their meal they would decide to head to the water for themselves. Wading into the water up to roughly shoulder length on the smaller male.
Lyon being much larger than his beloved mate would merely get his legs wet at this depth. But it didn't seem to bother him too much, as he’d playfully splash his mate. London would look up at his mate with a smile.
“Oh no you don't!” The Lacework would playfully say before splashing the green giant back.
The two would run, or rather swim away as they’d continue to splash each other. Doing so as though they were mere kids. Only stopping when they got too tired to continue, Lyon panting a bit heavier than his mate.
“Okay.. Okay, you win!” The green male would say with equal parts exhaustion and amusement.
“You bet your cute butt I do!” London would tease in return, before leading the way back to the shore.
Upon dry land once more they each would shake off the excess water on their pelts. Having to wring out their manes afterwards. Looking at each other with a soft loving gaze before heading up to the booth to get ice cream.
“We’ll take two vanilla cones with sprinkles.” London would say to the lilac colored chaser who was manning the booth.
“You got it!” He would say before making their ice cream cones and dipping them in rainbow colored sprinkles after. “Here you are! Thank you for stopping by!”
Each would take their own ice cream, and London would drop the coin for payment. Heading back to their blanket to enjoy their ice cream. By now the sun, that made the temperature just about unbearable, was starting to set. The sky now was a gradient of oranges and reds, a few thin clouds streaking across. These colors reflected off the water's surface in a dazzling display. If only they had a camera with them to capture nature's beauty.
They would soon finish off their ice cream. Colors of the sky had become darker and less vibrant as they'd repack their blanket. By now very few remained on the beach, most having headed home by now. Though London and Lyon would soon leave the beach as well, starting the long trip back to their Warrenfall farm.
When they arrived at home, night would have fallen upon the landscape. The stars were on full display as the clouds still kept at bay. To them and their experience, this showed them that the next day would bring about another hot sunny day. Maybe they would go to the city market tomorrow to stay out of the blazing sun. That sounded like a good plan to them.
London and Lyon would finish unpacking their stuff at home. Settling into bed sometime afterwards for a long night's rest.
Reos both owned by NamesisWolf
London 6676
Lyon 16369
WC: 809
Escaping the Heat
After a particularly sweltering midsummer, many Reoseans are looking for ways to escape the heat. Thankfully the land of Reos is vast, offering plenty of places to seek refuge from the oppressive August temperatures.
Where does your Reosean go? Do they head for the beach? Maybe they prefer the chilly air of the high mountains? Does your Reosean have a secret retreat in the cool waters of subterranean caves, or deep in the dense forest?
Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months ago