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Michael peered from behind the rocks, The Forgotten's leader had tasked him to help them steal resources from other clans. While it wasn't something he would help do they did ask him and they needed help, being that they were thrust out of their clans. So payback seemed logical.

He wasn't so sure how he could sneak around with his big form, he was bigger than most of the Haedian's here so he'd be very noticeable like an elephant in a two story house, still, though- he snuck in. Staying in the shadow, his eyes scanning the area for anything he could steal, so far he hadn't seen anything, until his eyes set on a basket full of food, it looked like it could feed the clan for a good week or so.

Michael looked around to see if anyone would pass by, luckily for him they did it so he speedily crept towards the basket and grabbed the handle with his maw, before quickly slinking back into the shadows before anyone could see him. Just as he was about to leave he bumped into a wooden pillar, causing it to fall down with a loud thud. Panicking he flew upwards and away from the scene, someone could've seen him, and they did. He saw to haedians in front of the building he was behind

"I saw a figure disappear after that noise," a pale haedian said to their friend as looked around the area. Their blue company looked around too, "probably just one of the pups causing mischief. You know how they get."

"Not only that but the basket of food is missing too, it's too heavy for a pup to carry." the pale haedian pointed out, gesturing to the table that once had the food basket on top, the blue haedian's eyes widened in realization.

"Huh, you're right. We should warn the others, stuff has been disappearing a lot over the past years, you think it's one of those Forgotten?" they rubbed their chin with their paws, looking at the table and back at the pale haedian.

"Possibly," the pale haedian uttered as they stood up, walking off to ask others of they had seen anything suspicious.

Michael gulped, he looked around for an escape area that would be big enough for him to squeeze through, if he stayed long enough he would surely get noticed. He carefully tread away from the duo and peered his head out just a little bit, once the coast was clear he bolted towards the nearest exit. Dropping the basket to catch his breath.

He looked back, an idea popped in his head, maybe stealing a little more wouldn't hurt, and the wooden support beam that fell would be useful for the clan.

So he squeezed back inside to retrieve the beam, it would be heavy to carry so he needed to be careful.

Michael used his maw to grab hold of the beam, dragging it slowly across the ground and stopping every time whenever he heard someone walk by. The stakes were high and he was starting to have second thoughts, but he still went through with it. He saw the pale haedian again, talking to a green haedian this time.

"Something's up, I'm sure of it," the pale haedian said, their voice a frustrated tone, the green haedian nodded.

"Someone's been stealing from us, they have been for a long while. Remember last month?"

"You mean when someone dropped a paint bucket on you and when we got you cleaned up a lot of stuff turned up missing?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whoever is stealing from us seem desperate, eh?"

"Too desperate for my taste."

Michael shook his head, he shouldn't stay and eavesdrop, he picked up the support beam that he didn't realize he placed down and continued dragging it, slowly this time so the chatty duo wouldn't hear. He froze when he thought he felt the pale haedian's eyes lock on him. 

"I thought I saw something move," they said.

"You're most likely paranoid, your nerves have been wracked since the stealing began. So you're most likely to start seeing things." the green haedian yawned, using their hind paw to scratch an itch behind their ear. "Why don't you just relax? The thief will be caught eventually."

The pale haedian huffed "Easy for you to say, you've got it easy."

"I sure do." the green haedian laughed, "I gotta go now, chat with you later."

Michael waited, it was a close call with the pale haedian's eyes on him and he can't risk another, not when he's so close. The pale haedian huffed and got up to leave and that was when Michael dragged the beam until he got close to the exit. He realized… How was he supposed to get it through? He's gone too far to just leave it, he thought for a bit and realized he could just, shimmy it through the exit until he could grab the end from over there.

Using his maw to grab the sides of the beam he gently pushed it through, just enough for the other end to be half way out. Placing it down he slipped through and grabbed the beam to pull it out.

Now. How was he going to carry the two items?

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In Storyline Events ・ By DovahCourts

Word count: 885


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Michael 10808

Submitted By DovahCourts for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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