[BRUTES] Prompt 1

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The three companions raced away from the angry group of Brute Haedians back towards the Forgotten Clan. There they reunited with Cailu and Troall. Breathing heavily, the group explained what happened. Cailu had a look of nervous defeat, while Troall just shrugged her shoulders with a sort of ‘they’ll get over it’ vibe. 

“What’s the problem?” Herja asked, noticing their guide’s look. 

Cailu sighed, “The Brutes are the next clan on our journey.”

Garmr laughed, Alowyn groaned, and Herja rolled her eyes as she said, “Of course it is.”

“Might as well get it over with,” Alowyn said. 

Cailu nodded and led the group back towards the Brutes’ clan after they thanked Troall for her ‘hospitality’. The three reoseans knew the way to the Brutes now, but let Cailu take the lead as he explained some things about the clan. The more they heard about the clan, the more they grew to understand the clan. Herja and Garmr still felt no guilt for stealing from them, but Alowyn let the guilt gnaw at her as they approached the Brutes clan. 

Cailu led them through the Brutes’ domain straight towards the leader, Zarod. The three topside reoseans felt the hostility in the air directed toward them. Clearly, in the short time they had been gone, news of their fight and theft had spread. Cailu ignored the group’s discomfort as he found where Zarod stood in the crowd. 

“Zarod,” Cailu called. 

“Why are they here?” Zarod asked when her attention snapped to Cailu and his guests, “They stole from us.”

“Allegedly,” Herja growled but went quiet when Zarod’s glare turned on her. 

“Hardly,” Zarod sneered. 

“Zarod, it was Troall’s involvement,” Cailu tried to placate the cold leader.

“It always is,” Zarod scoffed. 

There was silence between everyone present. It was only when the Haedians they had fought with earlier stormed towards them that the silence broke. The angry Haedians demanded a rematch, they wanted to fight again. Zarod watched them and considered the request. Garmr growled at them, egging them on. While Herja and Alowyn waited silently to see what Zarod decided. 

“Okay,” Zarod nodded, “We’ll do this. Everyone can participate in a free-for-all trial of combat. The object of the match is to collect gold rocks around the arena before the time runs out.”

The haedians hollered in agreement around the three topside reoseans. Alowyn wasn’t thrilled with the decision, but Garmr and Herja were eager to fight again. Cailu stepped to the side to let everyone head to the arena and get ready for the match. He silently watched the three get ready. Garmr, Herja, and Alowyn walked into the arena and it was clear to anyone that it was us versus them. Three reoseans stood on one side while the Haedians stood on the other. 

“I understand how everyone is feeling,” Zarod started from the center of the arena, “But let’s not take this too far.”

Zarod shot a strong look to both sides of the arena. When she was convinced everyone knew to behave themselves, she started the countdown. At the word ‘Go’, chaos erupted around the arena. 

Many Haedians let the grudge go and began their hunt for the golden rocks, while the group from earlier targeted Garmr. A large Haedian tackled Garmr to the ground before he had a chance to plan with Herja. Fire erupted from his body as the fight ensued. Alowyn watched with a shocked face, she wanted to pull them apart, but Herja told her to stay out of it. 

“Focus on getting the rocks,” Herja insisted, “We’ll fight them head-on, and distract them.”

“But…” Alowyn cringed with anxiety that someone was going to be seriously hurt despite Zarod’s warning. 

“No, buts,” Herja growled, “Go!”

Alowyn looked at Garmr as he managed to stay out of the Haedian’s grasp and then at Herja who urged her to move faster. Alowyn eventually nodded and flew somewhere high in the arena to start her plan. With her constant use of the roots in the area, it was very easy to reach out to them for their help. She moved them around the arena, careful not to bring them out of the ground. 

Herja glanced at Alowyn one more time before she threw herself at the Haedians who were fighting Garmr. Herja clamped her jaws onto the wing of one Haedian causing them to reel back from Garmr and roar in pain. Garmr used the new distraction to slam his head against the other Haedian to knock it out momentarily. 

“Took you long enough,” Garmr huffed. 

“I had to manage our soft companion,” Herja said as she surveyed the area for the next target 

“We need to collect rocks if we’re going to win,” Garmr spoke lowly. 

“No, leave that to Alowyn,” Herja shook her head. 

Garmr grunted but didn’t express his displeasure with working with the empyrian. He moved to stand at Herja’s back while they waited for the next attack. 

Alowyn kept an eye on her companions as they threw themselves at much larger Haedians, but she knew she needed to be quick. Garmr would be furious if she didn’t collect any rocks. With a laugh at the thought, Alowyn moved her roots to grab one or two rocks at a time. The roots would move through the ground to Alowyn’s perch where they would leave the rocks in a pile. 

Soon, Alowyn was so focused on her task that she didn’t notice that Haedians began to take notice of her scheme. A couple of Haedians began to approach her perch, which was slowly getting too small to hold all the rocks she was stealing from other piles. Alowyn asked her roots to circle her pile to create a nest-type structure to hold them. She had her back to the arena when a growl pulled her attention back around. 

“We have to help Alowyn,” Herja barked as she dodged an attack. 

Herja was keeping her attention divided between Garmr and Alowyn. She noticed the Haedians approaching Alowyn but wasn’t sure Alowyn needed help until she saw Alowyn turn her back to the arena. Herja moved quickly as she grabbed her attacker’s legs and pulled them to the ground. Herja sprinted towards Alowyn and the two haedians sneaking up. 

Garmr heard Herja’s order but didn’t want to acknowledge it. Ignoring his partner, he continued to fight the Haedians around him. In the fight he was at his happiest, this was where he was meant to be. The only thing that wasn’t right about the battle was that he was making a conscious effort not to mortally wound anyone. He growled with frustration as he temporarily immobilized another Haedian. It was after the last attack, that the Haedians started to avoid the crazed vayron. With the lack of attackers Garmr had no choice but to see how Herja and Alowyn were fairing. 

Alowyn watched as the Haedians lunged for her and instinctively she pulled her roots to protect herself. The roots grabbed hold of the haedians before they could make contact. They growled and struggled against the plant fibers, but couldn’t break free. The roots pulled the haedians away from Alowyn and her perch. It was then that Alowyn noticed Herja near.

“It looks like you don’t need help,” Herja chuckled to herself. 

Garmr appeared next to Herja and sneered at the unharmed empyrian. Alowyn just smiled at them, proud of her skills. Before anything else could be said between the three, Zarod called the competition to an end. 


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[BRUTES] Prompt 1
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In Storyline Events ・ By Leoclare



True to their name, the Brutes care much about strength. Not for the reasons other clans may think though, the Brutes are hard workers - often doing the majority of the heavy-duty work around the caverns. They often hold competitions of strength to elect their leaders and determine who may be fit to lead them.

Draw or write your Reosean partaking in a free-for-all trial of combat. Each contestant is tasked with gathering golden rocks, you may be a warrior to fight tooth and nail for your prizes, or maybe you sneakily take a few from another. The winner will be decided by who has the most golden rocks at the end of the timer.

Alowyn 14712 
Garmr 16531 
Herja 16505 

Submitted By Leoclare for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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