Food Fight! [World Fair]

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It was now midday, some thin clouds would slick across the sky. London and Lyon would be fetching a nice cold drink from one of the vendors. Paying for them before settling down to drink them. After mere moments they would be off again to the games once more, heading on up to play some.

The pair would be in the middle of playing one of these fair games when an unsuspecting cupcake landed upon London’s pelt. “What the?” The lacework would mutter as he would look around for whence it came from, only for another to land square in his face.

Lyon would seem alarmed by his mate being hit by not one, but two cupcakes. Looking around to find the culprit, only to see Ember among others tossing food at each other. The Red chaser would exclaim out, “Food Fight!” to the others involved. It wouldn’t be long before Lyon would be face to face with a pudding pie.

“Get down!” Lyon would say to his mate as he gently pushed him down, a vanilla cake just barely missing the runner. “Is this normal?” The Lacework would mutter to his mate, who would seem equally as uncertain.

“No idea.” The gentle giant would shrug, trying to cover his mate from more food flying past them, “But we should probably get out of the open and behind something.”

London would nod in agreement, “Sounds like a plan if we don’t want to be covered in surgery sweats.”

Lyon would do his best to shield his mate from more incoming pies and cupcakes as they would move behind some crates. Getting hit himself, and getting coated in icing. Though the pair would find a moment to breathe once behind those crates.

“Do people find getting pelted with food fun?” Lyon would softly comment.

“I guess so. Better a cupcake than a watermelon at least.” London would reply before adding, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?”


Though it wouldn’t be long before Ember would pop over, nailing them each square in the face with more soft pies. “Hah! Tag! Got you good! I got more where that came from too just you watch!” She would say before darting off again.

“Guess we better keep moving so we don’t get hit more…” London would say after wiping the pie off his muzzle.

“Agreed. I will cover you.” Lyon was determined to protect his smaller mate, even if it was from pies, cakes and other deserts that flew past them.

The pair would peek out from their cover, spotting a now empty food stand close enough to them. They both would make a break for it, dashing towards the stand as stuff flew past them. Making sure to keep below the counter they would take a moment to breathe, before trying to decide their next move.

From where they were they could spot a few other vayron hiding out behind tables and make shift shields from wooden lids and such. Each daring to lob food at one another, they watched for a moment as rotten tomatoes would bounce off the wooden material. Though they soon would have to move once more, this time having to hunker down behind some barrels.

The barrels hardly shielded the giant puller from a tomato coming his direction, and still coated him in foul smelling juices. Ember would giggle somewhere off out of their sight, “You have to do better than that! I can see you!” She would tease the green giant in particular.

London would gaze around the landscape to the best of his ability through the mess of food flying through the air. “There.” He would point in the direction of another food stall that seemed larger than the previous.

With a nod of agreement, Lyon and London would make a dash for the next food stall. Not managing to miss a few cupcakes hitting their backs as they moved. They each would practically slide into the cover when they got there.

“You cannot escape me forever!” Ember would shout out towards the pair with more giggles.

“What’s gotten into her?” Lyon would ask his mate in a hushed voice.

“I’m assuming too much sugar and candy.” The Lacework would muse, in a way hoping the red chaser would hit a sugar crash soon and settle down.

The chaser would lob more stuff in their direction, cackling the entire time. Their lack of throwing anything back at her hadn’t slowed her down. After all others had been joining in her idea of fun. Though eventually everyone would run out of stuff to throw, and the chaser would speak again, “Alright alright… you win! I’m done!” She would exclaim.

London and Lyon would be relieved when she finally stopped her ‘food fight’ game. Though when they popped their heads up they could see an incredibly large mess left in the wake.

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Food Fight! [World Fair]
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In Reos World Fair ・ By NamesisWolf

Reos Owned by me: London 6676 / Lyon 16369
Starter Used: Ember 013



Mishchief & Mayham - Food Fight! What’s a fair without some flying food? Get the catapults and corn ready, and take cover! Draw or write about your Reosean partaking in (or trying to avoid) a food fight! 

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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