Helping Out [World Fair]

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The pair, London and Lyon, would head back towards the mass of the fair. Leaving the race tracks behind them and taking their freshly obtained ribbons with them. They both knew the fair would soon wind down to a close, but they knew they wanted to try a few last things.

First they wanted to try more of the food of course, needing to regenerate their energy after that long race. They would head over to where the majority of the food stalls were, grabbing a few things here and there before settling down at a picnic table to eat their feast of fair food.

They would chat as they ate, discussing their trip and experiences thus far. London and Lyon would just about finish their meal when they would hear a commotion from a nearby food stall. After turning to look, low and behold a green angora peafowl chaser that they knew as Viridis would seem distraught. Trying to catch the attention of anyone who seemed like they weren’t busy.

London and Lyon would quickly finish their meal before padding over. Offering a kind smile each to the long furred green chaser. “Is there something we can help you with?” Lyon would offer.

Viridis would seem to perk up at the offer, “Yes! Yes! Thank you both for stopping by! I have to go help someone in need across the way. But alas I need someone to watch my stall for me in my stead. I’d greatly appreciate it if you both could tend my stall until I return! I can compensate you for the help…”

“There’s no need to compensate us, we’d be happy to help.” London would say, already knowing his mate would agree without needing to ask.

“Oh thank you, thank you! I’ll be back I promise! It shouldn’t take too long!” With that Viridis would leave the pair in a hurry, taking a satchel of herbs along with her.

With London and Lyon now left on their own to deal with the snack stand, and customers soon lining up, they would be forced to get to work right away. London would take up the position of interacting with the customers directly, asking them what they wanted, handling the cash and even passing the order off to Lyon.

Lyon would look over the orders, and get them together before passing them to those said customers in fresh brown paper bags. That was unless it was something that couldn’t fit in a brown paper bag like cotton candy, in that case he would have to put them on paper sticks before placing them on cardboard to-go containers or if they only bought one, directly to the customer. 

The sheer amount of customers they were getting, seemed quite endless. They hardly had time to breathe let alone take a break, knowing well that they would get through it better together as opposed to taking turns. The pair didn’t know how Viridis had been managing this stand on her own, it had seemed like the pair of them could barely manage to keep up. 

One customer after another would stop at the stand, some wanting candies, candied nuts, or even flavored popcorn, others wanting things like funnel cake, candied apples or cotton candy. It didn't matter, the pair would make sure each got what they wanted. It would seem like a couple hours would pass if not longer before the green chaser would return. 

“Oh I'm so sorry for taking so long, but thank you so so very much for the help. I thought it was only going to take ten minutes tops, didn't mean for it to take a half hour!” The chaser would exclaim upon approach.

A half hour? Thirty minutes? This couldn't possibly be true, the pair would think between each other. They couldn't read minds but they grew so accustomed to each other they may as well have been able to. “Oh it was no problem at all.” London would say with a smile.

“Either way, please accept this gift of apology…” Viridis would say before handing them each a bag of assorted candies.

“You didn't have to, but thank you so much.” Lyon would state with a kind smile.

“It is the least I can do for the help from you both! I hope you enjoy the rest of the fair, I think the fireworks are tonight if you can make it.”

“We will try to make it, thanks again.” London would say before him and Lyon would store their candy in their bags they had with them. Heading off to grab drinks from a stand after their hard work.

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Helping Out [World Fair]
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In Reos World Fair ・ By NamesisWolf

Reos Owned by me: London 6676 / Lyon 16369
Starter Used:
Viridis 14150



Help Wanted! ♦ Snacktastrophe! A vendor has had an emergency come up and needs you to watch their stall for just five minutes, they swear. Does your Reosean step up to the plate or get buried in excess popcorn? Draw or write about your Reosean tending the stall (or using the absence of the vendor to swipe some free snacks!), do they get overwhelmed, or do they handle it like a pro?

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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