The Water [Depthstriders]

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Saikaam would let the three know some more about the Watcher’s clan. When he was satisfied with what information they had, he would take them in the direction of the next clan, stopping at the edge of his own. Telling Osaka, Sitka and Nasale how to get to the Depthstriders from where they were before leaving them to it. 

The two runners and the puller would head in the direction they were told. Walking through rocky winding paths that seemed to dip downwards. Not that it was easy to tell how far down from where they just were. The caves had a way of disorienting you after all. It was hard to judge distance let alone how long they had been down here, it had definitely been quite some time that much they were sure of.

When they heard sounds of water, and a cool misty air, they knew they were getting close. Based on the name alone they gathered they must have a water system going through their territory. Though they weren't prepared for the large body of water that now lay before them. It seemed rather large for a cave system, and seemed to wind further from view behind rock formations.

The three would admire their view of the plantlife, crystals and other life seeming to enjoy these moist conditions. So much so in fact that they would be caught off-guard by a Headian coming up beside them and drenching them all in water.

This headian would be a scaled blue with a green marking. Seeming to giggle at his ‘achievement’, “Hah! I got you all good! Just look at how soaked you all are! Haha! Hello there I am Ornaax!”

The male wouldn't seem to comprehend how his actions could potentially annoy some. Though Nasale would simply shake off the water from her shaggier coat. “Hello there, I am Nasale and these two are Osaka and Sitka.” She would greet the headian back.

Sitka would say a simple, “Hello there.” Osaka however wouldn't reply simply shaking the water off his pelt, not seeming to fully appreciate being soaked.

Ornaax would smile brightly, “Hello hello! I’d like to invite you all to the heart of our humble home. Though it will be quite the swim to get there, so hope you aren't afraid of water!” He would dare splash the three again to emphasize his words.

“Nah, none of us are afraid of water luckily.” Sitka would say in response to the headian before shaking off the water on his aquamarine colored pelt. 

“In fact we quite like water in fact.” Nasale would add in to her mate’s comment.

“Well great! This pleases me greatly to hear! Come on in then! The water is nice and cool!” Ornaax would watch the three rather intently and expectantly.

Sitka would take the lead going into the water first, though would soon be followed by Osaka and Nasale. None of them would have much problems going into the water. Though it wouldn't be long before Ornaax would dive under the water’s surface to lead the way to the Depthstrider’s inner territory.

Sitka and Osaka would have no problems keeping up with the headians speed. Though the massive puller that was Nasale would lag behind some, speed was never her forte after all. Each would clearly have experience with swimming, not having to come up to the surface often for air. 

The group would have to squeeze through a couple narrow passages, and through colorful coral reefs. The underwater landscape would be nicely lit from the crystals in the rock above them, allowing for them to avoid hitting the walls.

It wouldn't be long before the region would open up into a larger space. Other Headians would be playing amongst themselves happily. Ornaax would smile at his newfound guests.

“Here we are, the heart of the Depthstrider’s home! I do quite hope you all enjoy your stay here, it would please me greatly if you did. Feel free to explore around and join in some activities!”

The three would look around the immediate area, Sitka would soon enough speak, “Thank you for showing us to your home, we truly appreciate your welcoming us.” 

“It is no problem at all, in fact it makes me happy to see new friendly faces! The other clans are kill-joys.” 

Ornaax would soon leave the group’s company however when another headian came over and yelled ‘tag your it!’ after having touched the clan leader. The three would watch him go before they would explore around some. 

They would approach another Depthstrider member playing catch with themself. Seemily with a round red colored coral. This member seemed young, at least in comparison to Ornaax to the three.

“Can we join?” Nasale would softly ask them with interest.

“You sure can!” The headian would exclaim, happy someone was even interested in their little game.

Osaka, Nasale and Sitka would soon be caught up in a game of catch-the-coral, or so the headian called the game. Each taking turns passing the red coral around to the other, not allowing it to touch the sandy floor below them. Keeping the coral up off the ground for quite some time as well. Though eventually it would slip right through Osaka’s paws.

The young headian wouldn’t seem too disappointed however. Merely going to fetch the coral off the ground before speaking, “Thank you so much for playing with me! I truly appreciate it!”

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The Water [Depthstriders]
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In Storyline Events ・ By NamesisWolf

WC: 910
Nasale 16582 / Sitka 16580 / Osaka 15251 owned by NamesisWolf

Starter: Ornaax
Prompt 1:
Draw or write your Reosean entering the water, with Ornaax as he assists you to the heart of their home. You could be swimming through a plentiful coral reef or perhaps see other Depthstriders playing tag throughout the flora. 

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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