Deep Dive [Depthstriders 1]

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After Saikaam finished telling the three about the Watchers culture, he would have led Paris, Cairn and Hiroshima to the path that led towards the next clan. Describing the rest of the pathway there, before he would head back to his clan. The three would start off in that direction.

It would seem like the path would trail on forever, though they knew they were getting close when the crystals seemed to become more present once more. They made the path forward much easier to navigate as the path seemed to wind downward. Each being careful as they descended through the rocky pathway.

As they continued onwards, they could feel a coolness in the air, and start to hear splashing in the distance. Was this water? It wouldn’t be too surprising after they thought more about the previous clans. The Druids after all had vast plant life and surely the roots could be connected to a further down pocket of water. Perhaps even the same body of water they were nearing, it was hard to know.

When they came up to the body of water, it seemed quite large from what the group could see. Colorful plant life could be seen around the water's edge, and shapes of them under the surface as well. From where each of them stood at the bank of the pool, they could see fish of all kinds swimming around. Though it wouldn’t be long before a much larger fish-like shape would come towards them. It wouldn’t be much of a surprise to them that this ‘fish’ was in fact a Haedian, a very blue one with some green upon his pelt.

This Haedian would surface close to them, doing so with such grace. “Hello, hello! I am Ornaax, the leader of the Depthstriders. It is such a pleasure to see new faces. Why don’t you come in? I can take you into our home.”

Hiroshima would seem especially taken aback by how, welcoming, this Haedian was. After all the suspicious gazes they received from other clans, and how much they had to earn their way in. Yet this one, welcomed them right in. How odd.

“You aren’t playing any tricks are you?”

“No, no! No tricks here! Only fun and games!” Ornaax would playfully splash them all with water to emphasize his point.

Paris wouldn’t seem bothered by it, giving her brother a nudge, “Lighten up.”

Hiroshima would grumble under his breath, though his daughter Cairn would simply shake off the water and dare to splash Ornaax in return. Having ignored her fathers behavior and soon would jump in with no hesitation.

Paris would test the water’s temperature before she would step into it, going up to her shoulders before looking back at her brother. “Come on!”

The red male would seem more reluctant to go in at first, though would soon follow with more grumbly words.

Ornaax would seem especially pleased when they all had joined him in the water, “Alright! Let’s get a move on then shall we? Tag you’re it!.” He would say as he touched Cairn on the shoulder, before diving under the water and swimming away.

“Oh no you don’t!” Cairn would exclaim before swimming after the blue and green Haedian. Sticking near to the surface so that she could catch a breath whenever she needed to, not being able to breathe underwater of course.

Paris would decide to playfully touch her brother’s shoulder as well, “Tag!” She would tease before swimming after her niece, also sticking near the surface where possible.

Hiroshima would roll his eyes before following behind. The male wouldn’t even try to out swim the other three, swimming just fast enough to keep them in sight.

The Depthstrider’s leader would take them to the heart of his clan, where other members were at play. Some would be playing tag, others skipping rocks and other varied games such as racing or catching fish to release them afterwards.

“And here we are! Our home! I do quite hope you enjoy your stay here! Please, feel free to go look around!” The leader would cheerfully say to the three Vayrons.

Hiroshima, Paris and Cairn would explore the heart of the Depthstrider’s home. Inspecting the colorful corals along the sandy floor. Cairn would seem especially curious about the games the Headians were playing however. Eventually swimming over to a group of them playing to watch what they were doing, to find them tossing some sort of roundish coral around.

Paris would meanwhile try to get her brother to lighten up some more, daring to playfully push him into the sand covered floor. The red female would swim off afterwards, causing the male to swim after her. 

Ornaax would watch them with glee, seeming to get some enjoyment out of the Vayrons behaviour.

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Deep Dive [Depthstriders 1]
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In Storyline Events ・ By NamesisWolf

Characters (all owned by NamesisWolf ): Paris 16323 / Hiroshima 15173 / Cairn 16068

Starter: Ornaax
WC: 803
Prompt 1:
Draw or write your Reosean entering the water, with Ornaax as he assists you to the heart of their home. You could be swimming through a plentiful coral reef or perhaps see other Depthstriders playing tag throughout the flora. 

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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