Item Hunt [World Fair]

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With their companion disbanded from their group, London and Lyon would head towards where the game booths were held. Searching for the sign that listed where the scavenger hunt sign-ups were. Upon finding it beside a blue colored tent, they could spy the other groups that also were signing up for the event.

Clyde was among one of the pairs that were signing up for it, perking up when he saw the pair step up. “Hello! I don’t remember seeing either of you at the fair last year? Well no matter, I hope you both are having fun so far?”

London would smile softly at their chatty competition, “Yeah, It’s both of our first time here. We haven’t had much free time in the past years to catch it. But we are enjoying it so far, yes!”

“Your name is Clyde right?” Lyon would say, trying to make sure he knew who this friese puller was, “If so, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“That is I, and I guess I’ve forgotten to ask your names? So what are they?”

“I’m London and he is Lyon. It is a pleasure to meet you Clyde!”

Though the conversation would be interrupted by a male handing out the lists for the items to be found, one list per group present. When Clyde’s group got theirs they would look it over, Clyde shouting out after reading it over a simple, “Good luck!” to the pair.

London and Lyon looking over the list themselves, there were about 12 items in all in the list ranging from a simple flower all the way to the biggest ticket item, a small golden statue in the shape of a puller. They knew they had to plan their strategy of what to go after first, what was easiest and hardest.

“Well the statue would be the heaviest of these objects, so it would be best to get that last I’d think. The smallest objects would most likely be the hardest to find. What do you think, Leo?”

The green giant puller would nod to his mates words, “That sounds like a good enough plan to me.”

It wouldn't be long before those that were running it would announce the official beginning of the hunt, sending the groups off on their ways. 

London and Lyon would be off searching through the fair for the small items first, finding a flower here, a small coin there. Sticking each item they found in a small pouch that Lyon was holding for the pair. Some items were out in the open, others well hidden under other things, such as a decorative rock. Others were hidden behind booths, or within some of the tents that held other activities. 

It didn't slow the pair down too much, after all they were quite used to having to find small things like certain flowers in a large forest for a child. Or even finding lost cargo boxes for a store in the city, and other such tasks. So finding most of these items wasn't much of an issue. 

One of the items however, was a small golden egg. They had looked high and low, having a harder time finding it. Until London spotted a tree beside one of the bigger tents, seeming to have a nest up in it.

“Do you think it could be there?”

“I wouldn't put it past them honestly. I can give you a boost upwards to check.”

They would head over, Lyon letting the smaller male climb on his back so he could check the tree. London doing so ever so carefully before he would pull out a goose sized golden egg. Having to be oh so gentle to get back down so he could add it to their collection. 

“Okay there, let's check the list again.”

“Yeah, let's.”

They would go over the list, checking off each item they found. One item remained, the statue. Nowhere they looked this far hinted at where it would be. But surely it was in a spot no one would think to look. This gave the runner an idea.

“Hey! Let's check the booth where the sign ups were.”

“Oh, good idea! I'm sure not many would look there.”

They would head back to the area that they signed up for the activity. Checking outside first of course, though Lyon would dare move their sign out front to look behind. Sure enough he would pull a statue from behind it. It looked small in the puller’s huge paws. 

“Found it.” The puller would say to his mate, before putting the sign back in its place. 

“That means we are officially done! Whoo!” London would exclaim in response to his mates words.

They would soon head over to the people running the scavenger hunt to turn the items they found in. It wouldn't be much longer until Clyde and his group would also be coming up with their items. London and Lyon would be given a blue first place ribbon, Clyde's group being given a red second place one.

“Congratulations on getting the items first guys!” Clyde would exclaim to the pair.

“Thank you, and congrats on getting second.” London would say back with a soft smile. The pair would soon move on from this game after having spoke with Clyde some more. 

The pair knew their next fair experience would entering something into the fruit and vegetable judging. But that meant they had to head home for a moment to collect what they wanted to enter, so off they would go to do so.

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Item Hunt [World Fair]
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In Reos World Fair ・ By NamesisWolf

Reos Owned by me: London 6676 / Lyon 16369
Starter Used: Clyde


Fair Activities - Scavenger Hunt: Somewhere on the fairgrounds is a special golden coin/statue/bauble. Can your Reosean find it? Draw or write about your Reosean Searching the fair or finding the token!

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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