Alowyn and her companions wandered away from the Watchers clan in silence. Herja had demanded it after spending days listening to the bickering between her partner and the empyrian. So when Alowyn started humming Garmr held his tongue. The soft melody echoed off the walls and bounced back at them helping Alowyn create a canon. Herja didn’t mind it, Alowyn had a talent for music, but Garmr was moments away from snapping. He was saved when the group stopped to hear splashing.
Out of habit, Herja and Garmr crouched close to the ground and crept towards the noise. Alowyn let them walk ahead unsure what they would find. Saikaam had given the group directions but Alowyn didn't believe they were heading in the right direction. As the group inched forward closer to the splashing, light began to fill the area around them. Herju and Garmr gasped as they spotted the scaled Haedian jumping in the water. However, when Alowyn entered the space she was in awe of the bioluminescent plants. The pair of vayrons ignored the spectacular environment around them, finding the mutated Haedian more fascinating.
The Haedian noticed the group and quickly approached them with a smile on his face. Herja and Garmr were disappointed to be greeted with a friendly Haedian. They had been hoping for some sort of altercation. Alowyn turned her attention away from the plants and smiled at the brightly coloured Haedian.
“Name’s Ornaax,” The Haedian introduced himself.
Alowyn brightly replied, introducing her group, “Alowyn, Herja, and Garmr.”
“I hope you all can swim, getting to my clan requires it,” Ornaax laughed.
Herja and Garmr nodded, entering the water without question. Both vayrons could use their fire magic as a sort of propulsion system if they needed it, but otherwise, the pair floated around. Ornaax looked to the empyrian and tilted his head to wonder at her hesitation.
“Can’t swim?” Garmr sneered from the deep water. Herja sighed and hoped for a moment where Garmr didn’t feel the need to pester Alowyn. Herja attempted to distract Garmr by flicking a little water at him. Her distraction method only got her so far.
Alowyn rolled her eyes and looked at Ornaax, “I can swim, just not well.”
Ornaax gave her a friendly smile and ensured she had nothing to worry about, he would be around to help. Alowyn looked at the Haedian, he was taller than her, but her wings were much larger. She wasn’t too certain about the whole thing, but Garmr continued to pester her. With a sigh, she took tentative steps toward the water's edge. The warm water easily lapped at her toes when she got close enough.
“Let’s get a move on,” Garmr growled, frustrated. He was met with a wave of water from Herja, her way of shutting him up when the little flicks of water didn’t work.
Garmr gasped at his partner, spitting out water, and sent back his attack of water. Herja retaliated with another splash and a rare laugh. The pair soon fell into a playful splashing game. Alowyn ignored the pair and focused on going deeper into the water. When she was completely submerged, Ornaax gave her a couple of pointers as best he could given the differences in their anatomy.
“I got it,” Alowyn smiled at the patient Haedian. He nodded at her and then turned to the vayrons who had been roughhousing in the water.
“Follow me this way,” Ornaax called before diving into the river. The only way the group could follow him was when he would surface for air or get close enough for his scales to pierce the surface.
Alowyn found it easier to do something similar and oddly dolphin dive along the way. After a certain point, she was less focused on her technique and started to have fun. The playful atmosphere was infectious, even for the grumpy vayron. Garmr and Herja still took the chance to dive at each other while keeping an eye on Ornaax. For the first time during the journey, the three reoseans were in a good mood.
As they ventured deeper into the Depthstriders’ territory, Alowyn spent more time under the water with Ornaax. She marveled at the coral and underwater flora she hadn’t seen before. However, in some areas, the coral was so thick the whole group had to stop their playing to carefully pass through so they wouldn’t break or damage the delicate structures. However, once they passed the coral reefs, the playfulness resumed.
The group blended right in as they reached the heart of the clan, surrounded by other Haedians who were also playing various games. Alowyn smiled at her companions as they bonded with each other playing tag in the water and racing around. Alowyn didn’t want to disturb them so she kept observing the unique plants and coral in the clan, while Ornaax helped her with some swimming techniques.
Draw or write your Reosean entering the water, with Ornaax as he assists you to the heart of their home. You could be swimming through a plentiful coral reef or perhaps see other Depthstriders playing tag throughout the flora.
Alowyn 14712
Garmr 16531
Herja 16505
Submitted By Leoclare
for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months ago