Exotic Fruit Cake

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It wouldn't be long before Quilo was leading London and Lyon to the exotic food stall. Telling them both some stories from his recent journey through The Underground as he led them onwards. Having to walk past several colorful and decorated tents on the way.

Other stalls selling foods of other types would surround the exotic foods stall, though the stall would stand out vastly from the others. It was made of knotted wood that seemed to be dyed in dark shades of blue, purple and black, glowing blue runic symbols would line the frame. A glass case would be upon the stall filled with various strange looking foods, more lay hidden behind the shop's keep.

Cereos, a Duveteux Puller that was often found all over the place, would be manning the stall this year, he would pass something that hardly seemed to pass as food to a previous customer. Was it moving? Surely not! This customer would take their questionable meal to a picnic table stationed next to the food stall, poking at it before daring to eat it.

Next up in line would be Quilo, London and Lyon, the wolf patterned puller would beem at new customers stepping up to the plate. “Hello, hello! Come to try out the exotic foods I collected in my travels? They are recipes and ingredients that come from far and wide! From the deserts of Thedale, to the depths of the Vitualus caves! You’d be missing out if you didn’t try something now before it is all gone!”

Quilo would seem unfazed by this display, and the strange barely editable looking foods of all kinds. “My friends and I would like to try something perhaps fruity and exotic. My treat.”

London and Lyon would seem a bit weary over the foods on the counter that seemed to contain bugs, worms and other creepy crawlies. Sure they were aware some ate that sort of thing, but they were very much alive and wriggling in the dishes, threatening to escape. Lyon would look up as Qulilo spoke, gulping some, “Uh, yeah… What do you recommend?”

The puller’s fox tail would wag in excitement when they didn’t completely reject the idea, and Quilo specified a preference even. “Well these kiwano and pitaya cakes are pretty delicious! They come from a far away Thedale village in the middle of nowhere! Far from our warrenfall home.”

London, Lyon and Quilo would nod in response to this description, surely a cake made from melon and fruit must be good right? London would be the one to speak for the group, “That sounds lovely, thank you. Think we will go ahead and try that.”

What the three were presented with was three mini ‘cakes’ that each looked a bit lopsided, and had chuckles of fruit and melon sticking out of them. Each bearing three aloe leaves sticking out from the top in a strange manner. They looked so pitiful in comparison to other foods within the fairgrounds. Were they even editable? Or good for that matter? Only one way to find out!

They each would take one of these cakes, Quilo giving a few coins to Cereos, before the three would head to the now empty picnic table. The previous customer seemed to have finished their meal and left. London, Lyon and Quilo would each pick a spot and set their plates down.

“Looks rather moist, doesn’t it?” London would say to the other two, before going on to take a bite.

“How is it?” Lyon would ask his beloved mate with anticipation.

“The texture is a little too mushy for my taste, not a lot of flavour to it. Could use some spices.”

Quilo would try his own at that as well, seeming uncertain about it himself. Lyon would dare try it at that, having to force himself to finish.

“Gosh yeah, I see what you mean. Could have used an extra something in there, maybe less fluids in the recipe as well.”

Quilo nodded in agreement, trying to finish his own ‘cake’. Though the runner would have a harder time pallating the texture, and would gag some.

“You don’t have to finish it if you don’t like it, you know? No need to make yourself uncomfortable for someone else’s sake.” London would tell the Borealis softly, likely taking another bite or two of his before stopping.

“Yeah, okay…”

The group would dispose of their unfinished portions before returning the metal plates to Cereos. They would walk off to another part of the fair to chat some more.

“I think I’m going to head home for the day, see you two later!” Quilo would tell the Lacework and Puller.

“Sounds good, see you later!”

“See you!”

With that the Borealis would disband from the group, heading back to his home in Reoden. Leaving London and Lyon to figure out what they wanted to do next within the fairgrounds.

“Let’s try another one of those games next, perhaps something that isn’t too activity heavy. Especially after that meal.” Lyon would suggest.

“That works for me, think I saw a scavenger hunt somewhere.”

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Exotic Fruit Cake
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In Reos World Fair ・ By NamesisWolf

Reos Owned by me: London 6676 / Lyon 16369 Quilo 14004
Starter Used: Cereos



Mischeif & Mayhem - Is this...edible? You stumble across an “exotic” food stall, but you’re not quite sure any of this is really food. Is that a tentacle?? Surely not. The vendor seems keen to get you to try it, and it IS free after all. Draw or write about your Reosean trying out some...strange looking dishes! 

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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