Sheep Chase!

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After they left the souvenir tent, London and Lyon would walk side by side through the fairgrounds. Trying to decide what they wanted to try next. Walking past a few tents, of varied colors and designs, all decorated with flags and lights. A light breeze would make the flags and such flutter some.

Some time would pass before they would settle on an activity, chasing down and collecting some loose animals. It was harmless for the animals of course being in a controlled and monitored situation. Plus, it would give them something more active to do early on, figuring they would want to do lighter stuff later to wind down.

Lyon and London would head towards the area in which they were hosting said activity. It was a rather large area that was fenced in, flags hanging off of the fencing, some various hay piles and of course the animal shed the animals were to be led to once captured once again. The pair would lean up against the fence as they would watch a group of kids chasing the sheep around, trying their little hearts out on trying to capture them. Some having luck, others winding up in some mud.

Among these kids trying to capture sheep was a chaser, she was known to many as Leyanna. She seemed to have quite some skill chasing these sheep back into their stalls, it was clear to London and Lyon that this calico-stripped chaser was a skilled hunter. Skillfully getting the majority of the sheep caught, with the kids having little luck themselves. They would study how the chaser would move, hoping that they could learn something for their turn.

Lyon and London would soon be joined at the fence by a borealis runner, one that the pair already knew after their work together through the guild, Quilo. He too would lean against the fence to see how the previous group were doing.

“I could join you in the game if you both want? After all, it could be more fun with three” The dark grey and blue male would offer them.

“That sounds lovely, we’d love to have you join our team.” The purple Lacework would be the one to speak first.


“Then it's settled, and it looks like we are up.” Quilo would gesture to the kids, and Leyanna getting their times after their game, and getting some consolation prizes for the effort.

Leyanna would come over to them before they would be called, “Good luck out there! You’ll need it!” Her feline tail swishing behind her as she spoke. Holding her head up high as she would be off to find another game to concur.

The three would be called up next of course, the sheep being released once more. Lyon, London and Quilo would head into the fenced off area soon enough, listening to the game coordinator’s list of rules and instructions before sending them off on their way, the coordinator with a stopwatch in hand to time them. When they were given the official ‘GO’ the group would split up to chase sheep.

Lyon would have a harder time keeping up with the fast little critters, being a rather large puller he was more clumsy than the other two, stumbling here and there over the slightest uneven patches in the ground. But this didn’t stop him from being able to chase a sheep or two back into the stalls, or guiding a sheep into the clutches of the other two.

Quilo would have no problem keeping up to the sheep, being quite trained in endurance and speed he would decide to tire them out before guiding them back into the stalls. Though the mud he was getting on his paws off-put the clean loving runner. He still would power through his minor dilemma.

London would do his best to help his mate chase the sheep in the right direction, knowing quite well his beloved giant was slower than him. His speed was no match for the sheep, who would bleat as they would run into their stalls. At least the sheep were never hurt during this game, a harmless game of cat and mouse.

By the time they got all thirty or so sheep back into their stalls, they would all be winded from the activity. It was quite the workout running between fluffy white sheep, hay mounds and the random mudd puddles that were made up from the many tiny hooves digging into the ground. London, Lyon and Quilo would meet back up to the game coordinator once they each caught their breath.

They would be given their time as a group, and each given a token for their participation in the game and to remember it by. Leaving the fenced area to let the next group enter.

“Well that was fun. We should totally hang out more.” Quilo would say to both of his friends before continuing on with, “How about we head over to the Exotic food stall next? My treat.”

Exotic food stall? What kind of foods they considered exotic here the two did not know, but they were willing to find out. Each giving a nod, “We will join you in that offer.”

“Great! Follow me then! I went there last fair, so I know where it is.” The Borealis male would cheerfully respond before he would start to walk.

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Sheep Chase!
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In Reos World Fair ・ By NamesisWolf

Reos Owned by me: London 6676 / Lyon 16369 / Quilo 14004
Starter Used: Leynna 5468



Competitions ♦ Loose Livestock: Livestock is set loose in a controlled environment, and Reoseans are attempting to catch them! Oiled pigs, chickens, jackalopes, sheep, and other domesticated animals are doing their best to remain free - try to round them up, but don’t hurt them! Draw or write about your Reosean chasing down some rowdy animals!

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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