Starry Night [Watchers]

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The three vayrons, Nasale, Osaka and Sitka would seem to be getting quite used to this new attire well enough. It wouldn’t be long before Saikaam would lead the three of them to another section of the cave system. He seemed quite impressed with how they grew comfortable to the attire of course, and thus he would have them enter where other headians of his clan were actively painting.

These other headians of many sizes, shapes and colors, were in the midst of painting a large mural depicting the night sky far above the underground. They each were donned in the dark silky clothing that they themselves were given, and shiny silver jewelry to match. The mural was filled with purples, blues, black, greens and a bit of white to make up galaxies in a very post-impressionistic style. The twin moons lay at the center of this mural, being surrounded by bright white stars. The very nature of it seemed to be the essence of what they believed, that they, like those stars, were the watchers of the night protecting the moon. Or so the three would assume.

Saikaam, dawning his own silky clothing, would pass each of them a paint brush. “We would like you to contribute to our mural here. With you being above-grounders you should have a closer and fresher view of the stars above. So it would be an honor for us if you would each add something from your world to ours. Just pick a spot to your liking and go for it, there are paints over there.” The watcher’s leader would gesture to a table full of paints, mostly of the purple, blue, black, green and white varieties that were already being used in the mural.

“I’ll be back where you got your clothing from when you are done. I have others to watch over.” With that the leader would leave them to it.

Osaka, Nasale and Sitka would each study the mural above and around them, watching the Watchers work. They seemed to have an easy time painting with their dexterous hands, doing so gracefully with ease.

“So, what do you think we should paint?” Osaka would turn to his brother, not seeming the most confident in the idea.

“Well he did say he wanted us to each add something from our world,” The aquamarine male would pause for a short moment, “Perhaps we could draw owls? Or perhaps specific constellations, or perhaps even a floating island?”

Nasale would watch her mate as he spoke, “I could gladly tackle on a floating vitalus island. Seems like it could be fun.”

The blue Lacework would seem to think it over for a moment or two, “Alright, yeah. I think I could handle an owl, I’ve seen enough of them while hunting. Even caught some for the elderly. I’ll try that..” He wasn’t the most confident in his drawing skills however, but maybe that wouldn’t matter much in the style that the headians set for this mural.

Sitka would smile softly at his brother and his mate, “Then I’ll tackle some constellations. I’ll go for the Pisces one.” He felt strongest connections with water signs, so this was one he was more familiar with.

They soon would divide and concur, each picking a spot on the mural they thought would best suit their painting ideas. Nasale would use each of the colors they were provided into making a floating island, upon that island would be some crystals. The Duve puller seemed like she had painted in her spare time, though would of course get some paint in the white of her tobiano.

Sitka would use mainly the white for his constellation, having picked a spot high up on the mural. Painting each star carefully and connecting them with thin slightly shaky lines. He wasn’t the most skilled at painting, especially at this angle, but he was just trying to have a bit of fun with it.

Osaka would seem to stare at his chosen spot for a bit before he would start on the owl. Deciding ultimately to attempt both an adult and a fledgling following behind. Doing so with a mix of black and white to make a snowy owl, tryinging to add some touches of blue and purple to keep it in theme with the rest of the mural. This lacework wasn’t confident in this whole process, though his result would at least resemble a bird.

When each of the three were satisfied enough with their work they would return the remains of the paint they had, and clean off their paint brushes. Meanwhile some headians would stop to admire their work, whispers among them could be heard. The three would turn to watch the headians, pointing at each of their works and making comments such as ‘what is that?’ and other curious comments.

The group would answer some questions to the best of their abilities. Though the group would notice a familiar headian among this crowd, although he wasn’t a watcher member. Alesitar would seem particularly interested in the paintings the above-grounders made, it was from a world different from his own. That he seemed to wish he could be a part of, not that he would admit it to these three vayrons.

“Are you lost?” Osaka would dare ask the Druid member after spotting him.

“What is this?” The headian would redirect while pointing at the owl painting.

“An owl. They are birds we have above ground.”

“Oh, interesting.”

Osaka would turn to his brother and his sister-in-law with a puzzled look. He didn’t know if he should say something else.

Nasale would be the one to speak up, “Just leave him be, we should be getting back to Saikaam anyways..”

With that the group of three would return to where Saikaam was to return their clothing, figuring he would want them back. Returning also the freshly clean paint brushes. The leader would perk up seeing them return, “You are back! Did you have fun?”

“Yes, we had fun. Thank you for showing us some of your culture.” Sitka would be the one to say, the other two each saying their own “Thank you” as well with a simple nod.

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Starry Night [Watchers]
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In Storyline Events ・ By NamesisWolf

WC: 1,039
Nasale 16582 / Sitka 16580 / Osaka 15251 owned by NamesisWolf
[guest apperence by my planned semi 'Aleister'] 

Starter: Saikaam 
(Part3) Option 1:  As you don the Watcher attire, you feel a sense of belonging and connection to this enigmatic clan. The flowing fabrics, while different from your usual garb, convey an air of grace and freedom. Encouraged by the Watchers' warm reception, you continue to embrace their culture and way of life. One of their loves is painting murals of the celestial bodies, for whom they hold a certain faith.

Draw or write your Reosean, still wearing Watcher garb, painting murals onto the dark cavern walls. Some paints here even glow, thanks to fluorescent lichen!

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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