A fit to fit

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"Well done." said the Haedian again grasping both his front paws together whilst he smiled.

"Saikaam will be pleased to hear about your arrival." he reiterated again, looking around the group of friends.
"Yet." he tapped his clawed index finger on the back of his other hand "you are still lacking something."

"And what would that be? If we need to race you again I will do it!" said Maple with beaming confidence which netted her a shake of the head from the Haedian.

"No, as much as I'd love to get a rematch, lets not. I mean your-" a hand came up to gesture in front of the air toward the group. "all of this. I want to show you more of our culture but for that you need to look the part." he added, nodding softly to himself which caused the silver jewelry he wore to gently sway with his motion.

Cailu scratched the back of his head. "We dont really- have other clothes with us Im afraid." the Watcher haedian glances over to Cailu his smile broadening. "Oh dont worry. I will take care of that."

Varos tugged on Maples wing to get her attention. "What do you think about this? Im- unsure if those outfits are really for me." Maple understood as Varos even when he cooked back at home didnt like to wear a chef outfit as like he said, it restricted his movement and made him feel uncomfortable.

"We can see if they might have a neckerchief you can wear. Would some jewelry bother you?" she inquired, her chaser friend responding by shrugging his shoulders. "We will have to see." he added.

Katholes scoffed softly. He too wasnt too keen on changing attire and the flowy garbs this Watcher was wearing told him one thing about the Watchers way of dressing which inately went against what Katholes valued in clothing- the dark flowy fabrics looked pretty and the silver jewelry was no doubt a nice touch, but the tunics, wraps and similar were far from practical.

Katholes ears flattened against his head as his thoughts circled back to his past and he imagined himself fighting in an outfit like that, yet he noticed that he was once again slipping back into thoughts that haunted him and dispelled them with a shake of his head.

"If we have to- I dont see a problem with it." spoke the Puller, his speech lacking any enthusiasm, still Maple appreciated that Katholes was willing to cooperate, Maple would keep a close eye on Varos to make sure he would be comfortable is what the tyrian promised herself wanting to look out for him.

Seeing as nobody in the group had objected the four followed the Watcher deeper into their territory, arriving soon at a small hut etched into the caves walls. The inside much, like the unique pathways the watchers had made for themselves had a distinct feel to it, with the tapestries hanging from the walls showing diagrams of celestial bodies. Obviously someone had spent a lot of time carving this living space into the side of the cave wall yet what was most stunning was the ceilings of this house inset into the wall. All of the ceilings were painted black with white specks scattered across, imitating a clear nightsky, yet what was most curious about them is that the paint didnt remain static but that if you watched closely you could sometimes see shooting stars streak across the ceiling almost as if by looking at the ceiling the four were staring directly up at the night sky.

Maple, Cailu and Varos were captivated, staring up in utter awe, which they were snapped out of when the watcher cleared his throat. "Its beautiful isnt it?" he remarked, waving the party over to a wardrobe.

As he opened the doors to said wardrobe the dark silks and fabrics that were revealed were the new star of the show. Maple found herself rushing up to the wardrobe to admire the silks up close as some had intricate designs on them of abstract constellations, planets or just decorative swirls.

The watcher stood next to her, glancing back and forth to the tyrian, then back to the outfits hanging neatly in the wardrobe.

"I think yours and my anatomy are kind of similar even if your wings are larger." he said tapping a finger against his chin in thought.

"I feel like we should try some of the more flowy outfits as that should still leave you with enough room for your wings." Maple listened passively but her eyes were glued to a silver necklace from which a piece of the luminescent crystals hung which had served as a constant companion down here to her troupe.

She absentmindedly nodded, grabbing the outfit, a flowing gown made from delicate silks and fabrics in one claw whilst retrieving the necklace with the other hand, failing to ask if she was even allowed to, as she was too transfixed on the beauty of the necklace. The watcher observed her, a small chuckle escaping him before he waved the red coated puller over, indicating it was Katholes turn next. He had watched Maple with a mix of amusement and reluctance, as he approached the Haedian, who picked up on his uncertainty with his keen eyes.

"Hm- you look like you dont really enjoy what Ive currently got on display here- let me see if I have something less... flashy for you." the watcher sifted through the outfits in the wardrobe one by one whilst katholes watched, shifting his weight from one paw to the other on the cool rock floor, Varos watched Katholes nervous, wishing himself to be elsewhere and not have to do this, the chaser walked up and softly bumped into Katholes to try and calm him. As the small chaser touched Katholes his head snapped over to Varos to stare at him, no words were exchanged between the two, yet Katholes didnt reprimand Varos, but he also didnt smile.

Varos gave the puller his space again- yet he noted that the rocking back and forth from katholes had stopped.

"Here we are." said the Haedian turning around to show a small dark tunic with minimal silver accents. Katholes simply nodded and walked over, slipping into the tunic with minimal trouble. He stopped to inspect the fabric draped over his form, glancing between him and his friend maple who at this point had already put her outfit on, happily twirling around in it. A smile crept onto his face as he watched her, and a feeling of being content spread in his chest, he sat down, appreciating the fact that this simpler tunic didnt restrict his movement and was much more practical than what Maple was wearing, who as if almost on queue, stepped on part of the flowy silks of her outfit, nearly causing her to topple over, yet she caught her footing.

"This will do." said Katholes gruffly as one paw came up to adjust the tunic again. Cailu had in the meantime walked up to the Watcher haedian and also picked out an outfit for them with the help of the Watcher. Cailus outfit was heavy on silver accents, adding a nice contrast to the overall dark outfits the other friends had chosen until now. Varos looked around, noting that it would now be his turn, secretly wishing to just be able to skip this step in its entirety. Nethertheless he walked up to the wardrobe, glancing nervously between the Haedian and the contents of the wardrobe.

"I- Im not sure if I-" stammered Varos. The quivering voice of the chaser snapping Maple out of her outfit enduced state of trance to walk over to her chaser friend. She leaned down next to him to offer comfort to him, acting as a mediator between the haedian and Varos. "You dont have to do this if you are uncomfortable." said Maple, sending a warning glare to the Watcher, urging him not to disagree. "Lets take things slow and see if we can find something you'll be comfortable in okay?" maples voice was warm and comforting, helping ease her friends anxiety a good bit.

With the two friends scanning the array of garments and Maples continued support Varos finally felt like trying on an outfit would be something he could handle. With a quivering paw he reached for a dark robe with a matching belt that hung in the wardrobe, under the watchful gaze of the Haedian.
And whilst Maple helped him to put it on, it came as no surprise due to the vast height difference between Haedians and Chasers that the poor chaser was still drowning in fabric. Varos cringed, stiff as a statue, looking wholly uncomfortable. "I dont think I- like this, its way too big and the fabric is too heavy." noted the Chaser ears flicking with discomfort. The Tyrian, not waiting for the Watcher to take the lead pushed said Haedian away from the wardrobe, diving in headfirst, sifting through the garments and accessories, she did not only consider the overall size of the outfit, no she also had to consider its weight now as well as how much the outfit would cover on the chaser. At the bottom of the wardrobe, hidden in a corner the Tyrian found something that piqued her interest. She soon emerged with a silk scarf and a silver tiara from the wardrobe which she set aside for now to help her friend remove the robe he was currently still trapped in.

Once the outfit had been placed back into the wardrobe Varos tried on the scarf and tiara, feeling much happier with the small selection of items he had to wear as they were almost weightless, making it easier for the chaser to ignore the fact that he was wearing something. "This is better." said Varos smiling happily at Maple. The watcher had observed the whole interaction, knowing very well that the tyrian would not back down on defending her friends clothing choice, despite the fact that it didnt follow Watcher tradition to a T, yet the Haedian couldnt help but feel happy for Varos that he had such a good friend who was willing to help him navigate difficult situations comfortably, as such the haedian smiled before proclaiming.

"Splendid, you all look wonderful, just as if the moon had kissed you itself." the Watcher closed the doors to the wardrobe and slinked past the four towards the door again, only stopping momentarily to say.

"Off we go then, theres much to show you of our culture."

Maple, looked to Varos who gave her a thumbs up to indicate that he would be alright and with that she started to walk, excited for what might await them in the Watchers territory.

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A fit to fit
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In Storyline Events ・ By Xe-Li

You are escorted into one of the member's living spaces, adorned with tapestries and murals depicting scenes of celestial bodies, and given access to a closet. Draw or write about your characters in traditional Watcher garb. Are they comfortable in the loose fabrics, or do they feel too exposed?


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Submitted By Xe-Li for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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