Decorations [World Fair]

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After their tour had finished of the fair grounds, London and Lyon would walk around on their own taking in the decorations of the grassy landscape. From the colorful tents, to the varied flag colors and lights that hung between them.

“So where do you think we should go first dear? Do some games or go to the costume tent?” Lyon would ask his much shorter mate.

“Let's go to the costume tent first, get our manes freshly braided, perhaps pick up some fair inspired accessories?” The Lacework male would look up at his green tobiano mate with a soft smile.

“Sounds good, let's do it.” He would smile back.

The pair would soon be off towards that costume tent first, it luckily had a very noticeable sign outfront. A board lay beside the entrance that listed what they all offered, from face painting, hair braiding and accessories. They would have to wait in a bit of a line as another vayron would be waiting in front of them.

The red chaser with her multiple tails, she was known to many as Ember. She seemed to have trouble standing still to wait her turn, her tails going a mile a minute. When she seen the two vayrons joining her in line she would perk up.

“Hey! You here for face painting too? No! I know! You are both getting shinny accessories! That's it, it has to be surly!”

She spoke so fast it was hard to keep up with, though Lyon would reply much more calmly.

“Uh, yeah we are here for accessories and hair braiding. Have you been here long?”

“Thats so great! I'm sure you both will get something fantastic! I've just gotten here myself but its been a blast so far! Think I'm going to go get snacks after this! Or games!”

The female chaser seemed to almost vibrate in place with all of her energy. When she was called up next after a group left she would practically bolt in saying back to the two vayrons, “See ya later!”

“She was quite the energetic one.”

“You can say that again.” London would giggle with a soft smile, “Least she's having fun, that's lovely to see.”

Moments would pass before it was the pairs turn inside the tent, a red blob rushing past them as they entered. There were boxes of accessories of all kinds, from simple rings engraved with the fair’s name and year to vibrant costumes and anything in between. There was also a face painting table within the tent and other tables of trinkets and things.

A few Reos and people alike manned the tent and helped fair-goers get what they wanted. They would approach the ones doing the hair braiding first, each telling their respective persons what they wanted. Their manes each getting carefully braided with the nibble hands of a person. London getting his classic one large braid that hung on his right side. Lyon getting his smaller side braid on the left that got tied underneath the rest of his slightly curled mane, along with a few in his long tuft tail fur.

When they were finished there they would dig around in the accessory crates. Each picking out a few things from it, some bracelets, a couple flower accessories and Lyon in particular picking out a hair clip with feathers in it. The pair would aid each other on putting these accessories on of course. 

Digging around the boxes some more afterwards to each settle on their own silky scarf. London found one that was patterned like a galaxy, blues, purples and some almost pink tones with white stars. Lyon chose one that was more floral in pattern, with red roses and green thorny stems upon a white fabric. Each carefully wrapping the scarf on their necks in a way so that the end lightly hung off their shoulders.

Soon checking out their new fair looks in a pair of mirrors, each making some slight adjustments. 

“I think you look quite nice, London” Lyon would state to his partner with a soft smile upon his muzzle.

“Thank you dear, I think you look great as well.” The purple lacework would smile back.

The pair once satisfied would each donate some coins for the service, before taking their leave from the tent. Contemplating afterwards where to go next.

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Decorations [World Fair]
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In Reos World Fair ・ By NamesisWolf

Reos Owned by me: London 6676 / Lyon 16369
Starter Used: Ember 013



Fair Activities - Costume Tent: Face painting, hair braiding, accessorizing -- How does your Reosean get prepared for the festivities? Draw or write about your Reosean partaking in some festive adornments.

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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