Celestial Fabric [Watcher]

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The race across rocky pathways and wooden structures made in treetops wasn’t easy for the group. But especially not easy for the puller Nasale, at least her mate and his brother were there beside her during the entire thing.

Saikaam would dust himself off, having been tackled to the ground by the group during the end of their race, “Now then… I would like to take you all to our living quarters, and show you all a bit of our culture! So follow me…”

The Watcher’s leader would lead the two Laceworks and their Puller companion further into the Watcher’s territory. The living dwellings were carved out of the rock, seeming quite large and spacious for what they were. This section of the cave system had more paintings of stars and such, more so than the earlier parts of the Watcher’s territory. Most if not all of these paintings were bioluminescent.

It wouldn’t be long before Sitka, Nasale and Osaka would find themselves being dressed up by other members of the Watcher’s. The leader watched them in anticipation as the three vayrons were being dressed up in ceremonial garbs. Silken in texture, dark in color, some celestial constellations would show up onto the delicate fabric.

The Nasale and Sitka didn’t seem to mind at all in the slightest, though Osaka would be more unfamiliar with the feeling of such fine fabric. The blue male would almost seem worried that he would tear it on his own jewelry and accessories.

It wouldn’t be long before the Watchers would place some silver colored jewelry on each of their guests, the silvery metal would glimmer in the dim light of the few crystals that resided here. They too mimic the stars in the above-ground much like the paintings on their clothing and walls.

How funny it was to think that these creatures lived far below the ground far away from a view of the Vitialus skies. Yet here they were worshiping the stars that lit up the night skies. It wasn’t completely unfathomable that they once lived above ground too, to have seen the stars. Well not they, themselves. Probably many, hundreds of generations ago perhaps. But that was kind of the reason they were here weren’t they? To learn how these clans operate, to discover more about them, their culture and their history. These three in particular hoped that they could make peace with these undergrounders, to make allies of them all. But ultimately it wasn’t on them alone, there were many others down here as well that could easily ruin that dream.

When the Watchers seemed finished fastening the clips and placing the jewelry as they wanted, they would back off to admire their work. Saikaam would seem pleased thus far, “And how do you like it so far? Well… I think you look fantastic!”

Each of them would take it all in, moving around a bit to get a feel for this new attire that they dawned. Maybe they could get used to this..

“I think it is lovely! I admire the work that you’ve all done on these fabrics, so pretty.” Nasale would say first, seeming to really enjoy the feeling of it against her longer fur.

Sitka would smile softly, “I think it quite suits you as well Nasale. Almost wish we could take some back to my dad, believing he would quite enjoy the designs of the material and jewelry.” The aquamarine colored male would lightly touch the fabric adorning his body as he spoke.

The mention of his dad would make Osaka feel a bit homesick, he had wished both of their dads London and Lyon could have joined them on this journey. But he knew the idea of conflict, even in the game setting of the Brutes wouldn’t have been suited for either of them, nor would the theft that the Forgotten asked them all to partake in. He genuinely believed that they would have liked the Tranquil and the Druids however, or even the starry clothing and paintings of the Watchers. He couldn’t wait to tell them both of the adventures they went on down here.

Saikaam would watch the blue male sit and lightly touch the necklace that they had placed upon him, “And you? Do you like them?”

Osaka would seem to almost startle out of his train of thought, “Yeah, they are lovely. Thank you…” Having to take a few more moments to speak again, “I-is it possible to take something back to our family?”

The male felt so awkward to ask this of a Watcher, when it didn’t feel like he had the place to do so. Sitka would watch his younger brother for a moment, before going over to the blue male, “Hey… I’m sure they are fine back home..”

“Hm… I suppose I could let you take home a bracelet perhaps…” Saikaam would chime in as he watched these vayrons.

The puller would smile at the headian, “That would be wonderful, thank you…”

“Thank you.” each of the runner males would also say in response to this gift.

It wouldn’t be long before the Watcher’s leader would leave and return with a bracelet, passing it over to Osaka, “Here you are.” Afterwards the headian would go on to telling the group of three about what these garbs represented to them, and other things about their culture. The three would listen to every word.

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Celestial Fabric [Watcher]
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In Storyline Events ・ By NamesisWolf

WC: 905
Starter: Saikaam 
Nasale 16582 / Sitka 16580 / Osaka 15251 owned by NamesisWolf


(Par2) Option 1:  You come out of the race successful, and the Watchers, while still reserved, congratulate you and wish to show you more of their culture. The Watchers often adorn themselves with distinctive attire, marked by dark, flowing fabrics and intricate silver jewelry that reflects the dim light of their cavernous abode, and they want you to look the part. You are escorted into one of the member's living spaces, adorned with tapestries and murals depicting scenes of celestial bodies, and given access to a closet.
Draw or write your Reosean in traditional Watcher garb. Are they comfortable in the loose fabrics, or do they feel too exposed? Make sure you don't cover up too much of your Reosean, they still need to be recognizable by design!

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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