The Tour!

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It was that time of year once more, the Reos World Fair was upon the whole of the world. Every continent celebrated this time of year with various celebrations and festivities. This year Lyon and London planned on joining them as well, wanting to experience their first World Fair together as partners.

Though one couldn’t begin such festivities without knowing where everything was of course. The pair soon after entering the fairgrounds would have been approached by a small pink chaser, known to many as Gwen.

“Hello there! You two seem new here, why don’t I give you a grand tour? Show you where everything is! Mr. Plum would join but he’s busy right now, but I’m free.”

“Why yes we’d love to have a tour around the place, thank you so much.” London would be the one to speak for the pair for the moment. Though Lyon would smile in agreement as well.

Gwen wouldn’t waste much time before starting to lead them further into the fairgrounds, “Then follow me! I know where everything is!”

The green puller and his purple runner companion would follow behind the chaser as she led them from tent to tent. “This one is the souvenir tent, this one over here is for face painting. That really big one over there is where they perform shows..” She would go onto saying as she’d gesture toward each of the colorful tents.

All decorated with colored flags, banners and other such things that screamed ‘fair’. Strings of lights would hang between the groups of tents, in preparation for when nightfall would come. Other Reos would be exploring the fairgrounds as well. Andromeda was among them, an abyss runner with galaxies laden upon her shaggy coat, whom London recognized as his mother.

It was a rare sight that London got to see her anymore. Since their tour took them that way he would take some time to stop the runner. “Hello, mom.” He would say with a warm smile.

“Oh, hello! Are you enjoying the World Fair so far?” She would state to the purple Lacework male.

“We haven’t been here long so far, but it seems like it could be fun so far.”

“I’d definitely recommend checking out the fireworks at night, or going over there to the petting zoo.”

“We will keep that in mind, thank you.”

Andromeda would give an awkward nod, heading off to do some fair things of her own while it lasted.

It wouldn’t be too long before London and Lyon would continue on their tour with their guide Gwen. The spunky chaser taking them next to where the food stalls were, “This is where you can get food and drinks. They could always use extra hands to help them out if either of you would be interested..”

Lyon and London would share a look at eachother, helping out was what they were good at. Helping out with snacks would surely be an easy task for the pair. They each could tell what the other was thinking, so they didn’t need to discuss it out loud. They’d be back.

Gwen would lead the pair next to where the game tents and stalls were. “This is where the games are, there are races, tug of war, scavenger hunts and more! We even have plant growing competitions over there.”

“Plant growing competitions? Sign us both up for that.” Lyon would be the one to comment, knowing that they both grew plants on their warrenfall based farm.

“You’d have to sign up over there, I don’t have the forms with me.” She would say as though he had been serious.

“He was just joking. We’ll gladly go over there to sign up later.” London would chime in.

The tour would continue on toward the petting zoo soon enough, “Here is the petting zoo, and the fish pond is over there.” Gesturing to a rather decorative fountain with glowing fish swimming around in it.

The chaser would show the pair some other locations of the fair, before ultimately leading them back to the entrance where they began the tour. “And here we are back to the start! I hope you both enjoy your time at the World Fair! It has been a pleasure showing you both around!”

“Thank you for taking the time out of your day to show us around.” Lyon would say to the chaser with a soft smile.

“It has been my pleasure!”

Lyon and London would soon be on their own once the chaser had left them. Planning the rest of their fair trip between themselves. 

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The Tour!
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In Reos World Fair ・ By NamesisWolf

Reos Owned by me: London 6676 / Lyon 16369

Included NPC: Gwen
Included Starter: Andromeda

WC: 765
♦  Grand Tour! Oruvunen, or rather 'Mr. Plum' and Gwen want to show you around this world they have created. Do you oblige them this request? Draw or write about your Reosean interacting with Mr. Plum and Gwen (or just one of them).

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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