The Leap [Watchers]

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Osaka, Sitka and Nasale would be finishing up with the Druids, having completed their duties. They would have stayed for a bit to rest and learn a thing or two from them before moving on. The Druids would have pointed them in the proper direction to the next clan.

The path before them seemed to stretch on for miles upon miles, the cave winding and turning as if they were a maze. The glowing crystals that they became familiar with seeing in the plenty became more scarce. Stalagmites however grew more noticable in comparison, and the rock surounding them. Brightness that came with the crystals and bioluminescent plant life also dimed. 

For those that lived in bright Thedale lands, this might of been harder to adjust to. Deep damp dark caves lay before the Vitualus surface dwellers. They could more easily distinguish shapes in the landscape before then than the average. Osaka however more so than the others, having hunted in caves before, and even more so in the dark hours of the day.

When they stepped down into a wider open space, Osaka would be the one to look upwards. Noticing the bats that were in the ceiling, and those that were larger than bats, haedians. He would watch them for a moment before bringing it to his brother and sister-in-law’s attention.

“They are above us, watching our every move. It's kind of unnerving.” 

The other two would look up at the blue runners words.

“That is an interesting place to find them. Why ever would they want to be up there?” Nasale would question.

“Good vantage point for hunting… or as they seem to be doing. Watching us.”

Many of their eyes would shine in the crystals dim light. It being clear when they would blink as there would be a moments absence from this reflective light. 

“Creepy.” Osaka would add after a few moments. 

Sitka would look around himself before speaking, “I think I found a way up, so follow me.”

Nasale and Osaka would indeed follow. Once up above the treetops and closer to these Watchers they would see some running around from the varies rocky platforms in the ceiling, and wooden platforms within the trees branches. It would appear to the three of them that they were racing, or challenging each other to a test of agility. 

Perhaps this was their way to learn off this clan, to earn their respect. To join in their activities of speed and agility. They would watch the watchers a bit longer, waiting until they found an opening. As one watcher, a purple male that flew by, they would jump in. Running after him, without a single word exchanged with the male. They each would jump from platform to platform after the haedian. 

The two runners would have no issue with catching up with him, though Nasale would have a harder time, her size making it harder to mauver these passage ways. She was more build for hauling heavy weight, not running at a fast pace high above the ground. If she were being honest being this high up made her a little nervous.

Osaka had trained often with running and agility, after all it was apart of his job as a hunter. So this was nothing to him, and despite Sitka not hunting as often and readily as him, he could keep pace with his slightly younger brother. He helped him train some when they were younger after all, even if hunting as a job didn't interest him. 

The haedian once they were sure of what these outsiders were doing would intentionally try to test them. Turning sharp turns while gliding in the air, even double backing on them as if teasing them. Perhaps he was doing so a bit as well.

There were a few times the group of three would of almost tripped on each other in their attempts to keep up with the male. But they would all manage to keep him in their sight. They would seem to have a group of haedians watching them as they did so. Watching every move they made.

Osaka would seem to think it over as he ran, “What if we tackled him?”

“That could be seen as rude.” Nasale would chime in from behind the males.

“But, it could also prove we have what it takes to be here as well.” Sitka would add.

“Exactly what I'm thinking. In order to tackle him we have to catch up to him first. It should show our determination to them.”

“Well I hope you both are right.”

“It is a good point though and he seems to have a bit of a pattern to his movements. Out running gliders might not be our way to impress, we could outsmart them.”

The three would continue with a new found determination. They were going to tackle that haedian to prove they could not only keep up with him, but that they could ‘catch’ him as well. 

Osaka would split off from the group to take a different route, deciding to cut off the purple glider. Pouncing at him from above, the other two following suit from behind the haedian as well. Knocking the male onto a wooden platform.

Though he wouldn't seem mad about it, chuckling before speaking, “Good job! You caught me! I'm Saikaam the Watcher’s leader.”

They were following the leader the whole time? So he was doing this on purpose! 

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The Leap [Watchers]
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In Storyline Events ・ By NamesisWolf

WC: 912
Starter: Saikaam 
Nasale 16582 / Sitka 16580 / Osaka 15251 owned by NamesisWolf


Prompt: Draw or write your Reosean in a contest of leaping through the cave’s pathways. Tyrians may fly, but find issues with the tight tunnels and low visibility. Vayrons may perhaps hitch a ride from a Haedian and help guide them through the course. However you choose to take this path, it is important to impress these careful listeners.

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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