The Blight [Druids]

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After the group that was Osaka, his slightly older brother Sitka and Sitka’s mate Nasale, finished planting the last sampling, they were approached. A dark blue Haedian with an azure blue sooty across his back and shining blue eyes to match, watching them in silence for a moment or two before he would speak.

“Our leader Auris sent me to take you into another part of the caves.” Seeming kind of tired as he spoke, “He wants your help destroying a plant plague.”

Not even letting anyone respond before he would start walking towards another section of caves deeper into the Druid territory.

The group would follow behind, Sitka and Nasale walking side by side, Osaka just behind them. 

“Do either of you two know anything about plant diseases? I for sure do not.” Would be what Osaka said to break the silence as they followed the Haedian.

“I know some, but I am in no way an expert in the field. My brother would have known more, though isn't here of course.” Nasale would have been the one to reply.

“Our dads would have as well or even Paris.” Sitka would chime in.

“Then this will certainly be a challenge for us to tackle.”

The blue haedian would soon stop in front of a whole section of blackened plant life, some worse off than others. “These are the ones that you are expected to fix. Most others blame you Topsiders for this, not that I really have an opinion on that. Have fun or whatever.” He would pad off once again not letting them respond to him.

Osaka would sigh at the males attitude, “What the hell is his problem? It's like he has a bug up his butt.”

Sitka would place a paw on his brother's shoulders, “If you ask me he probably needs a change of scenery. But that's none of our business.”

Nasale would have been inspecting the plants, seeming to frown a bit. “It looks like some kind of blight perhaps, just extra aggressive? Guess it could be due to the nature of the crystals that it got this bad.. but again I'm no expert.” 

The two boys would watch her for a moment, Sitka being the one to actually speak, “So do you have an idea where we can begin? None of us are really adept at plant magic so that's out.” 

Nasale would look back at the aquamarine Lacework male, “Probably should start by cutting off the infected leaves I’d imagine, could see about moving any healthy plants away from infected ones if we can. But I imagine that won't be possible with most of them.”

“Guess it could be possible to try and use the crystals as well? Well for you to try, Sitka. Probably would be easier for you to connect with them, in hopes of using them to defend the healthy plants? I don't know, it is an idea.” Osaka would seem uncertain about his suggestion. 

“Could try, anything is worth trying for the sake of stopping this before it gets too out of control. Don't need them hating outsiders anymore than they already do.”

With that they would divide to conquer this spread of disease. Nasale and Osaka taking different sections of the diseased plants, cutting away any the ones that were blighted. Hauling away their remains and burning them, figuring fire was the best way to prevent the clippings from causing more spread.

Sitka would meanwhile find the nearest crystal cluster, sitting before it to try and draw energy from it. Trying to bring the magic to the surface with his arcane abilities. Once he had tapped into it, he would do his best to encourage the plant's defenses. The male had no way of telling if it was even working, though would keep calm and focused on his efforts. 

At some point Sitka would try to focus his magic on trying to revive and heal blighted plants. This was in no way familiar to him, but he figured he needed to learn new ways to use his arcane magic, especially if he wanted to become the sorcerer he had always dreamed of becoming. After what seemed like ages, he would manage to revive one of the plants. It was a small feat, but still an accomplishment nonetheless.

Osaka and Nasale would have put their all into culling plants beyond recovery, and cutting off diseased parts of others meanwhile. Eventually regrouping with Sitka when they felt that they were needing a break from it all.

“How's it coming over here Sitka my dear?” Nasale would greet her mate.

“Fine I guess. It's slow going on my end, and you twos?” 

“Exhausting, it's like every plant we do ten more sprout up with the disease.” Osaka would chime into their conversation.They each in their own way felt like they were in over their heads.

 But soon a Druid member would stop by. “Things seem to be coming along well here, I’ll let our leader know. We appreciate your efforts greatly, after all this plague is foreign to us. I apologize for Aleister before, he gets grumpy sometimes over nothing.” They would say to the three of them.

“Aleister? Is that the grumpy blue ones name?” Osaka would be the one to question.

“Yes, that's him. But I should be off to find Auris now bye!” The new haedian would wave before going to seek out the Druid leader to give him the update.

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The Blight [Druids]
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In Storyline Events ・ By NamesisWolf

WC: 914
Nasale 16582 / Sitka 16580 / Osaka 15251 owned by NamesisWolf
[guest apperence by my planned semi 'Aleister'] 

Option 2:  As your character delves deeper into the Druids' world, they uncover unsettling truths about the forest's future - an aggressive botanical disease, brought from the world above. Leaves are being overtaken by veins of black, and several plants have been choked out already. Whispers among the druids blame the upsiders, and you're met with more than a few distrusting stares. You need to help, and assure them that this wasn't intentional.

Draw or write your Reosean attempting to staunch this illness and the imminent catastrophe it brings. Will you succeed or fail in your quest to save the sacred grove?

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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