In Events ・ By Demonic75
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Canvas wasn't supposed to even be in these stupid claustrophobic underground tunnels. He was supposed to have stayed with his friend, the male that felt like a brother to him and maybe it was more, but he couldn't fully admit it. He was supposed to be with Calypso, but Calypso's energetic, sometimes stubborn and reckless self had gotten them split and not only that the Matriarch that had offered this “wonderful” tour was gone after the chaos Calypso had caused. So here Canvas was all alone, groaning in pain as his back unnecessarily made tiny sparks like firework glitter hitting him and burning him. This feeling of being trapped gave him a sick feeling of deja-vu of being alone and then at the same time the yellow, red messy colored vayron felt that he was being watched by these weird creatures called Haedians. Knowing they were watching to test him, but he didn't fully understand why, it just made him feel more sick inside and that made the pain more out of control. He followed the tunnel as it finally led to an opening of an underground grove with weird plants seemingly thriving with no sun. Thriving with the tiny sickly glow of the various crystals that made the already colorful vayron more rainbow coloured. He heaved in the somewhat more fresh air and took a moment to try to calm his nerves down to ease the pain. I´m not gonna leave without Calypso. I need to find him, he closed his eyes sniffing the air. All his nose noticed of senses was the Haedians spectating him, and the slight hint of blood, not his friend's blood, smelled closer to the blood from an animal. He opened his eyes back up and started to move faster, following the scent needing to know the source of it as he came upon a sight of a wounded deer, alive but bleeding. The wound could kill it if it kept untreated, it was suffering and still he felt he wasn't supposed to end the suffering of the deer. This was a test. He looked around and moved to get some various leaves and started trying to press it against the wound trying to give the deer some assistance. There was no water source nearby and he had to make sure to bite his teeth together and focus on keeping himself calm to not end up having firework sparkles hit the poor animal and end frightening it even more. He had zero expertise when it came to healing or medicine, honestly he had no clue what he was doing. He did this once before with a much smaller wound and it had worked but the blood still flowed from under the herb mess he had pressed into it, and the deer made noises of struggle. Maybe he should end it, but he had this inner feeling that it was going to make those spectating him very angry. He had to somehow help this deer but how. He had no healing magic nor knew of miracles, what would the dumbass Calypso do in this situation?. Canvas shook his head, no I need to do this my way, I don't know what that idiot would do here, but this ain´t right. He looked around for any options, before he removed the herb bundle and started to try lick some of the blood away from the wound. Before laying a new bundle on it, pressing it tighter on the wound making the poor deer make a sound of  agony. He then moved to take some weird yellow flowers and squashed them to pieces before pressing it on the wound as well. “Anyone please.. I don't know how to save it. Wouldn't it be better to end its suffering?” He shouted slowly panicking, fastly losing control as he moved away from the deer and groaned in pain as his back once more exploded with sparkles. Tears ran from his eyes, as he heard the deer moaning in pain. His ears started ringing before suddenly silence and he looked up at a brown Haedian, the deer behind it looking much more healthy. “Maybe you are the one needing more help and support then this deer you tried to save” The haedian said before it suddenly touched him and all the pain suddenly faded. “How did you do that?” Canvas asked and took a relaxed breath. It was the first time he felt somewhat at ease since he and Calypso got split as he looked at the deer then the Haedian `` i'm sorry i i failed '' he said and looked at his paws before another relaxing exhale. “It's alright, you might have failed but I saw strength and pain within you. I´m Auris the leader of The Druids, walk with me and maybe you will find a balance within yourself” Auris said and moved his tail pointing in a direction, before touching the deer and pushing it gently towards some other Haedians that started to guide it away. Canvas looked at where he had entered before he looked at the way Auris pointed. Maybe I should follow and see, maybe this is how I end up finding Calypso and escape this dumb tunnel system. “Alright i will walk with you” He said and got up feeling a surge of strength within himself as he moved the way Auris had pointed. As Auris followed after him, before walking ahead leading the way perhaps towards the center of where The Druids lived. All Canvas could think of was the ease of pain Auris has somehow given him and the worry of his friend Calypso, but he knew he had to focus on this path that his paws seemed to guide him towards whether he liked it or not. 

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In Events ・ By Demonic75


Draw or write your Reosean attempting to make peace with the Druids by connecting with like interests. You could tend to plants, maybe assist an injured animal, or keep away any pest that might try and harm the innocent life that grows amongst the Druid.

Submitted By Demonic75
Submitted: 9 months agoLast Updated: 9 months ago

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