Is That Magic? Oh No...

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The meditation had been...nice. Though Zaro suspected he didn't feel its full effects due to his natural rejection of magic, even down here in these caves, the moment of peace surrounded by the soft water sounds was calming. Hana seemed to come out of it more rejuvenated than he could have imagined, a bounce in her step as she trotted beside him through the winding caves of the Tranquil territory. 

"I wonder what they want to show us?" Hana said cheerfully, not an ounce of care in her body for the fact they were being led through unfamiliar caves by an unfamiliar Haedian, "That last spot was so beautiful!"

Zaro grunted in reply, preferring to keep his inner musing to himself when he could, even if Hana seemed determined to pull them from him like an infected tooth. His shoulder shrugged as best it could while they were walking, every one of his steps easily three or four for Hana and the small Haedian in front of them. 

"Perhaps they are simply showing us the way out," That didn't seem likely, and considering Zaro had left Ashazara behind, he didn't think they'd actually be leaving just yet. He had to go collect his overgrown chicken, first. 

"Nah, this is way more important," Hana said with a self-assured nod, her cherry-colored hair bouncing like a silky curtain around her face, "I can just tell." 

"You can just tell," Zaro couldn't help but repeat, a smile that wasn't even his usual sinister look spreading on his face, "Thank goodness I have you with me, then." 

Hana looked at him with a startled gasp, the affronted expression Zaro was expecting not present and a look of undiluted joy on her face instead. 

"You made a joke!" 

Zaro's smile was instantly wiped from his face, replaced by his trademark expression of neutrality instead. He humphed as they rounded another twisting bend in the caves, which then opened up into quiet the beautiful sight. 

Many caves seemed to converge here, and there almost seemed to be a lake in the center - if Zaro could not see it was only a few inches deep at best. The tranquil waters went undisturbed, and flowers of all colors grew from the rocks and shining crystals around the area. Pyrri was awaiting them in the center, and Zaro felt both inexplicably more nervous and more calm at the same time. They had been brought before the leader herself - but he did not sense any malice coming from her, yet. 

"Welcome," Her voice was soothing, but it was the cadence of someone speaking through their mind and not their mouth, which immediately set the hairs on Zaro's nape on end. Magic, the kind that he could not simply shrug off. 

"Thank you, for having us!" Hana didn't seem nearly as affected by the off-note timbre of Pyrri's mental voice inside their head, so Zaro let her take the lead on this one out of fear of offending. 

"You have taken our customs and culture into your hearts, it is only fair I offer you something in exchange," Pyrri's voice echoed inside Zaro's head, and he did his best not to wince. Magic meant pain for him, and the spines along his body ached as his horns buzzed at the intrusion. 

"Oh? A gift?" Hana seemed excited by the prospect, and Zaro shot her a sideways glance in warning - they didn't know what this gift could be, or if it was even safe. She wasn't looking, though, so the warning went unheeded. 

"Indeed," Pyrri was smiling, her lips barely moving even as she spoke, eyes closed - they hadn't opened since the two arrived, "Do not be wary, it shall not cause you harm. I simply wish to share in another tradition of ours, together." 

"Okay!" Hana was eager to accept, but Zaro was...hesitant. This already felt like an intrusion into his mind, and he did not find he liked where things were headed. To refuse could be worse, though, so begrudgingly he nodded his head in silence. Of course, Pyrri seemed to sense it even meditating as she was. 

"Join me in the circle," Without needing to gesture, Zaro felt pulled towards a few more platforms inside the circle of water, which he now realized ran intricately in deliberate shapes and symbols around the area, "Please." 

Compelled, either by honor or some underlying magic, Zaro took the first tentative step forward to settle onto one of the flat rocks in the area, while Hana found herself a position elsewhere. Once seated, Zaro and Hana looked to Pyrri again, waiting for her guidance. 

"Relax your body and open your mind, I wish to share with you the true meaning of Tranquility," Zaro narrowed his eyes but had thus far not been led astray by these Haedian clans, so after a moment he let his own eyes slip closed. His breathing evened out, and distantly he heard Hana's do the same. There was no trickle of water here, but despite the cave's deep-seated position in the earth, Zaro thought he felt a breeze against his face that gently tickled his whiskers and spines. 

At first, nothing seemed to happen. Zaro relaxed slowly as the soft breeze kissed his cheeks, and the gentle smells of the flowers lulled him into rest. After a while, images, almost like dreams, seemed to drift in Zaro's consciousness. They weren't obtrusive, but Zaro recognized them as unnatural quickly, almost struggling against the intrusion as he stiffened and held his breath. 

Relax, Python of the Desert, The words, meant to be calming, only made Zaro less relaxed. So deep into this meditation, Zaro was no longer aware of Hana, or her presence, his mind sucked into the pit that Pyrri had created for him. He couldn't open his eyes, couldn't breathe. 

Do not resist this, Words, almost designed to make Zaro resist more, spoken in his mind with the slightest hint of worry and concern. Zaro did not care, he simply wished for this to be over - the meditation had been one thing but this, the intrusion, was another. He could not abide it, even if it was a gift. He also could not speak these concerns aloud, as he struggled with the mental hold this place had on him. 

Fine, if you wish to be free, then so be it, The images he'd been seeing vanished in a moment, leaving only the yawning cavern of darkness in his mind. Like a sense of falling before sleep, Zaro tumbled into it, a growl on his lips as he felt his body pitched to the side as Pyrri released him. 

The last thing he recognized before darkness was the splash of cold water on his face, and Hana's concerned voice ringing in his ears. 




Zaro woke to Ashazara's chattering, it's beak clicking over his head in an obvious attempt to rouse him. He grumbled, shifting his weight to his paws so he could lift himself up and shake himself free of unconsciousness. 

"What happened?" His voice was scratchy and groggy, his eyes blinking blearily open as he stared up at his companion. Zaro looked around for Hana, but she was nowhere to be seen. In fact, he'd been moved entirely and seemed to be on the borders of the Tranquil enclave. Curious. 

"They left you here," Zara said in its hissing voice, "Said you needed rest. You smelled fine, so I let you sleep." Zaro narrowed his eyes up at the dragon, but they were hovering over him protectively so he didn't doubt her intentions. 

"And Hana?" Zaro inquired after the little runner, who had left an impression on him despite his best efforts. 

"Gone," Zara tilted its head at him inquisitively, "To the next clan, perhaps. She said to pass along a message: Next time, don't pass out in their sacred waters. She seemed quite amused by this, what did you do?"

Zaro shook his head, stretching the aching muscles of his back and neck as he finally stood properly. Gone then, but perhaps he'd see her again. 

"Let us leave," Zaro spoke as he pushed passed his companion, "I do not wish to linger in" 

Behind him, Zara chittered out a laugh between its toothy maw, talons scraping against the stones as they moved to keep up with Zaro. 

"I wish I'd have seen it," They said with a sigh of amusement. 

"I am glad you did not," Zaro retaliated, knowing he'd already had much to live down with this bird. 

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Is That Magic? Oh No...
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In Storyline Events ・ By Livard

ZARO 13086 || ASHAZARA - COMPANION || HANA 227 || ST3 - Pyrri

Word count: 1430


Zaro doesn't do well with magic man, but he tried to be part of the cool kids club (and failed). 

Submitted By Livard for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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