Competitive Spirit

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Xe-li - 213 words

With the recent interaction with the forgotten clan and the upset they had to deal with that had been caused by their actions Vranjad and Piers were perhaps a bit surprised to find another Vayron down in the tunnel systems after having seen so many haedians in recent times.
Yet- there he stood a puller with a big smirk etched onto his face. his pelt dark except for the streaks of red.
"Vranjad. My dear friend." he started his smirk broadening into a grin. or a snarl? it was hard to tell.
Vranjad froze as he saw the puller and looked over to Piers quickly.

"Right- sorry I didnt forget just. Let me get right to it."said the grapecoated Runner, shooting Piers an apologetic look.
"this is asarb. My... colleague." he said before adding.
"Im sadly going to be a bit occupied with business but you dont have to wait for me. Ill catch up once I'm done."
Asarb watched, eyes boring into the runner as he spoke.
"Ill accompany you in the meantime. After all Im already here now and oh so curious as to what else can be uncovered down here." remarked the Puller, walking up to take Vranjads place next to Piers.
"To a fruitful and benefitial cooperation." added Asarb.

Felfeyn - 250 words

Piers wasn't quite sure how to feel about the current situation, having stood quietly to the side as he observed the interaction between the grape coloured Vranjad and this shadow furred stranger. He had only just come to truly appreciate the runner's prescence as their personalities played well off of one another in their experiences thus far, and the idea of having to feel out a balance with another new stranger so soon was... somewhat offputting.

But he would do as he must, and he doubted that he would be able to handle whatever challenge came next alone. Cailu aside that is.

Amber met garnet as the other puller made eye contact, smirk lingering, during his approach. Piers shook his mane out of his eyes before replying.

"The name's Piers. Hopefully we work well together."

"And I'm Cailu!" Their haedian guide chimed in.

Introductions made, and farewells given to Vranjad, the trio set out to continue their journey.

The sound of clanging metals met them long before anyone from the next clan they were to encounter did, the noise bouncing around the caverns. Cailu had filled them in with what he knew as they traveled, telling them of the Brutes pride in their strength and thwir skilled craftsmanship. Their approach didn't remain unnoticed forever though, as one must have noticed their party and sent word ahead.

Stood like a bulwark at the entrance of the Brutes home was a dark coloured haedian, accented in amber and red. Their leader, Zarod.


Xe-li - 192 words

Asarb had eyed up the new acquaintances. The haedians were interesting to say the least, yet Asarb couldnt wrap his head around why Vranjad had decided to travel with the thick coated puller, after all they didnt strike Asarb as the type to thieve.
To say he was intrigued was an understatement, yet he refrained from inquiring as getting an answer to that question would quell his own curiosity but wouldn't serve a more important purpose. He had walked with the two quietly only speaking up when his input had been required.

The pullers eyes cautiously scanned the surroundings, underground tunnels riddled with gemstones, yet under Piers watchful eyes the other Puller knew better than to pocket one of the gemstones to inspect their value more closely.

Having arrived at the lair the Brutes call their home Asarb couldnt help but smile as the leader crossed their path, preventing further passage.
He glanced over to Piers and Cailu then back to Zarod.

"What an honor to be able to meet you face to face." offered Asarb with a bow before he straightened his back again, teeth bared into a smile once more.


Felfeyn - 178 words

The dark haedian stood tall in front of the trio of newcomers, wings flared to make herself appear larger. Zarod watched them warily as they came to a stop.

"You come to the domain of the Brutes! State your business here, strangers!"

Piers briefly glanced at his companions, gaze lingering on Asarb, unsure if the other would follow his lead before speaking up,

"We've come to learn about your clan, Zarod, and to offer aid should it be welcomed!"

"Hah! The haedian maybe, but little wingless things like yourself and the one next to you? Don't make me laugh!"

Piers frowned, and he could feel Asarb tensing up next to him at the insult.

"We may not be as large as you haedians, nor physically strong, but we come bearing our own strengths as well. Won't you at least give us a chance to prove ourselves capable?"

Zarod's eyes narrowed, prowling towards Piers and getting into his face, a cocky smirk pulling at her scar.

"You want to prove yourselves? Fine. Let's see what you little things got."


Xe-li - 295 words

Zarod vanished further into the heart of the Brutes Lair, a glance over her shoulder cast toward the outsiders to see if they were following.
Heading through the Brutes territory, well-built huts were strewn about with some haedians already working on the next diy project.

Curious Haedians followed the newcomers advance through their home as Zarod guided them toward what could best be described as a maze that had been hewn into the ground as to allow spectators to sit on rows around the perimeters to look down into it.

"This here will show us what you are truly made of."
spoke Zarod a smirk flashing across their face as they looked at Piers and Asarb, clearly having prejudices about how well the two would do in what was about to transpire.
The darkcoated Haedian would go on to explain the rules of what she called 'a little fun', collect golden rocks, best opponents by doing so within the pit or get them through other means.
The group agreed to the competition if for nothing else than Asarb insisting that he wanted to show Zarod what he's made of.

Once the trio was away from Zarods eyes for a moment for their preparations before the competition is when Piers suggested their plan to collect as many golden rocks as possible without directly picking a fight with the haedians over them.
"Distractions and swiping the golden rocks is how we will win this competition." he said which netted him instant protest from the other puller.
"Thats a cowards approach. Let me at them. Ill show them that they shouldnt have picked a fight with me." responded Asarb, this level of arrogance would no doubt be his downfall, this was something he didnt want to acknowledge however.


Felfeyn - 250 words

Piers was left standing there dumbfounded at the other puller's arrogance, before shaking his head.

"Do as you wish, but I'm not taking the risk. If you change your mind, we will gladly accept your assistance."

Before long, the competition began and the large arena quickly turned into a mass of frantic activity. Asarb immediately threw himself into the throngs of combatants, getting lost in the crowd, while Piers and Cailu worked as a unit. Cailu would engage with an opponent as Piers dig a shallow pit, before dashing in to snag the prized golden stones and returning to the pit to bury it; out of sight and out of mind.

Eventually, Asarb was bodily ejected from the thick of combat, a much larger haedian having sent him tumbling. He stumbled his way back over to his companions and begrudgingly, and silently, began to dig pits alongside Piers. He was weary and worn, giving the shaggy puller more opportunities to slip away and return with more stones.

The trio lost track of time in the ebb and flow of combat, until a loud gong rang out. Zarod stood tall at the lip of the arena, staring down at them all.

"It's over! Gather your stones and present youselves for judging!"

It seemed to take an age for Zarod to get around to the mismatched group, but eventually she approached, only to stop in her tracks.

Even at a distance, their collection was noticeably larger than the rest.

Victory was theirs.

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Competitive Spirit
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In Storyline Events ・ By Xe-Li, FelFeyn

Word Count: 1378 Words

Collaboration with FelFeyn for the new storyline event!

Draw or write your Reosean partaking in a free-for-all trial of combat. Each contestant is tasked with gathering golden rocks, you may be a warrior to fight tooth and nail for your prizes, or maybe you sneakily take a few from another. The winner will be decided by who has the most golden rocks at the end of the timer.

Featured Reoseans: (gets booted out of the story nearly immediately) (vranjads replacement) 

Submitted By Xe-Li for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 7 months agoLast Updated: 7 months ago

Xe-Li: Roleplay Participant
FelFeyn: Roleplay Participant
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