Ways of the World
A: The runner nodded, there wasn't much else she could do to help anyway. She wasn't great at growing food and usually kept to her studies so that didn't help much when it came to gathering supplies. Wait, supplies! She could help with some parchment and such if they would take it. “I have a bunch of parchment in my bag, and I can help with maps if you guys need anything like that?
Antlia reached into her bag, pulling out scrolls and parchments galore. She prided herself in her studies, and she was hoping that it would come in handy sometime. “Or I could help… make compost with it. Paper is good for composting and it'll help keep your crops growing healthy!”
Her eyes met Troall's and then the other clan's leader. “I wouldn't mind staying to help if it's alright. I want to learn more about your culture and how you live. It fascinates me knowing you guys are living down here, especially after all this time.”
N: Nokare smiled at Antlia’s kindness and nodded in encouragement. Both clans seemed to consider the vayrons’ offers until a solution was eventually found. The Forgotten would return some of the supplies, while Antlia and Nokare stayed with the offended clan to help fix up the messes. Troall insisted on keeping the food and minimal building supplies, and Nokare and Antlia had to placate the other leader as the clans departed. Nokare spoke of her magic and the budding sprouts that covered her fluffy feet- how they could mend wounds or encourage the growth of crops. Antlia had her parchments and stories of the topside, and the many lands and kinds of prey they had. It was all enough to calm and distract the clan’s many members with wonder. The leader was not so easily distracted from today’s offense, but she seemed calm enough to give these strangers the chance to redeem themselves.
A: They had set to work in returning some of the stolen supplies, though thankfully the two leaders had come to an agreement on what supplies could be kept. Troall begrudgingly agreed, though she seemed pleased that they were allowed to keep any of the supplies at all. Antlia had given them some of the parchment and writings she had with her and offered to help them with their own documentations after they had settled down the clan they were currently with. The runner was more than thrilled to help wherever she could, and she had spent the last handful of moments meeting with the haedians around her.
“I have many writings from my studies, especially when it comes to the sky and the stars. I have mapped out many planets and have tried to figure out where to place them, but some of my writings are a bit off.” She looked over at Noka and smiled, her next thought hoping to impress her. “I’ve also used it to figure out what specific days are best for planting and what the best time of day is best to work with magic. It's still a work in progress, but I've figured out a few things with some of my plants and flowers I keep. They've been thriving pretty well and I hope that knowledge can be passed down and help you guys as well!”
The runner shifted on her feet as the leader sat before her. “Teach us, show us, and please leave us your writings. It will be of great use, especially if the others end up trying to steal from us again. I don’t want to be left blindsided if there’s anything that can help us.”
“Of course, I can also leave you the images I’ve drawn out too. It shows the process of how the solar system interacts, at least how I think it interacts, with the soil and the life of the plants.” Antlia pulled out an image documenting how her hibiscus had been growing, from the first day she planted it to a picture that was drawn only a few weeks prior. “This one is the only one that has thrived as well as it has, and I’m hoping that I can figure out how to work with Noka to better understand how it works.”
The runner sat there as the others talked around her, interest piqued even more at the thought of magic and the world around them working together. Even the world outside of their planet, it fascinated them that they could have any effect on them and their everyday lives. She wasn’t sure if her studies would get them anywhere, but at least they could give it a shot to help this clan and the forgotten clan. To give them a chance at survival instead of just having to steal from others, and to be able to fend for themselves when times were hard for everyone. They’d have to figure it out, for everyone.
B: Noka had relaxed considerably at the end of the night, having worked with the clan healers, teaching some surface medicine and healing of her own. She taught about cave gardens from the surface, medicinal draughts and ointments, and some magic as well. Seeing Antlia talking so passionately was a great way to ease some past tensions. They had done good work to calm the clan, including its leader.
Collab RP with HARNI
Option 1: The clan seems to calm down considerably after you explain the difficult position of the Forgotten clan.
Draw or write your Reosean trying to find a peaceful solution to their previous transgression. This may look like giving back the stolen goods, cleaning up the prank, or trying to make up for your crimes in some other way.
Submitted By SPACEP00DLE
Submitted: 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 11 months ago