[Trade] PT : Monoceros, Ryuuju, High Priestess Ema

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PURITY TRIALS – Monoceros, Ryuuju, High Priestess Ema


Prompt: Along your journey, you’ll have to find shelter - and not always in the safest of places. Depict your Reosean either defending their temporary home from intruders, chasing the previous residents out, or being chased out themselves!


Monoceros had met Ryuuju as she started climbing out of the Beneath, curious of the outside world. Having just left the Order, she didn't know much of anything other than fight, hunt and well, kill. For Ryuuju was nearly the same, except she had been born in the abandoned Forgotten Clan.

Now, they both longed to explore the outside world, but they both needed a guide: they had heard of poisonous or venomous creatures and plants, dangerous meteorological conditions and places that it was better to not visit, unless you wanted a dagger at your neck. Those things were unknown for them, as the whole map of Vitalus was unexplored for an Haedian.
They were in luck, though: a High Priestess named Ema decided to take both of them under her wings, and show them how the life was in the outside world.


“Do we really have to?”

“Well, unless you want to get bitten by something and die from the poison, yep.”


Monoceros didn't want a guide. Or, well, she didn't feel safe with one. The time she spent in the Order, from her birth, made her cynical and paranoid. On the contrary, Ryuuju was more than happy to have a guide explaining how to live in the upside world, where the sun was currently warming both the Haedians with its rays.

“It's just... Why can't we have a map?!”

“I doubt you'll find a map with everything we need written down.”

Monoceros huffed, and right then they both heard a rustling sound.
Both turned at the same time, and Monoceros had to bit back a scream. Before them there was an Empyrian dressed in pristine white cloth, with chains around her neck and a shining headpiece. The newcomer bowed her head sightly in greetings, before talking with a soft voice.

“Welcome to the outside world. I shall be your guide.”

She told them both, before gesturing to follow her. Monoceros stared at the Empyrian with distrustful eyes, while Ryuuju trotted happily on her side.
As they reached the outskirts of Ebrus, the High Priestess started teaching them the various plants they needed to avoid.

“Listen well, you two.”

She started, making Monoceros jump and Ryuuju turn sightly.

“The plants I will show you will be the most dangerous you can find in this forest. Be attentive and do not wander off.”

Ema said, with a stern but still gentle voice. She was different from the instructor Monoceros had, more... Calm, but at the same time she wasn't bored with them.

“See this one?”

The High Priestess' tan claws were pointing at a little blue flower, that grew on the ground with spiky leaves. The two Haedians hummed, intrigued by the tiny plant. Surely, a small thing like that couldn't be lethal, right?

“This flower is a Brutal Leaf. It lures creatures nearby with its bright blue colours, only to stab its leaves in their limbs. The leaves release a quite strong poison, that attacks flesh and bone...”

She kept explaining how to avoid the Brutal Leaf, how to treat it... And how to pray to the gods for help if they ever were to be poisoned by that plant and left without treatment.
At the end of the lecture, Monoceros was looking a little afraid of the flowers, while the blood red Haedian Ryuuju was humming, thinking on how to use that plant to hunt for better pelts, since she kept ruining those with her claws.

“It is getting dark... It's best to find shelter.”

“Why, afraid of some dark?”

Taunted Monoceros, but the Priestess merely shook her head, not taking the bait.

“No. It would simply be unlogical to keep going, when our lesson here in the forest of Ebrus isn't yet completed. You could step on a venomous nocturnal toad without knowing, or fall ill after breathing in some toxic pollen.”

Monoceros grumbled something, while Ryuuju started looking for shelter. In the end, the High Priestess showed them a cave, just as the sun setted, without saying how she found it.
It was a little cave, hidden between the roots of a tall and robust tree. The Haedian settled in the deepest part of the cave, still feeling a bit too out in the open for their liking. Ema sat at the mouth of the cave, looking like a temple's statue in the darkness of the woods. Eventually, the Haedian fell asleep, while the Empyrian kept watch on her “students”.


Ryuuju and Monoceros woke up with a start, hearing a loud hiss and a roar outside of the cave. They both scrambled out, finding the High Priestess fighting an enormous Basilisk. Where it came from was unknown, as there weren't any swamps or deep enough caves nearby.


Snarled Ema, raising her voice to keep the two Haedians from getting injured. The Basilisk hissed and tried to whip the Empyrian with its jet black tail, covered in hard and shiny scales.

“Come on fluffy tail, time to hunt!”

“How did you call me?!”

Ryuuju laughed, launching herself at the Basilisk, digging her claws deep in its back. While the scales of the beast were hard and difficult to perforate, the skin between them was not.
The Basilisk hissed loudly, like a teapot that was going to explode, and Monoceros charged too, trying to pin its tail to the ground before it could break someone's jaws. She managed to block the tail, but the creature in the meantime kept striking at her companions with her shining white fangs.

In the meantime, Ema spun in her white cloak, taunting the beast, only to slash at its eyes, permanently blinding it.
Monoceros dug her fangs in the throat of the beast, while Ryuuju, as she always did, was drenching herself in the blood of the beast.
The Priestess sighed as the Basilisk went down, with a strangled hiss.
They managed to protect the little shelter they had found, but now they needed to find a lake or a river to wash Ryuuju, before she dirtied their fur with her filthy claws.

***(1021 Words)***



Prompt: The Reosean sets out on a hunt - if they bring a prey back, their trial is considered passed. Draw your Reosean either stalking, chasing or taking down a prey item from the Prey List.



After the bad experience with the Basilisk that tried to slither in their improvised camp, the three Reoseans decided to stay on the top of the trees, resting in their branches. For the Priestess it was easy, but for the two Haedians? Not so much.
Luckily they could glide, otherwise Ryuuju would already be dead, a tiny splatter on the grass.
Five days passed with them travelling in the forest, with Ema teaching them all they needed to know about the flora of Vitalus.

There were a couple of close calls with some poisonous flowers that Ryuuju accidentally ate, and a snake nearly got stomped by Monoceros, but things were going well enough. Until, they had to give all their rations to some humanoids that were travelling, exhausted, and needed water and food.

“I don't get it. Why do we have to give them our stuff?! Couldn't they hunt by themselves?”

Growled Ryuuju, and Monoceros agreed. That was their food, and both weren't that great at hunting in the outside world.
They would have eaten the Basilisk too, but Ema advised them to not do so: apparently she felt a dark magic exuding from the dead beast, and was wary of it.
Since both the Haedians didn't want to get a stomachache, they did as they were told... But now, both regretted not taking some of the meat to smoke and carry with them for later.

“Fear not, you two.”

Started Ema, with her soft and calming voice.

“Vitalus' forests nurture a lot of creatures, not only reoseans and Basilisks. We will find something for us to eat, so for now, do not worry.”

The two Haedians didn't look too sure about the Empyrian words, but nodded anyway. The Priestess smiled a little, then guided the two out of the forest.
For the first time in days, they saw the sun without branches covering it.
The grass had a nearly bluish colour and was swept by some gusts of wind, that both Ryuuju and Monoceros quietly appreciated.
One of those gusts however, carried a heavy scent: the metallic one of the blood.
Both the Haedians stiffened, alert, and the Priestess quietly walked to them, not fazed by the strong scent.

“Hmm.. It might be a Unicorn. They do not leave the forests often, but they might when chased by other creatures. I'm afraid this one might be too injured to survive, we should find it and end its misery.”

She said, with a nearly sad voice, as if she was saddened by the thought. But really... Was she? It was the circle of life, and Monoceros knew the Priestess wasn't going to cry over a Unicorn.
Why would she sound that sad?
As if the Empyrian had read her thoughts, the Priestess spoke again.

“I am not sad for the end of a life. To be truthful, I feel displeasure thinking of a being suffering and bleeding, its predator not strong enough to give it a merciful and swift death.”

Ryuuju looked pensive now, as if she was truly thinking about what Ema had said, while Monoceros frowned a bit.
Then... The bad one was the predator?
Somehow, by watching the cloaked form of the Empyrian slowly walking, she knew that that was not the right answer.

The three moved toward the scent, smelling the air that carried the blood and the weird sweet scent of flowers.
Ema looked way more serious and tense now, which wasn't sitting right with Monoceros. The Haedian pulled back her lips in a quiet snarl, not stopping walking, but doing so slowly.

“What's wrong?”

She hissed, making Ryuuju turn her head, a question on her face. Ema sighed.



“There is no predator, in the end... Just someone who carelessly poisoned a creature, then left it to die slowly.”

She talked quietly, but the anger was there, and both the Haedian could feel it. After a little time, they finally stumbled on the wounded creature. It was a pure white Unicorn, bigger than any Vayrons they had ever seen, sharp horns and eyes green and shining as emeralds.
It was a shame, really, to see the beast tremble with pain and huffing with short breaths, an arrow deep in their side the reason of the blood and the lack of air.

“We should end it quickly. Then, I will dispel the poison in its body, so it will be safe to eat. Nothing should be wasted.”

Ryuuju smiled, only to receive a whack on the back of her head.

“Ouch! What was that for?!”

“Do not play with it.”

“...I wasn't going to.”

But Monoceros knew how much of a sadist the other was, when she had to hunt strong beasts. She reminded her of one of those small creatures, cats, that played around with poor and defenceless mice.

Ema started the fight, flaring her wings covered in white cloth to scare the beast and make it move from its defensive position.
Monoceros attacked from the left, Ryuuju from the right: both jumped the Unicorn, that in fright, tried to kick them in the jaw.

“Steer clear from its hooves!”

Snapped quickly Ema, seeing how the two were dangerously close to the cloven and sharp extremities of the beast.
Ryuuju snarled and jumped back, whipping her tail like an angry feline, her pupils blown as she looked at the prey.

Monoceros was less instinctual, but still allowed herself to growl at the Unicorn. Ema watched from the side, making sure to warn them when the Unicorn tried to hurt them.
The beast reared, trying to impale Monoceros with its horn, but Ryuuju clamped her jaws on its leg, pulling until the creature lost balance and nearly toppled over.
But, even with an arrow on its side and poison in its body, the Unicorn didn't seem to want to go to rest.

It kicked again, clipping the tip of the nose of Ryuuju, who yelped and stepped back.

“What did I tell you?!”

Ema growled, before grabbing the red haedian and dragging her back, where the Unicorn couldn't try to hurt her.
Ryuuju looked a bit uncomfortable being scolded by Ema like a pup, but stood there, quiet, as Monoceros kept the beast busy.
At that point, Ema had to help with the hunt more closely that she would have preferred.
She flared open her wings again and took off, scaring the Unicorn that being distracted, couldn't dodge Monoceros fangs to its shoulder.

The Unicorn snorted loudly and tried to turn its back to Monoceros, ready to kick, but the Haedian simply let go of the shoulder, scratching at its back in the meantime.
The beast huffed and puffed, tired. Monoceros grinned, and pounced.

The Unicorn tried its best to fend off the attacks of of the Haedian, but in the end, it was crushed by Ema, who stealthily moved behind it and jumped on its back.
Ryuuju latched on its neck, and in a few minutes, it was over.
Ema quickly purified the body of the Unicorn, then she nodded toward the two Haedian.

“Now, it should be safe enough to eat. Let's move to a more appropriate location.”

She said, before grabbing the large Unicorn with her talons and dragging it up in the sky, toward a more clean and leveled part of the bluish fields.

***(1224 Words)***





Prompt: Tyrian Exclusive: Just like Vayrons, Tyrians must learn to navigate while flying with little to no vision, counting on their other instincts, hearing and smelling. Depict your Tyrian being guided by a companion through harsh terrain such as dense woodland and similar whilst blindfolded or having their vision impaired by some other means (darkness, perhaps a potion that temporarily restricts vision, etc.)



A few days had passed from the fight with the Unicorn and the group had returned to the forest, where Ema continued her lessons on the flora and fauna of Vitalus.
There was something odd about the Priestess though. She was restless, way too attentive and kept raising her voice when the two Haedian wandered away from her, as a mother duck calling for her ducklings.
Both Ryuuju and Monoceros found it weird: why was she doing that? What could possibly put her that much on edge, always ready to strike or flee?

At some point, Monoceros got fed up with her behaviour.

“Well?! What's going on?!”


Ema answered, coldly.

“We all know it isn't nothing. Spit it out.”

The Priestess grimaced. Luckily her distorted expression was hidden by the cloth, but her silence was enough. There was, indeed, something wrong going on.

“So?! Are you going to tell us or what?!”

“Calm down!”

Ema hissed, angrily. The two Haedians quieted down, with Monoceros nearly flopping down on the grass, sulking.

“There is... Something.”

“What is it?”

Questioned Ryuuju, less angry than Monoceros. The Priestess sighed.

“The poisoned Unicorn... The Basilisk filled with dark magic... Someone around here is making some awful experiments, I'm quite sure now.”

She said, with a low and angry voice. Both the Haedians frowned: that didn't sound very good, at all.
As Ema told them her thoughts, with the dark magic user probably nearby, none of the three noticed a weird fog creeping up behind them.


Ryuuju was the first to cry out, when the thin, greyish fog burned her eyes like smoke.
In that moment, everything plunged in the dark for her, and soon for Monoceros too. Ema flew high, avoiding the fog and keeping her sight, but both her companions had been temporarily blinded.
She hissed in anger, seeing the fog dissipate, and both the Haedians crying out in panic. Unfortunately, the thick forest was giving them a big disadvantage: the dark magic user was nearby, trying to clean up after their mess... That meant silencing anyone that might have seen their doings.

“This way! Follow my voice, climb high in the trees!”

“Easy for you to say!”

Snarled Monoceros, her fluffy tail all puffed up in fear.
Ryuuju seemed more calm, once she had realized that at least one of them didn't get hit by the blinding spell.

“Can you undo this?!”

“Not now. The counter-spell needs time, here is too dangerous. Now, CLIMB!”

Ema shouted, while keeping herself airborne. The two Haedian scrambled to the closest tree, and tried to climb. Ema guided them while they climbed, warning when a branch was in their path to the top of the tree.
Finally, after a bit of struggling, the Haedian sat on the top branches of the tree, panting.

“Good... Now, you'll have to follow me gliding. Ready?”

“WHAT?! For the Matriarch, NO! I'm going to die for real!”

Squeaked out Ryuuju, already digging her claws in the bark of the tree. But Ema wasn't moved by her cries. Like a stern parent she kept telling her to glide and follow her and Monoceros both, but the red Haedian shook her head and stood still.
In the end, the Priestess huffed and flew over, grabbing Ryuuju by the shoulders and dragging her in the void.
Ryuuju screamed loudly, to the point that various birds and animals fled half scared to death.


Ryuuju opened her wing-flaps and started gliding down the high branch. Ema flew over her, followed by Monoceros that was very, very quiet.

“Now, follow my voice.”

Both the Haedians answered with a trembling “yes”, trying to keep going while their muscles froze with fear, the lack of sight making them scared and stiff.

“Ryuuju, more to the left. Monoceros, there is a branch before you in a bit, grab it and then use it to launch yourself up a little.”

Ryuuju nearly crashed in the tree before her, managing to only clip it with his pointy spike at the end of the wing. Monoceros was less lucky, and took a whole branch in her stomach, slamming on it and wrapping herself on the wood as if she was a piece of cloth.

“Move quickly, we don't know what the range of that spell is!”

Ema urged them, and Ryuuju tried to follow faster, but she managed only to slam her face in a tree. Ema caught her before she could fall, before placing her on the same branch Monoceros got stuck in.

“We need to move. Just... Follow my voice. Do not think. Be carried by the winds, put your faith in the gods that will protect you.”

Quietly said Ema, before taking off again.
This time, Monoceros followed as soon as her wings started to beat, while Ryuuju needed a couple of seconds to get ready for gliding, her wings stiff and in pain because of the previous smack on the branch.

Finally, the three tyrians managed to find a good pace, and kept flying and gliding in the forest, towards North, were Ema knew there was a secure village.

“Left Monoceros. Glide lower, Ryuuju.”

She instructed, and as the two Haedians followed, she felt a bit of pride in her heart, seeing how the two managed to glide without hitting branches or whole trees now.
After an agonizing five minutes, the Haedian felt the sun and the wind on their wings, and heard Ema say that they made it.

But, they didn't stop on the spot.
They kept going, until Ema told them to stop.

“Now it is safe. I can remove the curse that took your sight, but it will take a few minutes.”

“Yeah yeah, I can wait.”

Grumbled Ryuuju, laying down on the blueish grass, as if she wanted to become a plant herself and bask in the sun, without doing anything else.
The three reoseans were all three dead tired, but while Monoceros and Ryuuju were only that, Ema was both tired and worried.
The dark magic user was still around, after all.

***(1014 Words)***

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[Trade] PT : Monoceros, Ryuuju, High Priestess Ema
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In Purity Trials ・ By Mizuun17

PT, all three stages.

Monoceros 17524
High Priestess Ema 17046


Stage 1: Along your journey, you’ll have to find shelter - and not always in the safest of places. Depict your Reosean either defending their temporary home from intruders, chasing the previous residents out, or being chased out themselves!

Stage 2: The Reosean sets out on a hunt - if they bring a prey back, their trial is considered passed. Draw your Reosean either stalking, chasing or taking down a prey item from the Prey List. (Unicorn)

Stage 3: Tyrian Exclusive: Just like Vayrons, Tyrians must learn to navigate while flying with little to no vision, counting on their other instincts, hearing and smelling. Depict your Tyrian being guided by a companion through harsh terrain such as dense woodland and similar whilst blindfolded or having their vision impaired by some other means (darkness, perhaps a potion that temporarily restricts vision, etc.)

Submitted By Mizuun17
Submitted: 1 day agoLast Updated: 1 day ago

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