Search 1- Revere

In Events ・ By LoneUndead
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After hearing the Elders tale and speaking again with Caliu Revere once more found herself within the cavernous underground. Despite her stoic exterior and despite the unpleasant circumstances regarding her return, she is happy to be reunited with Caliu and the other friends she made amongst the clans of the Haedians, Few as they are. Ad they make their way into the Matriarch's chambers Reveres breath is stolen away as her gaze lands upon the form in the middle of the chamber, what first appeared to be a beautiful but standard clump of crystals and stone is revealed to be the massive and twisted form of Her, the one she's heard Caliu refer to fondly as 'Mother' several times on their journey.


Despite the fact she wasn't a Haedian, thus lacking an inherent connection to the matriarch, Revere can't help but to feel her heart ache and stomach turn she sighs and addresses Caliu once more "I'm not much use by myself but I can see if I can get in contact with my supply network through apprentice, it's not much and might take a while but it won't hurt, it should help equip us with the needed tools to free The Matriarch sooner. Is there someplace I can use my magic to contact my apprentice back topside?" Caliu smiles "Yes, follow me- is it the very one you discussed with me before? The young chaser you took under your wing?" And she nods, the pair making idle chatter until they make their way into a small chamber.

Fortunately for the pair there's a table with some assorted things on it which Revere clears off everything except a shallow bowl and fills it with water. She pulls out a crystal delicately engraved in rune marks and drops it onto the water along with a small amount of of blood then she starts casting the spell, crystal linking to its sister in her shop. A delicate chiming ringing out. Suddenly a youthful face appears in the reflection and an excited shreak echos out "Boss! How are you oh man I'm so excited you have to tell me EVERYTHING how's the underground and all-" "Enough, this is business not pleasure- we need more supplies delivered to help the clans" as Revere explains the situation and the matriarchs plight. As Revere finishes Zhiya has calmed down and nods deathly serious "No problem boss! What items do you want me to prioritize? We can also put in a request to the Adventures Guild for more manpower- we still do have a large surplus of gold from what has been sent back already! Mages have been having a field day with those crystals!"


Pausing to think for a second Revere nods her assent and Zhiya puffs up in pride "Clever idea, biggest issue is going to be excavation tools and the manpower to use them- focus on pickaxes, carts, shovels and long lasting foods; The matriarch is likely too delicate to use blasting charges and explosives to clear the bulk but some smaller ones could be of use with removing the stone encasing her. As for the request put standard terms as usual."  Ears pinned back and tail swishing, Revere metally goes over the state of affairs that lead to this moment and she realizes something important, quickly adding on "Also put a confidentiality clause in there, we don't want word spreading about this too fast especially with the state of things. There's already a rush so it won't stay quiet for long but we can avoid shouting it to the world- plus the confidentiality should be enough to turn heads and garner interest"


Zhiya nods in the reflection, smiling " Got it boss! I'll start drafting everything up and reaching out to contacts across vitalus and see what we can get done! At the very least we can see about getting the first delivery out with our stock supplies, some of our partners found easier and ways into underground  than we initially did so it should go much faster! I'll send Gydeon back with it too, he'd be helpful for the physical portion and I know he wants to go back and visit some of the friends he's made!" After finishing she pauses for a second and tacks on a final question "Apart from that is there anything else we need to do Boss?"


Revere shakes her head no and after a brief goodbye she cuts the connection to her magic and turns to Cailu "alright now we must hurry up and wait for the calvary to arrive- is there anything else of import that we should do while we wait?" The Haedian shakes his head "That should be fine for now unless you wish to assist with the Matriarchs maintenance or sending prayers and offerings to the gods sp they may lend us their blessings" 

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Search 1- Revere
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In Events ・ By LoneUndead
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Submitted By LoneUndead
Submitted: 6 days agoLast Updated: 6 days ago

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[Search 1- Revere by LoneUndead (Literature)](
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