Forgotten Clan: Sisters 1

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They were sisters with a strong love and hate for each other at any given time. Cheiro was the eldest, followed by Kaimana and then the youngest Furor. At this point in their lives they held a strong resentment for each other, but for the sake of adventure they decided to put their differences aside. They descended into the tunnels of Vitalus.

Kaimana and Furor were gliding through the dark tunnels of the Beneath, while Cheiro was using her six limbs to crawl along the walls. Her wingspan was too large for these tunnels, but she was accustomed to creeping in the shadows. Kaimana slided the shadows and air like the ghost she was named for. The two older sisters were silent, but if anyone was going to ruin the plan it would be Furor. Furor was the one who would get them caught. She was more clumsy when it came to flying. 

“Furor, steady your wings,” Kaimana admonished, “you don’t need to flap so much. You’re making too much noise.”

Furor attempted to even out, but it only did so much. “We’re almost there right?”

“We’ll get caught with all that noise you’re making, so why does it matter?” Kaimana asked sarcastically. 

“If anyone’s going to stick out,” Cheiro’s thin voice pierced the quiet, “It’ll be you Kai.”

Insulted and surprised, Kaimana faltered in the air. Her pride hurt, “how… how could you say that?” Kaimana stammered. 

“You practically glow down here.” Cheiro kept her red eyes ahead, “At least Furor and I are dark. We blend in.”

Kaimana’s eyes erupted with a bright white glow, signaling her anger. She whipped around and charged Cheiro with her legs extended, ready to do damage. Cheiro laughed as she used her second pair of upper limbs to pluck Kaimana out of the air and slammed her into the wall. 

“Did you forget about my seraph mutation?” Cheiro whispered cruelly. 

“Guys!” Furor called from ahead of them in the darkness, “We came to set up a distraction for the forgotten clan… Stay on target.”

Cheiro snapped her teeth close to Kaimana’s face as a warning before letting her go. Kaimana resumed her graceful flight with a little less excitement than she had before. Furor watched her sisters carry on forward, as they got closer, Furor turned and continued down the tunnel. 

A few more minutes of tense silence passed over the sisters before they reached the edge of another clan. The leader of the Forgotten clan had mentioned this place and asked for their help to distract them while the forgotten clansmen stole building supplies. All the sisters eagerly agreed being chaotic tyrians, they thought it would be right up their alley. 

The three sisters settled high in the cavern walls waiting for the signal. 

“What was the signal?” Furor muttered after they had sat in silence for what felt like hours. However, as the words left her mouth there was an unusual pattern of calls and clicking. 

Cheiro and Kaimana looked at Furor and at the same time said, “that’s it.”

They hadn’t fully planned out what they were going to do or say, but Furor dove off the cliff first. She charged at the clan at a reckless speed. She released a thin fog over the clan and made sure to knock some things over. 

Kaimana leapt off the cliff and followed Furor’s path. Every so often Kaimana would go low the speed some of the haedians that all came out of their homes to see what was happening. Kaimana maneuvered in a way that shook houses and swept up debris. The combination of the two created an additional layer of distraction and darkness.

Kaimana’s wounded pride healed a little when she heard the haedians ‘oh’ and ‘awe’ at her passing speed. The feeling was cut short as the younger haedians of this clan cried out in fear. The fog and debris blotted out a lot of the light created from the bioluminescent plants. This made Cheiro’s glowing red eyes stand out much more. Cheiro clicked her teeth together in a rhythm that was unsettling to many. The haedians clustered in an open space unsure what was happening and trying to keep the younger haedians safe.

Cheio’s red eyes would vanish and then reappear far from where they were before giving the illusion that she was teleporting all around in the foggy darkness. Every so often Cheiro would laugh with joy, but it came out like an evil cackle. A few more haedians cried out when they heard the noise and moved closer together. 

After a few moments of the tyrians terrorizing the haedian clan they retreated slightly into the ceiling. From their viewpoint they could see the Forgotten clan and their leader gathering materials.

 Knowing they might need to distract the haedians again, the sisters remained watchful from above. If Furor’s fog began to dissipate she would swoop down and throw out another storm of fog and wind. Kaimana and Cheiro would do the same if it looked like the haedians were moving away from the clustered group. 

“Don’t you think they’re being greedy?” Furor murmured as they watched the Forgotten plunder the frightened clan. 

“Since when have you cared about something like that?” Kaimana scoffed.

Cheiro watched as the forgotten clansmen stuffed bags and bags full of things. There were a few times she wondered how they could carry so much, but her thoughts were interrupted by a Furor exclaiming, “oh come on!”

Cheiro and Kaimana redirected their attention to the haedians clustered together. One in particular had started to push the fog away with some sort of magic. Furor doubled her efforts to create a thicker cloud, but it was Cheiro who managed to add her shadows to the cloud to truly put the haedians in darkness. Kaimana would send illusions down through the black cloud to further scare the group. 

A few moments later the sisters heard the same set of unusual sounds of calls and clicking. 

“They’re done.” Kaimana ended her magic, “let’s go.”

Cheiro gave a dark smile, “I don’t know. I was enjoying this.”

Furor rolled her eyes, “come on, I’m sure there are others we can mess with.”

Cheiro sighed, but released her magic and followed her sisters away. The group of haedians stood still with uncertainty as the black cloud holding them hostage vanished. They would remain still for several minutes before they split up to look for clues about what happened. 


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Forgotten Clan: Sisters 1
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In Storyline Events ・ By Leoclare

The Forgotten Clan - Prompt 1

Draw or write your Reosean taking part in the varying crimes and pranks that the Forgotten may hold. This could be stealing building materials, pranking another Haedian, or perhaps causing a distraction to allow for others to run in!

Furor 9894
Kaimana 14232
Cheiro 16706 

Submitted By Leoclare for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 6 months agoLast Updated: 6 months ago

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[Forgotten Clan: Sisters 1 by Leoclare (Literature)](
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