[Trade] [17385] [17413] Wisdom Comes At A Price

In Misc Art ・ By Kelyias
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Yokourin often scoured the markets and stalls, eager for the newest of the new that coin could buy. It wasn’t hard to imagine, then, that the naive little prince often got scammed, too. This time, as the Haedian walked along the stalls, he noticed the glimmer of a coin being tossed in the arm before being caught by narrow but nimble fingers. Another Reosean who seemed to be covered in many coins, he observed.  The Haedian was leaned against the stall, a slow grin creeping onto his face as Yokourin approached. Placing the coin away, the Reosean picked up a delicate vial instead, filled with shimmering golden dust and holding it up for the approaching Yokourin.

“Welcome, friend.”

His voice drawled, tilting his head just so.

“You strike me as a man of exquisite taste. A travel, a seeker of fine things, yes? Fortune has smiled upon you today, because this-”

He held the vial between two fingers, twisting it so the dust sparkled just right.

“-is no ordinary trinket. This, dear sir, is Sun-Kissed Sand, gathered from the very edges of the world where the sky meets the sea. A single pinch in your morning tea, and suddenly, all your problems seem to solve themselves.”

Yokourin leaned in, his head tilting as he became very intrigued. Reaching for it, he got to hold the delicate bottle within his own fingers.

“So this makes you… smart??”

“In a manner of speaking. It enhances what’s already there.”

Varrick’s teeth caught a glimmer of the light as he grinned, his hands held together as he tapped his fingers. Yokourin hummed and hawed as he thought.

“How much?”

“For you? Hmm.. Three silver pieces. A bargain, really.”

“Three??? For sand??”

“Ah, my friend- Sun-Kissed Sand.”

The Haedian pulled back and gestured dramatically, as if to emphasize the earlier story.

“Collected from the very edges of the world by the bravest of souls. The travel alone takes so much out of a man, it is a wonder some of them retrieved these items at all!”

“It looks like regular sand..”

Varrick sighed, as if heartbroken. He even held a hand to his chest and shook his head.

“That is the trick of the lesser minds. To them, all great things seem ordinary–”


Yokourin bristled, putting the sand back on the stall’s wooden table and pointing a finger at the merchant in front of him.

“My mind is not lesser!”

“Then you, of all people, should see its worth!”

“.... Fine!! But if it doesn’t work, I’m coming back for my coin!”

The Haedian slammed three coins onto the table and took the vial. As Yokourin walked off, Varrick shook his head, chuckling to himself. A fool and his coin, indeed.

Yokourin sat outside of a tavern, the vial of “Sun-Kissed Sand” held up to the light of a lantern. He uncorked it, tipping it upside down to pinch some between his fingers, and let it fall into his drink. The grains swirled at the surface before sinking, and the Haedian swirled his cup a little to get it to mix properly. Then, he took a deep sip.


He smacked his lips. Tasted like regular tea. His mind felt the same—if anything, though, he was more annoyed now. He downed the rest and waited. And waited.

Still, nothing!

Yokourin jumped up, storming back toward the market. He found Varrick exactly where he left him, lounging behind his stall, flipping a coin in the air. 

“You scammed me!” 

Yokourin accused him immediately, jabbing a finger at him. Varrick caught the coin smoothly and turned to the Haedian with a big smile.

“Ah, welcome back! How’s the clarity of mind? Seeing solutions to all your problems?”

“My only problem is you!

Varrick pressed a hand to his chest, mock-wounded. He blinked a few times and expressed his disappointment once more with a few headshakes. 

“Now, now, let’s not be hasty. Perhaps you took the wrong dosage? It’s a delicate balance, you see. Too much, and the effects become subtle. So subtle, in fact, that the brilliance may take time to reveal itself.”

“…That makes no sense.”

“Doesn’t it?”

Varrick grinned as Yokourin opened his mouth, then shut it again, scowling.

“I want my coin back.”

“Refunds? My dear friend, I am offended you’d even suggest such a thing. You bought wisdom, and wisdom-” 

He tapped his temple.

“—comes at a price.”

Yokourin crossed his arms over his chest, his tail thumping the ground in his annoyance. 

“Well, I learned not to trust you, so I guess that’s my wisdom.”

“Ah! There we are! You are getting sharper already.”

Yokourin groaned. 

“I swear—”

Varrick held up a hand to interrupt him then, leaning in closer.

“Tell you what. I am a fair merchant. Since you’re clearly a man of fine taste, I’ll offer you a special deal.”

“…What kind of deal?”

Varrick gestured to a small wooden box on the table. Reaching, he opened it a little to reveal another dust—black as the void settled neatly within the silken fabric of the container.

“This here is a rare spice, Night’s Ember. It enhances endurance and sharpens reflexes—perfect for a man on the road like yourself. I’ll trade it for the Sun-Kissed Sand. No extra charge.”

“.... That’s just dried pepper, isn’t it?”

“A rare pepper.”

Yokourin grumbled and groaned before he once again slammed the payment of the remainder of the Sun-Kissed Sand’s vial on the table, grabbing the box instead.

“Fine! Give it here.”

Varrick took the vial and held a hand to his chest, giving a bow in gratitude, grinning like a man who had won twice. As Yokourin stomped away, he muttered under his breath.

“…I swear if this is just pepper—”

The merchant Haedian reached underneath the stall to mess with some more vials, ones identical to the one just returned to him, all with varying amounts of sand within. Hearing Yokourin’s aggravation, Varrick called out after him.

“Enjoy your purchase, my friend! Come back anytime for more great deals!

Yokourin wasn’t sure if he wanted to punch him or buy something else.


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[Trade] [17385] [17413] Wisdom Comes At A Price
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In Misc Art ・ By Kelyias


Yokourin isn't known for his wisdom as much as he is for being gullible. Perhaps he should have someone mind his coin purse for him- so long as that someone is not Varrick.

WC: 1022

Submitted By Kelyias
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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[[Trade] [17385] [17413] Wisdom Comes At A Price by Kelyias (Literature)](https://wor-keeper.com/gallery/view/1121)
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