[Trade] Caves n Pranks
Aki wasn't sure why he tagged along besides his curiosity getting the better of him, but when one hears rumors about treasure hiding in a dark damp cave... who in their right mind would pass up on that opportunity? Beside him was a Puller who had introduced themself as Tarok and was happy to tag along. He didn't say much, but also said he only wanted to explore said cave and didn't have any interest in the treasure within it.
Tony was alright with more people tagging along as long as they didnt cause any issues and allowed him to do what he came here for. In his freetime the runner enjoyed smithing and was currently working on another project that he needed a certain something extra for. A gemstone perhaps- though detailing made of ore found within Warrenfall would certainly be an eyecatcher too.
"Careful." spoke Tarok, preventing Tony from stepping forward by putting his paw in the way. Tonys eyes followed that of tarok down to a singular thistle growing out of the ground. It hadn't grown tall yet, so it was easy to miss. With how he had been walking he would have stepped onto the thorny plant with his right front paw. Tony retracted his paw that he had wanted to take said step with and walked around the plant.
"Thanks- sorry I'm already thinking about what all we will find, I guess it must have pulled away my focus from what lied ahead." there was genuine excitement on the runners face, which only grew tenfold when the group finally arrived at the fabled cave opening.
Aki glanced over the runners shoulder into the cave from which mist gently seeped out of and covered the forest floor. It looked less than inviting.
"Are we sure this is the cave?" asked the chaser to which they were only pushed forward by the puller.
"You heard what Tony said on our way here. His sense of direction is out of this world. It has to be this cave. I don't doubt his capabilities." Tony smirked at Aki and then stepped to the side of the cave mouth, gesturing for the two of them to go ahead.
"I need to light a torch momentarily, why don't the two of you already head inside and get a lay of the land of the cave entrance?" they asked, twin tails gently swishing behind them as they fiddled with their backpack to retrieve and light a torch.
Tarok saw nothing wrong with that and Aki too chose not to protest, the two of them walked into the darkness of the cave waiting for Tony's torch to illuminate them from behind. It was hard to see down into the depths of the cave, the darkness ahead seemed to devour any light. Something brushed against the chasers leg causing him to yelp out in surprise.
"WAH!" the sound echoed throughout the cave and Aki spun around immediately to see with what little light there was a grinning Tony staring back at him. He had scared Aki on purpose and was happy with the result. "Ah there we go. Thats where I dropped the match." he said feigning innocence bringing said match into view. He lit it against the side of the cave causing it to light and then promptly ignited the torch with it. The comforting warm flickering glow of the torch soon illuminated the cave, chasing away the darkness.
Tarok examined the walls of the cave, a clawed paw running over it. "Smooth stone." he noted and appeared deep in thought. The white coloration of the stones immediately gave it away for Tony but he allowed the puller to come to his own conclusion. "This is a limestone cave. A body of water must be deeper within the cave-" Tony nodded, he thought the same. Aki glanced between Tarok and Tony in a questioning manner, almost as if to ask what they were on about- to Aki rocks were rocks- it didn't matter at all in his mind.
"Alright should we go deeper then?" asked Aki, clearly impatient. "And you walk ahead this time." they added a clawed paw extended toward Tony who simply grinned in return.
"Fine- I'll walk ahead." replied the dark coated runner with a grin still on his face. Aki still had another prank coming his way, the small chaser just wasn't aware of it yet.
Tony lead the other two deeper into the cave, water dripping from stalagtites down stalagmites could soon be heard confirming what Tarok and Tony had noticed about this cave before.
The cave opened into a big room soon as the three continued walking. A glint of something caught Tonys interest which immediately made him retrieve his pickaxe from his travelling gear.
"I think I found something." noted the Runner, a paw running over what looked to be a vein of some type of metal just the faintest bit visible in the wall.
Tarok walked up to Tony to get a better look at the ore with a bluish tint to it. He was excited to see what it looked like. "This doesnt exactly look like crates full of treasure to me." said Aki glancing between Tony who was already swinging his pickaxe at the spot and Tarok who watched intently.
"The treasure doesn't need to be coins waiting in a crate for you. Valuable minerals and ores can also be called a treasure." responded Tarok, his attention not shifting from Tonys handiwork. The chaser couldnt argue that point, so they chose to hold the torch for Tony whilst they unearthed something that would truly be that something the runner had been looking for for his latest blacksmithing masterpiece.
Word count = 955 words = 9CP
1/3 ARS for Tuxedocatstuff
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CP Count:
955 words = 9CP
Questing 1 CP
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total = 13 CP
Submitted By Xe-Li
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Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago