Sustain - Eudora/Torin/Crow

In Purity Trials ・ By HARNI
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After a long and overtly troubling journey from Ebrus, the brilliant Silver Province was at last bustling around the party. Eudora seemed elated compared to her usual, to be among more buzzing populous than that of farm owners and the odd traveler. Her hair was made once again, and the outfit changed to a maroon vest with a silk shawl. Silver dangled off each ear and around her ankles, fitting her in well with the wealthier population. 

Much to her contrast, her party did not exactly fit appearances to likely company. Rhaegor and Torin were equally as shaggy or a bit dirty from prior work or the journey of moments past, and neither appeared to care too deeply about it. Galivair’s sleek black coat was cleaned off from the journey, and the red of his dragon seemed to almost shimmer. He was in a better mood as well, with many possibilities for a filling meal all around him.
Varrick and Crow were eyeing the many merchants and the sizzling steaming dishes they had prepared. With the right amount of charm, a healthy haggle, and a flick of coin was all it would take for them to make themselves a meal.

“We should make the most of this opportunity and get a table for a meal, no?” Galivair spoke out over the hustle and bustle, drawing the party’s attention. Torin and Rhaegor seemed agreeable, while Eudora was almost surprised at the suggestion.

“A meal together?” She emphasized, then seemed to think on it. Her eyes flitted over her company, before a fast mix of emotions in the form of a nod-ish shrug. “Yes, I suppose it could be.. Nice. But I am not having you choose my meal. I have taste.” She spoke off her shoulder as she scanned the many restaurants and stalls. 

“I’ll save us a place at the plaza, just there by the fountain,” Rhaegor offered, though it almost sounded like an order. “Find me when you’ve got your meals.” With that, he was off finding a table to seat, six, no eight. Eudora’s two ghost-like assistants were certainly good at their job of keeping out of sight. 

“I’ll come as well,” Torin began to step after him, but Rhaegor grunted against it. 

“Get some food, you haven’t eaten.” The old vayron ordered over his back, walking away without further debate. Torin huffed at having to follow after the prim lady or cheeky merchants, but her one solace was Galivair and his non-eccentric demeanor. Of course that company was short lived with Torin and Eudora began to make their way down the market stalls, with Varrick slithering close behind. While Crow and Galivair set off to another stall, with steamed fish and all manner of marinated and sauced dishes were steaming behind a glass case. 

“This will do nicely. You, grubby girl. Do you prefer pork or beef?” Eudora gestured to Torin, and smiled at the display of seared steaks, crisped pork belly, and other tender proteins. She was ravenous after such a detour in her schedule and she was about to become rude for it. How unseeming for a lady of her stature. “Beef I take it. Two of these platters, and two sides, just like so,” Eudora directed the cook to her liking. 

Torin looked at Eudora when addressed, but her lips remained shut for the brief pause the puller had before deciding for her. Coin seemed endless from her assistants that flocked to her side with payment in a blink, until Varrick tutted out loud with an arm on one of their shoulders. 

“My my my, such eager buyers,” He smiled by one’s ear. “Do give a man time to fetch better value for your shiny coin, my lady.” He cocked his head ina side bow to Eudore, then Torin, and turned to the merchant. 

“What game do you play, Tyrian? We’re all hungry.” Eudora scoffed as the Haedian took up space beside her. Refusing to make space, she leaned her head away from the rugged merchant, eyes rolling away at his lack of personal space. He smelled of incense, earth, and other smells she could only assume a lifestyle very different from hers would give someone. Her assistants backed off and took their places beside Eudora’s tail, out of sight. 

“My dear friends here would like your side of ribs, with one more side, and a sweet something to share.” He listed to the cook and rolled a coin through his fingers with a cheeky smirk. 

On the other side, Galivair and Crow were bargaining the price of two meals to a discount. The colorful runner’s articulate arguments intrigued the Haedian, that followed with great interest on the custom of haggling not through trade, but coin. Crows long mane sifted and bounced as he laughed with the cook over something, before offering up some coin with a deep grin. A passing compliment and a reassuring manipulation, and the cook was packing up their meals with some extra pieces and something for their hunter friend waiting for their arrival. 

Meeting back together near the plaza, Eudora strutted to the open park first with her assistants silently stepping after her. Varrick was carrying his largely free meal, while Torin carried hers and Eudoras. The assistants tried to take the lady’s share, but Torin shot a look at the hands trying to reach near her meal. Varrick may have laughed at the brief encounter, and gotten another look from the stoic miner. 

Rhaegor was seated at a long table, feeding something to her osprey, when the party finally gathered around and spread out the food bought. Rhaegor was surprised to find a meal of his own placed in front of him, but thanked Galivair and Crow with a smile. 

“Our pleasure,” Galivair nodded, taking his seat beside Rhaegor and Crow. Eudora found her place at the end of the table while Varrick and Torin shared the other side. Lots of unraveled containers and steaming bowls of food spread across the table, with delicious aromas wafting into the air. Every belly at the table grumbled at the mouth watering smells. 

“Well, I doubt any of us are looking to give speeches, so dig in,” Rhaegor laughed for once, and the rest of the table unanimously agreed. 

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Sustain - Eudora/Torin/Crow
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In Purity Trials ・ By HARNI

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♦ Some Reoseans prefer not to hunt at all, and instead would rather have others do the dirty work for them. Depict your Reosean getting food from market or restaurant. Do they haggle with a vendor for some lower priced steak, or possibly try a more stealthy approach?

Words 1048
Ingin on Varrick

Submitted By HARNIView Favorites
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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