Journey - Eudora/Torin/Crow

In Purity Trials ・ By HARNI
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“To what end?” Eudora huffed at her company, who all looked amongst each other with varying reactions. Strangers all; hunters, miners, merchants, royalty, and more. And worse yet none she knew aside from her couple personal assistants that kept out of sight yet never far away. Eudora’s done-up mane was not a hair out of place, and yet she appeared ruffled. He crossing from Ebrus to the Silver Province should have been a light breeze, and yet storms brewed up ahead and her company suggested a detour. Like someone of her status would go drudging in muddy trails and hiking up hills if she could avoid it. 

“It’ll rain hale and whatever else this continent offers real soon,” a gruff old Vayron had said, his Osprey eyeing the rest of the sudden company. “We’ll need to find shelter, and soon. Let it pass unless you intend to outrun it while you can.” 

The hunter, Rhaegor and his company of Torin and Galivair, had intersected the royal escort’s path where Crow and Varrick found themselves amidst the group’s conversation. A storm was brewing high in the sky, with billowing clouds rolled through floating islands and towards the open road. 

“It needn’t be a long one,” a runner, covered in no less colors than that of a rainbow, spotted in wings and eyelets, stepped up from the group. His long mane hung voluminous over his face, a hooded eye squinting in a smile. “There’s sure to be some manner of shop, inn, or maybe a friendly farmer with space for us to wait out the worst of it.” 

“Just so,” Varrick, the second sleazy looking merchant chimed in, with a gesture of his hand to Crow. The many gold rings, hoops, and necklaces glinted with his motions. “Our friend is right. This is a popular road, sure to have something nearby.” He gave a polite smile to Eudora, as his eyes wandered to the stoic miner, Torin, standing by without a voice of complaint nor opinion. Who she was with or where she was headed was unknown to Varrick, but it was peculiar to see a miner so far from, well, mines. She looked as though she was still equipped to get to work right then and there. Or split you in half like a pick if she looked at you hard enough. 

“There are farmhouses just East of here. It’ll hug the edge of the storm, but they aren’t far along.” Galivair, a black and white Haedian, had observed the debate keenly before taking his moment to cast some support to the plan. He was a well-traveled Reosean, having taken his share of time exploring the Surface. “If we make haste for them now, we’re sure to make it without much rain on our backs. The hale isn’t kind here when it decides to pour.” He gave a light laugh to lighten the tension mostly rippling off the dressed up royalty. The merchants took to his demeanor most well, Rhaegor and Torin only seeming to rigidly agree. 

The two merchants exchanged knowing looks, and practiced smiles to each other, as Rhaegor made the choice to begin heading back down the road. He urged the whole company to take the opportunity to join up for a time and take shelter together. Varrick and Crow took after the old hunter, neither voicing opposition to the idea, and Galivair followed with Torin. The last to remain was Eudora, with a tight frown on her lip. Though even she couldn’t stand around long to debate her options, when her eye caught sight of the toiling clouds. Rolling her eyes, her assistants picked up her bags and she set off to follow the rest of the party. 

The pace was preppy in Rhaegor’s lead, with the puller trotting to reach the farmsteads faster. Were he alone, he’d likely be running to make up time, but he was poor at leaving people behind and it showed. His osprey soared the skies, chattering with the puller, as it wobbled in the wind. The storm was picking up speed and fast. Eyeing the storm with a furrowed brow, he looked back at the rest. 

“We’ll have to pick up pace, it’s catching up too fast!” He roared enough to reach Eudora, who trotted at the end of the group. Her disgruntled gaze was unmistakable even from there. 

Torin kicked into a gallop quickly, her supplies and tools jingling in rhythm. The storm didn’t seem to bother her much, in fact none of the events seemed to affect her in the slightest. How that’ll last, Varrick was keen to find out.
He and Crow were keeping fairly even face after the pullers, with Galivar close behind. The runner’s long tail and mane caught the breeze as it blew by. The air grew humid and the light of the sun was dimming behind the clouds and suddenly the vibrant hills seemed all the more bleak. 

“I don’t envy those seeking the thrill of a storm,” Galivair remarked between breaths. “To run towards something like that. It’d be something to witness, from the safety of four walls.” Varrick shared a laugh at that. 

Down the road and around a hill, a field of white wheat spanned for hundreds of acres, with a sizely farmstead seated in the middle. A long gravel road branched from the main road and arched through the fields into the farm plot. From the looks of it, they’d already taken their livestock inside the barn and locked up for the storm, but it’ll have to do. 

Eudora was already snarling at the nose at the idea of huddling with cows and mules in some barn, if the farmers didn’t take keenly for a headcount of 6 strangers barging into his house. Maybe Eudora can pay the man for the little comfort the house might provide over the barnhouse- commonfolk love extra coin to help them carry through poor seasons or whatever it is they’re always begging for. 

Rhaegor was aware of the farmstead long before it came to view, thanks to Freyja soaring ahead. Torin eyed curiously as the hunter’s eyes washed white, before returning to normal as though he’d been briefly possessed. Her brow furrowed momentarily, but shrugged away just as quickly. 

A looming shadow rolled over the hills and creeped across the road as clouds unraveled overhead. Varrick gave a disgruntled hum as light mist began dusting their pelts. Galivair’s ears pinned back, his pace surpassing that of his Haedian companions. A runner amongst pullers made for an easy race, and he wasn’t going to get caught in the storm with them if he had the chance not to.
As the colorful vayron passed Torin and then Rhaegor, neither puller raised questions, but raised their speed by effect. Rhaegor’s bone charms clattered against each other, and Torin’s lantern creaked as they raced the incoming hale. Varrick’s many bags and jewelry clinked and jingled in hurry in a disarrayed melody, while all Eudora gave was the flutter of her fancy garb. Silk soaked in rain, just what she needed. Galivair’s pace was quiet, with only the thudding of his paws on the road drowning with all the others. 

When the turn forked off the road, all six of them took varying turns from rounded angles, sharp kicks, or snake-like twists as hale began pelting onto the ground. Crow was already many paces ahead, his long tail swishing in front of them as he raced down the gravel road to the house. If he can make the best impression, he might persuade himself a place in the house. It wasn’t the biggest homestead, so the people living there had to really be generous to house so many strangers out of the blue.

Thudding over the front porch, he took a deep breath as he looked back at the others. How unfortunate he had to pick up such a party. Grumbling, then fixing his mane hastily, he gave the door a hearty knock. The moment’s wait for a response wasn’t long, but enough for Rhaegor to come lugging up the steps, with Torin, then Varrick, and Galivair in tow. Just as the door opened, Crow fixed his face to a polite smile to face the 40 or so looking woman standing before him.

“My that’s a whole party of you,” she exclaimed at the sight, voice raised over the sound of falling hale. “Don’t reckon you’re here to sell me nothing in such weather. Lost on the road?” 

“I’m afraid we met with some trouble and didn’t see the oncoming storm,” Crow joked, shrugging at his party as though he knew them for longer than mere minutes. “Any chance you have the space for a few, and a few more soaked tired souls?” 

Amidst the conversation, Eudora made her arrival. Her mane was finally out of place, her silk soaked and her expression colder than the falling rain. As she came up the steps of the porch, she pushed past, politely as she could, to reach the door beside Crow. That disgruntled glare had falled quickly to a soft smile and greeting. 

“We’re sorry to drop in so unannounced. I understand this is quite a lot and you only have but so much space inside.” She nodded to the woman who greeted her in turn. “I’d be happy to compensate you for any trouble, for just a moment of warm shelter from this awful weather.” 

Galivair and Varrick were perched at the edge of the porch, the merchant watching the hale pelt his right wing with controlled distaste. The barn wasn’t all so bad of an idea if it meant he’d get out of this rain sooner. These primadonnas and their need for comforts. 

The woman bit her lip in thought, looking more uncertain by the second as her eyes bounced from one head to another. They were all as big as horses, and would track mud all around the home. Torin glanced over Rhaegor’s back to the barn, then back to the woman.

“We can stay in the barn, if that’ll work for you, ma’am.” She interjected Eudora and Crow, both of whom gave her a look of differing emotions. Eudora’s was a controlled cold, which Torin was all too familiar with. While Crow’s was much more well hidden, but there was displeasure in his eyes. 

“It’ll do for us, no need to dirty your floors,” Rhaegor reaffirmed and Eudora spun her head to the woman. 

“These folk are used to the wild much more than myself, I’m afraid. I chill quickly and would greatly appreciate warm indoors.” She gestured to one of her assistants to offer some compensation. A pouch of gold the woman’s brows raised at. “If it wouldn’t be much trouble for you.” Eudora punctuated with a warm smile, and then sighed. 

“Alright, fine,” She shrugged and llooked over to Torin and Rhaegor. “I’m not taking you all inside, I can’t. Two at most.” 

Crow’s eyes widened for a moment, before glancing between Eudora and the woman. “Oh how generous of you,” he bowed his head. “You don’t mind my company for the storm, my lady?” He directed to Eudora with practiced charm, though the lady didn’t take too keenly to it aside from a curt nod for appearances. 

“The rest of you can be in the barn,” the woman gestured off for the party to clear off her porch. “I’ll come lock up after you, I ain’t letting no goose get loose on your expense.” 

Rhaegor nodded firmly, and headed off the porch without any debate. Torin and Varrick followed suit, with the Haedian looking over to Crow, who artfully evaded eye contact. Smirking, Varrick scoffed and followed after the hunter and miner. Galiver took his exit after the woman as she marched with black rain boots over to the barn door. The wooden lever up front twisted with some effort and the door swung open some in the wind. Dead bolt held the other, but it didn’t stop it from banging on the frame.
Rhaegor, Torin, Varrick, and Galivair quickly entered the barn in a single file. The air smelled of hay and livestock, but the air was relatively warm and the ground wasn’t wet. It’ll do for cover from the weather. 

“Alright, you lot get comfortable, don’t touch nothing, and I’ll see you when the storm is done.” The woman hollered over the wind. “And no opening the doors, you hear me?” 

Unison agreements from most, the woman gave them a once over, before closing the door and bolting it. Through long strides she came back to the porch where Eudora and Crow politely waited for her to escort them inside. The house was homey, with the smell of cooking still lingering in the air. The hale pelting the roof was a much nicer sound than the rattle right on the top of your head, so this’ll do just nicely.

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Journey - Eudora/Torin/Crow
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In Purity Trials ・ By HARNI

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♦ Harsh weather shapes the community’s way of life over much of the three continents. Draw your Reoseans facing strong weather conditions - for example sandstorms in Thedale, blizzards/avalanches in Roenden, or hurricanes in Warrenfall. How do they deal with these?

Words 2158
Ingin on Varrick

Submitted By HARNIView Favorites
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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