[Trade] Howling in the Glowing Woods
The flora in Vitalus was not similar to the one in Thedale, Warrenfall or Roenden. In Vitalus, many species glowed day and night, some strongly and some faintly.
For the Haedian Saye, all that was new: having lived in the depth of the Beneath, she had yet to see all the surface.
That day, she was going to visit the forests of Ebrus, with a guide.
The reason was simple: she was going to learn more about the surface, and she was going to gain the favour and admiration of the locals by slaying some dangerous wolves, that had been haunting the poor farmers for the last months.
Those people were starving, their sheep and food stolen by the beasts. Saye couldn't just leave people to suffer: it was wrong and only a coward would have left them to their demise.
So, she got ready: she wore a cape and a simple armour, that covered her chest and legs. It was a nice armour, gifted by other nobles in an attempt to gain her sympathy. The silver shined in the sunlight, when she exited the entrance of the Beneath.
There, there was a guide.
It was a big Empyrian, blind and with a dark coat.
The Empyrian didn't bother saying hi and neither paid respect to the haedian, but Saye was not going to get angry at that: it was easy to see that the other Tyrian wasn't a noble, but rather a mercenary.
“This way.”
She hissed and Saye followed, head high and relaxed shoulders, in a elegant walk.
The Empyrian, who was named Higatami, looked upset at the way Saye answered her passive provocations: she wasn't falling for anything, something that the Empyrian had not expected.
Weren't nobles supposed to be annoying and whiny? Why this one looked that unbothered?
The Empyrian just snorted and lead the way.
The two tyrians walked for hours, until they reached the forest.
Saye could see the high, bluish trees, but could also smell the fire and smoke. Taking charge, the noble Haedian guided the guide towards a small village.
There, she saw a sad scene: people and Reoseans were crying around a pyre, burning some talismans to hope for the soul's safe travel.
A child had died, that night. Snatched from his parents, when he got up from the bed to gather some water to drink from the well.
Saye asked who was the culprit of such a terrible crime, and received only one answer.
“There is a monster that commands the wolves. Some say it's a Reosean, some say it's a human. Please... Make the wolves leave. Kill the head, and the pack will disband. The monster won't have any power without an army.”
Saye could not refuse such a call for help.
The haedian nodded solemnly, then turned towards the empyrian.
They were going to put a end at that suffering, that same day.
Higatami huffed annoyed, saying that it was dangerous: that it was not a simple pack of wolves. But Saye was not going to go back without stopping that madness.
The armour clinked a little as the Haedian walked, ears perked up, listening for any small sounds. Behind her there was Higatami, who walked with a face scrunched up as if she had bitten a lemon.
Then, they heard a howl.
It was distant, but loud and clear. Saye started running, gliding when she could, and at least, she saw them.
A pack of black and gray wolves, that moved as if they were murky waters.
The empyrian slowly moved behind Saye, looking at the beasts. That was not a normal way for wolves to move: they were far too coordinated, as if they were dancing under someone command.
Saye looked at the beast, seeing blood on their maw and paws.
Dried and new, those creatures were covered in it. The Haedian stepped forward, glowing eyes cold as the winter.
“Where is the one who holds power over you?”
The wolves stopped, as if frozen in time. Then, the bigger one walked towards Saye, a unnatural grin on his fangs.
“My my, a shining knight... I wonder if she can stop me!”
Then the wolf charged. It was strengthened by magic, that much was visible: it jumped around with a speed that could rival a thunder, eyes shining blood red.
The beast tried to bit Saye on a leg, but its teeth creaked against the silver, barely scratching the armour. Then it jumped back, and started running around Saye, trying to find a blind spot. It was not easy, as the reosean kept her glowing eyes on it and after a few circles, Saye had enough.
The Haedian snarled, jumping on the beast and with her talons grabbed the wolf by the neck, throwing it on the ground. The beast yelped, then growled as it got up.
In that moment, Higatami stepped in the battle, snapping her fangs near the wolf, missing it for a hair. Saye couldn't let go of such an opportunity, and swiftly slashed the beast with her talons and all her strength, slamming it against a nearby fallen tree.
The wolf trembling got up and smiled wickedly.
“Huh... You win, Haedian. For now, at least...”
Then, the big black wolf fell to the ground, lifeless. The other wolves regained their senses, and terrified, fled.
Saye stood proudly over the dead beast, but in her mind, the work was still not over.
She had a monster to bring down, for the sake of the citizens.
Part 1:
A "monster" takes control of a wolf pack, wreaking avoc in the woods of Ebrus. No one knows who this monster is, if a humanoid or a rosean, but for many they are the Wolves' Master, a cruel puppeteer.
Will the Haedian Saye be able to slay this monster?
Reoseans: Saye 17383 and Higatami 17366
Submitted By Mizuun17
Submitted: 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month ago