A second Chance

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Xe-li - 150 words

The crowd was still in an uproar from what Piers and Vranjad told them as they had explained why they thought stealing from them was okay.

Yet the voices that condemned their actions started to mix with hesitating voices that could understand the two wingless outsiders point of view.

Still a consensus unanimously formed amidst the haedians that had been stolen from- that being that they wanted something as recompense.

"What about us, these are our fish!" is what a disgruntled haedian screamed at Piers and Vranjad from the sidelines.


The conflict was reaching a boiling point and Vranjad knew they had to do something to prevent the worst from happening.

He lowered his head whilst stealthily trying to move closer to Piers so that he could whisper a "What do we do?" to him. It was clear Vranjad would speak up if need be but he valued Piers input.


Felfeyn - 153 words

Piers stood unflinching in the face of the crowd's vitriol, their words washing over him; the only sign of any discomfort was his long ears pinned back against his skull. He understood their concerns, his home region wasn't exactly easy to thrive in and in the winter every bit of food counted... but there was a difference between facing a bit of hunger due to slightly less food, and letting a group of others gradually starve out.

His orange gaze swept over the crowd before speaking.

"Your fish can be replaced, and I certainly wouldn't mind assisting in doing so as I was one who initially took them. I can't speak for my companions, but I'm willing to put my skills to use."

Pausing to take in their reactions, Piers shifted his weight.

"Hunting and trapping are my main survival skillsets, but I am also able to weave rudimentary nets from natural fibres."


Xe-li - 158 words

Vranjad left the stage open for the darkcoated puller whose wellchosen words once again seemed to convince the haedians to put aside their emotions and listen to reason.

The defacto leader as in they hadnt introduced themself as such but had that air around them, of the group of haedians who had been stolen from. "Fine." they said, "You will hunt for us, teach us and help feed my people. That should suffice as punishment."

with it the angered voices in the crowd died down, making place for quiet staring by the upset clan.

They stared expectantly keeping a close eye on Vranjad, Piers and Cailu who the latter had tried to stay a bit in the background.


Vranjad agreed to the proposed compensation by confirming what the haedian had said.


"We wouldnt dare to disappoint you, your kindness is not misplaced. I thank you wholeheartedly." offered the grapecolored Runner with a polite if maybe too formal bow.


Felfeyn - 251 words

Piers nodded, bowing his head briefly to the unnamed haedian leading the newcomers.

"Thank you for your understanding, and granting up this chance to make it right."

He glanced over at Vranjad, amber meeting amber, and then Cailu before refocusing back on the crowd around them.

"I have no issue teaching anyone interested in learning, obligated or not," he gestured in the direction of the lake they'd visited previously with a jerk of his head, "anyone interested in learning, please follow me. We'll gather materials for traps and I'll demonstrate different techniques along the way."

As he turned to make his way towards the forest, Piers brushed his stocky shoulders up against Vranjad's leaner frame in a way he hoped was reassuring before continuing on, trusting his companions to have his back.

The group made good progress through the dense wood despite moving slowly to allow everyone to gather a variety of vines, sticks, branches and long grasses. Piers had set the pace, pausing periodically to teach the haedians how to weave the grasses together into a rough but durable length of cordage and then how to rig up various simple and more elaborate traps, as well as the best locations to place said traps.

The Forgotten members had gradually broken away as they ventured nearer the other clan's territory, only a few of the braver ones continuing to follow and keep watch on their wingless visitors. Their guard up but the possibility of more options for food drove them onwards.


Xe-li - 126 words

Vranjad breathed a sigh of relief as Piers took charge and dealt with the angry crowd. Surely he didnt mind to do it himself but normally when faced with danger he'd run before he could think twice about it.

He had walked next to Piers back to the lake under the watchful eyes of the Haedians and once there had taken great care to learn how Piers was crafting said traps too to repeat the steps to any haedian who was confused by the process.

Soon Piers had crafted enough traps with Vranjads additions to the trap pile looking clearly more amateur.

Soon the traps were set and scattered, now all they had to do is wait and see if their efforts had indeed paid off. 

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A second Chance
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In Storyline Events ・ By Xe-Li, FelFeyn

Another Collaboration between Felfeyn and me for the Prompts around the Forgotten Clan! 

WC=  838 words


Option 1:

The clan seems to calm down considerably after you explain the difficult position of the Forgotten clan.

Draw or write your Reosean trying to find a peaceful solution to their previous transgression. This may look like giving back the stolen goods, cleaning up the prank, or trying to make up for your crimes in some other way.


Featured Reoseans:



Submitted By Xe-Li for HAEDIAN EVENT: Clan Prompt Submission
Submitted: 7 months agoLast Updated: 7 months ago

Xe-Li: Roleplay Participant
FelFeyn: Roleplay Participant
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