First flight

In Training ・ By KirinYasha
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  “Come on, Carrot, it will be fine!” Karneol looked up at her blue companion, bathed in the warm afternoon light, and scrunched her nose, trying her best to make an annoyed expression, but seeing how much higher he was quickly put fear back on her snout. She looked down at the crate she just barely managed to jump onto.
  “Stop calling me that…” She mumbled, still looking down.
  “But you look like one,” said the blue tyrian, confused at his friend's request.
  Enough was enough. Anger rose in the chest of the orange reosan and she forgot all about the scary height that Nite convinced her to climb with him.
  “I am not a vegetable!” She snarled and jumped up, desperately flapping her still small wings so that she could punish that stupid empyrian. Quickly enough she realised her mistake, as she started falling down and panic filled her anew. Flutter of her wings became more uneven as she tried with all her might to defy gravity.

  Kyanite, seeing the distress of his friend, jumped down to crates below him, screaming ginger's name. He was just in time to have his jaw clamp dawn on Karneol's long mane. Despite her cries of pain, blue tyrian pulled hard, finally, after what felt like hours, managing to bring Carrot onto the crate he was sitting on. He spat out her hair and grimaced when some of it still remained in his mouth. She laid down on the crate curling into a ball rubbing her sore neck and panting.
  “Are you okay?” Karneol looked up at Kyanite, looking offended by that question.
  “Thanks to you I am not!” She spat and got back up slightly growling.
  “But I only wanted to help! You were falling!”
  “That's your fault too!”
  “I'm sorry I didn't know what else to do!” At his words Karneol only turned to the side, showing him that she was mad.
  Kyanite scratched his head sheepishly, looking down. 
  “But hey look you did make that big jump after all! I bet that if we climb to the top of this house you'd be able to fly to the next one no problem!” He said after a moment passed.      Despite the fact that Karneol nearly fell down that few meters he was very proud to see his friend jump over the gap he braved first. Kar was smaller than him after all and still struggled very much with anything flight related.

  Hearing this orange empyrian finally turned to her companion and then looked down at the crate she jumped from. She then turned her head to where Kyanite was sitting before. It was more to the right than this crate and she only turned to the left when she started falling. It seemed like if she only aimed for this place from the beginning she probably would have made it. She looked down on the ground below, she felt the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach again and at that she shook her head. She made it! She won't let her fears control her. And on top of that if he can make a jump like that, so can she. They are the same age and there is absolutely no reason for her to be worse at flying than him!
  “Well of course I'd be able to! Let's hurry up, I am getting hungry and we might as well look for something to catch while we are up there”
  “Ohhh, good idea!” Kyanite nodded his head eagerly and followed his companion up the few small crates.

  When Karneol finally stepped down on the roof she took a moment to observe the street from up above.

  White walls she remembered were almost non-existent from this view, only the slate rooftops remained, sprinkled with chimneys puffing out grey clouds of smoke. Not to mention all the space that she never got to experience in the crowded sidewalks. She never was that high before and now she regretted not trying this earlier, despite Nite's repeated nagging. It really was far easier to look for food from here, not to mention the lack of other creatures she had to dodge daily in a crowded walkway. She turned her head to the right just as a small breeze blew past and she smiled, feeling the excitement building deep within her. A primal urge to feel the wind under her wings, to be one with the skies above.

  While Kar was looking around the roof Kyanite walked over to the edge of the roof that was the closest to another building. He was here a few times already and found that the majority of the rooftops here are close enough to allow a relatively safe crossing, but he never explored far, always trying to persuade his orange friend to come and experience this with him.

  “Come on!” He called. “Let's go this way!” And with that he jumped and flapped his wings, spreading them as much as he could afterwards,to glide to the other side, where he landed safely.
  He waited patiently for Karneol, who seemed to hesitate for a moment before she, too, made the jump. For a moment he feared she wouldn't make it and was ready to jump after her to help, but she managed to flap her wings at the right time and landed, hitting the gutter of the roof only with her club-like tail.
  After making sure she is alright he leads them to another rooftop. This time, when he was standing at the edge he tried going higher and staying in the air for longer, and he managed to land on the chimney, while Kar landed lower, this time without any additional hiccups. And so they went forth, going higher and further with each jump, each one filled with joy at the feeling of soaring in the air. After some time they arrived at a building standing right next to a town's square. Here in the light of the setting sun, they could see other tyrians, flying above the city and both of them sat there observing their cousins dance among the clouds.

  That was until Karneol got closer to the edge and started observing buildings on the other side of the square more intently.
  “What are you doing?” He asked, confused by fish friend's odd behavior.
  “We are made to fly, nor jump from roof to roof, Nite. I am going to fly.”
  “Are you sure it's a good idea? All the others say that we must first learn to jump…”
  “I know what they say but I don't care.” And at that she jumped.
  “Hey, wait!” and so he joined her too, flapping wings and steading the tail. 

  Nite watched her as she climbed higher in the air with confidence she lacked just a short time ago and smiled, following her swiftly. Together they flew over the whole square but to his surprise, Karneol started turning rather than preparing to land. Signs of fatigue were starting to show on her face as she looked straight ahead, focused on staying airborne. He too started to feel his arms and legs ache from the excessive workout they were put through today, but he followed after her still, not wanting to leave Kar alone.

  After completing a full circle she was starting to breath heavily and so she finally let up and landed on the nearby roof, laying down to give rest to her sore limbs. Kyanite landed next to her, seemingly as tired as she was, but just as her, he was smiling. 
  “You were the first to glide, but I was the first to fly!” she chuckled, pride filling her to the very tips of her wings. Kyanite joined her in laughter, and looked at the first stars in the sky.
  They rested there that night and both dreamt of dancing in the skies above.

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First flight
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In Training ・ By KirinYasha

Training for my two beans Kyanite and Karneol
First time writing up that much and maybe thrid time writing in total so I hope it's not all bad.

Prompt: Rank 1  Tyrian exclusive
Word count: 1324

Submitted By KirinYasha
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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